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Posts posted by rabidfan77

  1. On 3/12/2017 at 11:13 AM, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

    If you actually read between the lines last year you could see that Doyle was putting it together actually. I for one could tell he'd be a solid player and easily starting caliber with a QB like Andrew Luck to boost his level of play. 

    Yes, but "prior" means BEFORE, and Austin made a great point in 2015 would you have been ok if someone told you Doyle would be the starting TE in 2017 because I know I'd have a huge problem with that considering who we drafted in 2012 taking up all of Doyle's playing time. Doyle was just a blocking TE his first few years, last year he proved he can do more than just block. But in 2015 he was a blocking TE that rarely got looks from Luck when he was on the field. 

  2. On 12/11/2016 at 7:10 PM, lennymoore24 said:

    I think at least at coach, only if an obvious upgrade is available  I think he would bring in Jim Harbaugh if he could get him.  But to get someone else's assistant is just a roll of the dice.

    Maybe McDaniel's in NE, but I get nightmares of how he butchered Den's roster by chasing away top talent when he was their coach. But the prospect of Luck running a NE type (short passing game) offense would help ease the pressure on the Oline and I feel we have the WR's to run McDaniel's scheme.



  3. 3 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

    I am sad to hear of this news. Till more details come out it is hard to comprehend exactly what happened. Was it simply a case of a cheap gun or a safety matter? It is not common for a gun to just go off without some sort of safety measure not be taken.

    It depends on the age of the gun most newer firearms have safety features, but older guns don't I have a 1930's rifle that is NEVER loaded when I'm not at the range. One could easily shoot themselves accidentally with my rifle. But RIP to Mr. Zurlon Tipton he is gone too soon my heart goes out to his family this is so sad.

  4. grigson is really not scared to admit defeat

    It's what I've come to admire most about Grigson especially after the unnecessary stubbornness of the Polian era. Grigson may not be the best GM, but he's a good talent evaluator (some before signing, some after signing haha) and he setup all the contracts from his 2013 spending spree with this exact move in mind. None of the guys Indy picked up in 2013 were superstars they were all just upgrades from the players we had on the 2012 squad (although that wasn't a high bar to hit to begin with). As Grigson got more money he has made it a habit to upgrade the team each year in free agency, obviously Luck's next contract changes that strategy, but at that time the salary cap would have increased to help absorb some of the blow from Luck's massive contract and Indy well continue to sign free agents.    

  5. Let um jump NCF. It seems it's always the same ones who have a problem with everything the Colts do. I really wonder if they are really Colt fans in the first place.

    Preach , I can only take this "fan board" in small doses during the off-season because consistently over-reacting is what the "fans" on this board do the most haha.

  6. I think his points are valid when you look at production in the post-season and in big games. Many people are still waiting for Luck to have that big breakthrough win vs a top tier team in a big game and it has not happened yet. Same for Dalton. I do think if the Colts win this game and get to play Denver that Luck has a great chance to get that signature win over Manning given the way the he is playing right now.

    Never thought I'd agree with a Pats fan on the Colts fan forum haha...but your definitely right...In my colts fan delusional scenario for the playoffs.


    Indy beats Cin

    Ravens beat Pit

    Indy gets Denver and wins

    Ravens beat Pats

    Indy beats Ravens at home

    Indy wins the AFC championship

    And then it stops because Dal (run game), Seahawks (Lynch), or Packers (Rodgers)

    is waiting for us in the SB for a 80% chance loss


    But like I said Delusions haha...Indy should beat Cin (becuz of Dalton) and then who knows, but Pit's Bell injury inspired my delusions becuz Ravens could beat Pit if Pit doesn't have Bell on the field (that man is a monster all-round rb). And Peyton is playing hurt or old (maybe the effects of the neck surgeries?), but whatever it is this Peyton looks beatable. Belichick scares me because of the two 42 pt dumps he laid on Indy and both times while not really letting Brady throw, but a lot of things have to play out for us to find out this yr.


    As far as NE I think Pit, Bal, and even Den would all have chances to beat NE although with a defense in NE now it would be hard to do...Rodgers barely did it and had to use his 3 and 4th targets to do it becuz the mad scientist is back haha    

  7. I like Kurt Warner, but I'm not overjoyed at Luck being ranked #1 on his list. It's not a knock on Andrew's play on the field. It's more of a desire to not be the guy or the QB at the top. 


    Yes, it means that a future HOF QB who played for St. Louis & AZ thinks highly of you singing your praises. But lowered expectations vs elite expectations during only Luck's 3rd year makes me feel more comfortable because it gives a QB more room to grow & improve. 


    Yeah I know, it's just 5 spots & 1 NFL analysts list. I appreciate the love for Andrew from another elite QB himself. However, I don't wanna raise the bar too high on Luck as a fan myself. It's only year 3 not year 8. I prefer a patient & measured approach like a work in progress vs a finished product right here; right now. 

    Yeah, but Luck isn't playing like a work in progress although we know he still has quite a few things to clean up before we can confidently say he's number 1 overall, but if you look at the man's body of work 8 out of 9 games 300+ passing yards with 7 straight games (colts record) and 7 out of 9 games with at least 3 total td's it's hard to argue he isn't number 1 (obviously the turnovers stand out), but Luck's got more good than bad at this point.   

  8. This kid is the best quarterback in the league, period.


    I don't care what any other QB does now, I am sold on Luck as the #1, and no one is about to persuade my opinion to differ.



    Forget everyone else, just WOW. From what I have seen, this kid is amazing. He's an old school quarterback that I grew up watching, reminds me so much of my two favorites, Favre (in his prime) and Moon.


    If any QB deserves a Super Bowl in this league today, it's totally Andrew Luck, and he's only been in the league 3 years, yet totally deserves it. I am blown away with how well this kid plays! GO LUCK!

    First off remove your pic under your post...I don't care if it's Manning or not that SB loss still stings...second the media almost crowns Manning, Brady, or Rodgers as MVP...because of his int's which is stupid imo Luck won't get the MVP he deserves but as long as he gets SB MVP ill be happy haha

  9. I don't know. Bengals are a good team and played well without AJ Green. 

    Ya, but the Panther's defense is horrible this yr and I don't see dalton being able to keep up with Luck...if cam put up over 30pts with one good wr and te in their home stadium Cincy's defense doesn't stand a chance (especially if Green is out again next week) against Indy.

  10. We've already played the Eagles.  Did you mean someone else there?


    Nevermind I just figured out this is an old post from you before we actually played the Eagles.

    Don't feel to bad I thought the same thing until I saw the date of the post haha 

  11. what has player A done to prove hes better then player B. I understand im not in the colts faculty and I dont have insider information on what pagano and his staff sees that makes harrison our best option at C, but when you lose your job abruptly not because of play or injury then something is up 

    You just answered your own question and clearly pagano is not saying he's been asked several times by the media and refuses to answer the question so you might as well move on and get use to harrison at center.

  12. Dude that is football 101... they burn timeouts and you kick field goal and go up by 10.. running the ball gets you exactly what we got.. a chance to botch a handoff or fumble.. if you really think you run the ball there you know nothing about game management football

    I remember Indy blocking the FG in the Seattle game last year to get the spark that turned the tide in that game...FG attempts aren't automatic "You play to win" teams that play not to lose typically end up losing games...So question if Bal blocks the FG and runs it back you would be crying about why they didn't trying to score haha...some people know NOTHING about football you have clearly shown that, just relax and watch the games... on a side note I really hope you don't coach football at any level EVER haha

  13. You're completely wrong about the Mathis situation. Since he was injured while on suspension, it is considered a non-football injury, thus giving the Colts the option to not pay him. In fact, he was placed on the reserve/non-injured list (not IR) because of how the injury happened. The Colts are doing RM a solid by paying him (and seems appropriate to me) when they don't have to. 

    It depends on the terms of the contract (which idk) but if Mathis has an injury guarantee in his contract (which is likely for an elite pass rusher) he still gets paid regardless of how the injury happened. 

  14. The colts didn't have to pay him. They chose to

    Your assuming that Mathis (an elite pass rusher) didn't have an injury guarantee in his contract (which is highly unlikely) so no Indy didn't pay him out of the kindness of their hearts...fans forget that football is a business if teams could get away with not playing injuried players they do it/ have done it, which is why elite players negotiate injury and sometime skill guarantees (if skill level drops and the team cuts the player the player still gets paid) in their contracts...now without seeing the terms of Mathis contract (which I haven't) I can't say for sure whether or not his salary was injury or skill guaranteed but its a pretty safe bet it was.

  15. Does the injured reserve/non-football injury tag give the colts the right not to pay mathis his salary for this season??

    If that's true, maybe they agreed just to move his existing contract to the future?

    I hope someone understands what i'm trying to ask, i don't know how to formulate what i'm thinking here..

    Players have injury guarantees in their contracts, Mathis will get his full $6 million salary this yr, only a suspension can trigger a loss of salary...injuries are a HUGE part of football so the contracts are always honored as they should be...idk if you remember bob sanders, but he always collected his paycheck regardless of how much time he spent in the trainers room ( a whole lot haha...glass bob we called him amazing safety just couldn't stay healthy)

  16. The Colts felt obligated due to the fact he was put on the non-football injury list.  No money this year......


    Yes he will be hungry!!

    Mathis will get his full $6 million salary for this yr (players don't lose their salary for injuries only suspensions trigger a loss of salary) Peyton was paid his full salary in 2011 as well, but Mathis will still be hungry 

  17. "Crybabies." I like that even better than "whiners." That's what we are. Everything should be sunshine and roses and we shouldn't be allowed voice our frustrations on a message board or have an opinion that differs from the outright positive. Got it.


    PS- God that would be boring.

    There's nothing wrong with having an opinion, but crying about firing a HC in his 3rd year with playoff berths both years (yes I know only 1 season counts becuz coach P was out most of his rookie yr) is crazy. Expecting Luck to already be great (in his 3rd year) does come across as crying (btw playing in the nfl isn't easy it takes time to become great haha) it takes a few yrs for qb's to really figure out how to play the position and learn how to attack a defense. And same with OC, pep is not great I think ANYONE could say that, but just like players grow so do coordinators (he's only in his 2nd yr with this team) year 3 is when the heat really gets turned up on coordinators unless they bomb and their side of the ball falls apart, then it happens sooner. If Indy was below .500 the last two years you'd have point and I would agree with you, but when their 11-5 two yrs in a row after going 2-14 in 2011 (and replacing over 70% of the roster from 2011) I tend to cut the organization some slack haha. It takes time for a team of largely new faces ( to gel and learn how to play together especially when this is only the 2nd yr of the same offensive system and 3rd of the same defensive scheme. Just becuz Luck played in this system in college doesn't mean the rest of the players don't need time to get comfortable in the offense. Same goes for the defense.


    Oh and as far as Grigson goes, "he has executed 16 trades, signed 17 unrestricted free agents from other teams and selected 22 players in the NFL Draft. In his first season, Grigson completed more than 250 transactions to fortify the roster, and to date has made more than 500 transactions" so I don't think he sittin on the sidelines and not doing EVERYTHING possible to upgrade this roster.

  18. So let me get this right. Fire the coach who just won a division title? Helped rebuild a 2-14 team to two 11-5 record team that advanced last season to a playoff win. Fire the head coach who for the first time lost back to back games after playing two of the top teams in the NFL. This is a joke? right? You cant be serious. Never have I witnessed such a bunch of crying and whining fans in any forum. Always seeing nothing but negative while completely overlooking anything positive.

    That's what the crybaby colts fans alway do on this forum...thats why I take LONG breaks from this forum too many impatient fans....Pagano is already suppose to be a SB champion, Luck is already suppose to be the best qb, and Grigson is suppose to talk teams into giving up an elite pass rusher without spending more than 1 draft pick in a trade...this forum is horrible you'd think we were raiders or browns fans...at least they have a reason to complain we're actually a pretty lucky franchise all things considered haha

  19. Granted but something needs to be done unless we are contempt on rolling with werner as our pass rusher. Which didn't look good vs denver. Granted Clady is one of the best.

    You just said it tho "Clady is one of the best" and we're not going to face an elite qb each week...we'll get back to the playoffs, but its a death blow to any chance of a Super Bowl (if Luck doesn't really raise his level of play this yr and get the offense avg 30 ppg), because against the elite qb's we were gonna need Mathis's production...I was at the game last night in Den the pass rush is actually decent and our run defense was looking stout (haven't checked the stats yet), but to get passed Den and Ne we needed Mathis

  20. We'll have to disagree. We have a poor defense, a poor offensive line and a starting running back who was probably the Colt's worst trade in the past 20 years. The receivers have talent but much of the hope with that group rests on Reggie's aging shoulders. Without Luck we'd be a 2-14 team again and both Grigson and Pagano would be on the hot seat.

    Your right we'll have to disagree haha...if you read what I wrote I said Indy would be worst without Luck, but still on the right path...to expect a Superbowl caliber team 3 years after going 2-14 you clearly made my point about impatient colts fans haha...it's crazy to put a coach and GM going into JUST their 3 year on the hot seat when they inherited a 2-14 team haha rebuilding takes years not just 1 year haha. But lucky that's a moot point because of Andrew and we can expect to at least get closer to a Superbowl this year. Go COLTS

  21. Yes, hindsight is a nice thing we all poses now.And yes there are fans who disagreed with Polian's way of building things, but certainly no one was calling for him to be fired. Also the defense you are describing is Duny's philosophy not Polian's. Many forget Bill didn't want to hire Tony, but Irsay forced the situation. The Colts weren't bend don't break went Vic Fangio was the DC.


    What ultimately cost Polian his job was the Colts continued success. We won 10 games a season in 11 of 13 years. It's hard to continue success when you are basically missing out on the first round in the draft. There isn't that much of a gap between the bottom round 1 talent and beginning of round 2. Colts were constantly drafting around spot 26. Then if what most people say is true most of the 2008-2010 drafting was done by Chris not Bill. And those years were bad, B-A-D.


    But Bill took back over in 2011, and he almost pulled the trigger on Dalton. And while yes if the Colts had better success in the drafts years prior they could have been better. But all of those picks would have to work out collectively while Dalton would have been a single pick that could have saved the 2011 season. Maybe not a winning season, and maybe only 7-9, but that isn't a 2-14 season. And without the 2-14 season Polian is the Colts GM today. That's why he regrets it, and he has every right to.

    Then explain the Patriots, Ravens (pre-Ray Lewis retirement), 49ers, and Packers all picked at the bottom of the first half over multiple years, yet still fielded overall good teams (yes I know the pats def has sucked for about 3 years). You can pick at the bottom and still field a good team, Chris Polian's impending promotion is what really cost a soon to retire Bill his job and the lack of overall depth on the Colts. The lack of depth falls squarely at Bill's feet the 2011 team was god-awful and only 2 years removed from going to the superbowl. Peyton's absence exposed a terrible team and Irsay choose to stop ignoring it, while fans weren't calling for Bill's job that is more a product of Peyton's play (after 2003 i think) Indy didn't lose more than 5 games in a year so on paper Indy was good. But on the field everyone saw the holes on this team even if they ignored them.


    And of course without the 2-14 season Polian would probably be completing his transition of power over to Chris and about to go into retirement after this year. But thankfully he didn't draft Dalton so we don't have to find out how terrible of a GM Chris polian would've been  haha

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