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Posts posted by MyBeautifulChineseDoll

  1. You almost never use facts in your posts regarding football, why should others be held to a higher standard? j/k

    But seriously, when is my order of General Tso chicken going to ready for pickup?

    That's the type of response that i figured.Always laced with racism.Some things never change.

    P.S.Yes,i always try to post actual facts when it comes to football.Unless its just an opinion type statement.

  2. You should try learning actual facts about countries(asian/china) and their government laws before posting gibberish.I live here,and they have more actual freedom than americans.I can say/do whatever i want in public without fear of anything.Its funny that the majority of americans that make accusations about asian/china are the very same ones that probably never left their state,let alone their country.

  3. He him-hawed the whole thing. I listened to it. He didn't say we were taking a QB, only that it's been a consideration for a few years. He also kept using Luck and Griffin in the same breath, despite ESPN's attempt to focus on Luck.

    In other words, this was a whole lot of nothing.

    I'm always amazed that the 'subtle art' is lost on our modern culture/society.People listen to him(irsay)tweet and talk about how he's going to draft luck NO MATTER WHAT.Of course he's going to say this.What else is he going to say.He's a business man...plan and simple.If he declares(i really wish he would,just to silence all the sheep's voices) that his intention is to trade the pick,then he'll get an lowball offer from interested teams.Thus WE LOSE come draft day.I think the majority of the NFL fanbase today has no clue whatsoever.We've(you,myself and others) tried to explain(smokescreen to drive the value of the pick higher) this situation many times before.But even the giant CRAYOLA CRAYON approach loses them along the way.This is my last attempt to explain it.I don't know about you,but in the words of 'John coffey':"i'm tired boss...dead tired".

  4. You don't have to crown them beacuse they are wearing the crown at the moment.

    We'll see what happens next year but if you don't think the Texans are a threat to the Colts next year even with Manning you are going to be one of the very few who feels that way.

    I predict they'll implode(texans).They'll go 7-9 and we'll win the division again(if we have manning).But i like a competitive devision,because it forces us to play every game and not rest starters near playoff time,which is a death sentence(we see examples every year).

  5. Minus the last two times we went down there and they beat us up pretty bad...

    Look you can try to argue however you would like that this year didn't happen or as you said doesn't count but it did happen and it does count and the fact the Texans won the AFC South and were in the running for homefield in the playoffs till the last two weeks of the seaosn and won a home playoff game and gave the Ravens everything could want with their top two QBs on IR, Mario Williams on IR, and Andre Johnson and Foster missing big chunks of the season is impressive. It would be foolish to not view the Texans as a threat. There are already people saying if they come back fully healthy next year they are the team to beat in the AFC next year. That's a good football team they have down there even if Peyton Manning does come back here next year they are going to be the favorites going in in the AFC South.

    Coulda'...shoulda' and woulda' don't count.They(texans)still got beat by the ravens in the playoffs(every team suffers injuries).They lost their chance at homefield advantage because they got beat by our very own horrible scrub team this year.They were actually trying to beat us,but still lost(without manning).Let's see if they can take the south from the colts with a manning lead team.I'm not ready to crown them(texans)just yet.

    P.S.Williams suffered a nasty injury,and there's no promised he'll still be a threat.Let's see how things shakeout first.

  6. We can all laugh at Chinadoll all we want but I remember the boards not taking the Texans all that seriously (majority)in the past. To be honest, with Peyton Manning, I was never worried about the big bad Texans. Heck we beat them once this season. They have some very good players but again for some reason they don't scare me. I have a feeling they may implode before they figure it out. JMO.

    Laughing with~.Did i miss something?!Since WHEN did the texans become a viable threat to us?We've been beating the crap out-of-them since they came into the league!I think its the media(eagar for our fall) and desperate attempts from fans(texan fans)to pat themselves on the back.Yes,i'm sure the texans may eventually win(i don't count this year for them) the south...once manning retires(just hope that's later rather than sooner).

  7. Nope. They still steal signals like every team. Just with pen and pad is all.

    Boy,that must be tough!Since their scout members can no longer followe people(ex;warner)into the JOHN with cameras.They must be working super hard these days trying to figure out a new way to cheat.I keep thinking of the music video by 'JANE'S ADDICTION'>>>'BEEN CAUGHT STEALIN'.I wonder if 'BB' did that in opposing team clubhouses.The only difference instead of stealing pineapple's its signals and playbooks.

  8. I wasn't speaking to what Irsay and Grigson are thinking or planning.

    I was kind of just picking up on the idea that a lot of people are expressing, that Manning might want to leave because we got rid of Polian and Caldwell. Your post kind of had a similar tone, but like you said, he has a lot more to worry about than having a new coach and GM. He's got to get healthy and get back on the field, and nothing else really matters. It would make zero sense for him to want to leave.

    Back to Grigson and Irsay, I prefer to assume that they aren't thinking about Manning's issues until they get some information about whether he's ready to play or not. Then I think they'll get on about whether to pick up his option or try to get him to restructure. I figure it's one of those two, and it makes no sense to try to figure it out until they have more information. I really hope we keep Manning. I hope he's able to keep playing, and I hope he retires as a Colt. That said, Irsay is going to do what he thinks is best. Can't worry about that for the next two months without driving myself crazy.

    I think grigson will have no say whatsoever in deciding peyton's future or if we pick-up his option.I think that responsibility is entirely jim irsay's.But like you said,...we'll know soon enough,so no sense in worrying about it now.

    I can't help it!I must ask!You're the one and only superman,right?!I have a couple of questions for you,may i?Do you sleep in LUCK pajama's at night?Do you have LUCK'S poster on your wall?HAHAHAHAHA!


  9. I watched that movie about 50 times. Not because it was good. Because of that all-to-short scene with Lea Thompson in her undies.........oh man! I gotta go comb my hair....brb.

    I was thinking the same thing!lol!But i was afraid to post it,because of my current VILLIAN status.I especially love the schene where she's going through his wallet:"Ohhhhhhhh hhhhhooowwaarrddd".HAHAHA!I wish that i lived with that band in a tiny studio apartment!>>>>>(^____*)!!!

  10. most years i am so bummed after the colts get beat that i barely want to watch the rest of it. it's refreshing to be able to sit back, relax & enjoy the spectacle.

    there is also the fact the big game is here in indianapolis. my civic pride has heightened my interest

    my only dog in the fight (intentional vick reference) is hoping the pats lose, but it's not like i am desparate for it. i can be hateful, but not that hateful. i know some patriots fans will read this and take offense to my comments. they are all snipey & on edge because they are worried about sunday, which is exactly my point

    the only people who want the patriots to win are patriot fans. face it, everyone hates you. that's the price of success and having a coach that resemle the dark overlord

    Wow!How many people have seen that movie(HOWARD THE DUCK)?!That's where you got that "dark overlord" thing from,right?In many ways 'BB' is similiar to howard...well,at least stature wise he is.

  11. If Manning's back we're the top dogs in the AFC South, they need to focus on beating us.

    The Texans, for years, have been given way more credit then they deserve. I worry about Tennessee more.

    You're much more insightful than 95% of any other poster on here.I'm also thrilled that your grammar and creative writing style is very good!Keep it up!

    P.S.Exactly right!

  12. The new and updated if you were the GM (Grigson). Now that we know the search for the next head coach is on, depending on the health (which is improving) and who the next head coach is, will determine if Peyton will be part of the Indy Colts next season, otherwise, they would have completely cleaned house. I still am a firm believer in trading down, as I see plenty of talented prospects coming out now and in the future, especially with a Healthy Manning returning next season.

    The Colts should be looking for a defensive minded head coach, especially if they are going to pursue another Lombardi with Manning. The candidate if have been clamoring for, who demands more from his players, runs a 4-3 and would transition well here, allowing Manning to run the offense, is Mike Zimmer!

    Cap savings and options for the Colts going into next season, while keeping a healthy Manning in Indy and trading the Luck pick. There are options out there, to rebuild and compete for a SB, while keeping Manning in Indy. First and foremost Manning has to be healthy. I think he will reach 100% before the season starts March 8th. Then there is the question of what to do with all the free agents the Colts have, how to pay for all the rookies, including extra ones from a trade down.

    Here is my plan:

    •Trade the number one overall pick, get the largest possible bounty of value from the highest bidder, whether that is all draft picks or a combination of picks and players.

    •Make the selections or get players in positions of need for the Colts. Ideally think defensively the Colts need another CB, WLB, a true impact NT, an impact SS, and a possible DE for the future. Then later in the draft acquire a Guard or two, a Center, maybe another Receiver of later value.

    •Decide what to do with our own. Mathis can sign the franchise tag for $11 million, or he could sign a multi-year deal, somewhere around $7-9 million, for the next 3-5 years. Freeney could have his contract reworked and extended for 3 years as well. He could earn the same amount of money and represent a contract savings of $9 million to be freed up. This would account for roughly $19 million dollars against the cap on the DE position by resigning Mathis and mainly reworking Freeney’s contract! (Freeney $10, Mathis $9)

    •Then there is the wide receiver position. Wayne, Garcon, and Gonzaelz are all options going into next season. It would make sense to keep all of them around with Manning returning. Wayne could get a slight pay raise, on a 3 year contract worth $21 million, which is $7 million against the cap, compared to his previous $5. Wayne would probably want $9.. Garcon would also have to get a pay raise and could sign a three year contract worth $12 million ($4 million dollar cap hit). He would probably want around $5.. Gonzalez could be resigned for a veteran minimum contract for one year, if he can prove he is healthy. Between the three we are talking about $12-15 million against the cap, depending on how selfish they really get.

    •With Manning, the DE’s, and the WR’s, that’s 17(PM)+9(RM)+11(DF)+7-9(RW)+3-5(PG)+1(AG)= $49-52 million there. Keep in mind these are the positions the Colts need if they are going to keep Manning and make a Super Bowl run. The drafted Rookies account for about $10 Million against the cap, that’s $59-62 million. Certainly if Wayne, Garcon, or Mathis get too high, I could see one of them not being retained even with Manning, more so with Wayne and Mathis, and replacements could be drafted.

    Now this is where my inner GM kicks in and I begin to make some sensible, realistic decisions. I would start with bringing my own free agents back, and seeing what cap room was left to pursue anyone who could make an impact on the team. I know chemistry is important for Manning and I would try to bring back Wayne, Garcon, and Gonzo. I would spend a max of $7 million on Wayne, a max of $5 million on Garcon, and a max of $700k (veteran minimum) on Gonzo. This is $13 million on these three, which I think the Colts could live with, but would ideally want lower.

    2012 Cap Hit:

    Peyton Manning 17, Dwight Freeney 10, Robert Mathis 9, Reggie Wayne 7,

    Bethea 7, Garcon 5.

    This means Brackett, Bullitt, Collins, Painter, Snow, Moala, Diles, Brown and Hughes are all cut for current and future contract savings.

    That’s $55 Million thus far on the high contract figures on the Colts Roster, re-working and signing the rest of the players to appropriate deals and dead money will result in another $50-65 Million or so, rookies will account for almost $10 Million, giving the Colts a maximum of $5-10 Million to use in free agency.

    They don’t need to be the dream team, just a few appropriate signings to improve the team. Whatever the Colts cannot address through the draft should be targeted in free agency. Reasonable, quality signings!

    The next option is how to use the contract exemption in 2012 to save some money, the NFL permits three players to have their contracts exempt to increase roster space, there are several ideal candidates for this very move, Clarke, Addai, Brackett, Bullitt. Financially it makes more sense do use the exemption then outright cut some of these players. If the Colts were to cut three of these players before June 1st the savings wouldn’t kick in as much until 2013 and 2014; however using the exemption after June 1st would allow the Colts to split the savings between the 2012 and 2013 so the money would be balanced, instead of $3.2 in 2012 and $24 Million in 2013, it could be roughly $10 in 2012 and $11 in 2013. With Brackett, Clarke, Addai (Contract Exemptions), Bullit, Moala, Snow, Hughes, Brown all cut to free up cap space.

    As far as the draft goes, I mentioned I would look to trade the pick. Ideal candidate would be with Cleveland. All picks 1-4 this year (6 total) and their first and second next year.

    Round One (4)- Morris Claiborne CB

    Round Two (22)- Mark Barron SS

    Round Two (34 )- Brandon Thompson or Best Available NT

    Round Two (36)- Zach Brown WLB

    Round Three (65)- LaMichael James RB

    Round Three (68)- Orsen Charles TE

    Round Four- Leonard Johnson CB

    Round Four- Amini Silatolu LG

    Round Four- Josh Chapman NT

    Round Five- Brock Osweller QB

    Round Five (Compensatory)- Ryan Broyles WR

    Round Six- Jacquies Smith or Donta Paige-Moss DE

    Round Seven- Jaymes Brooks or Best Available RG

    Round Seven (Compensatory)- Terrance Ganaway RB

    Line Up:

    QB: Manning, Osweller

    RB: LaMichael James, Ganaway, Carter

    TE: Charles, Tamme

    WR: Wayne, Garcon, Collie, Gonzo, Broyles

    O Line: Castonzo LT, Silatolu LG, Saturday C, Brooks RG, Ijalana RT

    D Line: Freeney, Thompson, Nevis, Mathis (Reserves- Paige-Moss or Smith, Mookie, Chapman, Anderson, Addison)

    LB: Zach Brown WLB, Angerer MLB, Conner SLB (Reserves- Sims, Wheeler)

    CB: Claiborne, Powers, Johnson (Reserves- Thomas, Rucker, Lacey)

    SS: Barron, Winston Guy Jr. (UFA)

    FS: Bethea, Lefeged

    Nice work!I would be happy with that.You always put alot of thought into all of your ideas.I appreciate that.I'm currently reworking my mock draft as well.I'm excited that our comp picks are so high(much higher than i thought).

  13. Our awful team went 1-1 against them this year. Manning rarely had trouble beating them, and he'll be back next year, at the healthiest he's been in 4 years. I'm not too worried about the Texans. But yes, they are better than before.

    Thank god you're here DQ!We need some logical insight in these troubled times.Now they're trying to talk about texan dominance and how they own us.LOL!My belly is still itchy from rolling around on the floor laughing!LOL!

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