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Posts posted by BBColts

  1. T Rich needs to be in the game. He is a very good blocker and good out of the backfield.


    No, T Rich needs to be on the inactive list. He is good nowhere on the field and is nothing but a liability. Using him in the run game is a waste of a down, and using him out of the backfield is a waste of a down. Give it up already, the guy is just a TERRIBLE football player. There is really nothing more to it. This is his last 53 man roster spot in the NFL, I guarantee it.

  2. Please just cut this guy already. He's an absolute bust. His vision is terrible, he has no burst, his yards after contact are abysmal. Grigson got absolutely fleeced and is just digging this team into a deeper hole. Aside from having Luck fall into his lap what has he done exactly? New season, same ol' Trent Richardson. He's shown absolutely nothing in his career so far yet people still think he can be a starting back in this league. 

    Sorry to burst all your bubbles, but this isn't college. If it was, JaMarcus Russell would still be starting for the Raiders.

  3. Seahawks: Big paydays coming for that defense. Bennet is first...then Sherman, then Thurman. Lets not forgot that Wilson deserves his share and so the recievers. That is going to eat a lot of cap space


    49ers: Half the team is leaving after this year. They have to take advantage with what they have and do something this year or their dominating franchise is over...


    Broncos: Maybe Peyton has reached his prime? Its going to be so hard for him to bounce back after this loss. His mentality was way in outerspace and hes not getting any younger...


    Patriots: Brady is not getting any younger either...


    Saints: They have absolutely no cap space. I think they have like 170,000 to spend. Not even enough to pay a kicker...This organization is going to have to do some serious restructuring...


    What do you think? I think its a huge advantage for the Colts. We need to seriously put something together this year because we have a huge chance for a dynasty not only now, but definitely when Brady and Peyton retire...


    Uh, what? Half of the 49ers team is leaving in a year? The Saints having no cap space means they won't be good anymore? They haven't had cap space for the last four years. Seahawks are a young, deep team, they aren't going anywhere.

  4. Who said anything about an ankle sprain having the same effect as a torn ACL?  Oh, I see you can't really make a point so you have to make something up and make a point about that.  Nice try but that doesn't work on this forum. And I'm pretty sure T Rich has never had a torn ACL.  As far as how it equates, the Seahawks have proven they can find probowl players in the 4th and 5th rounds, so they gave up quite a bit to get him.


    Two comments about the rest; one I've never defended the trade with Richardson, I was only pointing out how your comment lacked knowledge of the situation.  Two, you comment about "based on current time playing in the NFL...: also shows some ignorance, before Lynch went to Seattle there was nothing in is playing time in the NFL that indicated he would be a probowl back, yet that is what he became.


    What a dumb post that fails to address anything I mentioned in mine. You compared a 4th and 5th round pick for a back who never had any major injury to a first round draft pick to a guy who had knee surgery.  :funny:  :funny:  :funny: 

    As for the ACL comment, that was an error on my part. I meant cartilage surgery, which is serious in itself. That I will own up to.

  5. No Seattle traded two picks for a running back that was considered a bust, had a bad ankle and no breakaway speed.

    How in the world does a fourth rounder and a fifth rounder two years later equate to a first round pick? And I had no idea in your world that an ankle sprain had the same effect on a runner as a torn ACL.  :funny:


    There is not a person on this planet that can defend this trade barring Trent Richardson magically becoming an all-pro running back, and based off of his current time playing in the NFL, that will not happen. No one has any evidence to back the claim up that Richardson will magically become a good running back and be worth a first round draft pick. College is college, end of discussion.

  6. He played poorly, no question. As did the rest of the team. They will be in the mix again next year


    Hard not to be in the mix when the AFC is as bad as it currently is, the NFCCG was probably the Super Bowl in all honesty. The Broncos are going to be contenders until Peyton gets destroyed by injuries like Favre in his last year or retires. I don't see any other outcome.

  7. The proof is already in the win column. He and Schneider rebuilt the roster and coaching staff in four wins, had a dominant season and then flattened one of the best offensive teams of all time in the Super Bowl. There's nothing left to prove. His approach works.


    They also didn't blow a first rounder on a running back with shot knees and no breakaway speed which helped their cause and allowed them more chances to hit on draft picks in the rookie wage scale world. You win in this league by drafting, plain and simple. It's been the model of consistent, successful franchises for years. Trading first and second rounders for anything other than a potential starting quarterback is a death wish.

  8. Please, no more with the running backs! Sheesh. Fix the line. That is, and always has been the problem, not the backs


    Great observation. You can't run the football when the offensive line is dominated at the line of scrimmage, it doesn't matter who's back there.

  9. Defense has always been better than offense and has been proved year after year after year. Anyone preaching that a better offense is more critical to success than a better defense is full of it and completely oblivious to the stats. The best defensive teams almost always win the Super Bowl, those 19-1 Patriots who looked unbeatable were swarmed by the best defensive line I've seen in years from the Giants and they crushed their gameplay. The greatest offensive team in the NFL history last night was manhandled by a team that looked as if there were 15 defenders on the field at a time.

    With that said, our future is bright. Consistent quarterback play is also a deciding factor, and we have an incredible quarterback in Luck. Pair him up with a vicious defense and this team becomes an AFC powerhouse for the next 10 years. :rock:

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