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Posts posted by Bowlingguy300

  1. well maybe it is not the OC  we all thought it was Pep being a issue.  but it starts at the top this is not a good coached team. 

    not sure what they do at practice,  but I remember when Wayne tried out for the Patriots and came back and said their practices are not fun...   that says it all about Pagano. 

  2. we have the same coach and GM that got him beat up more then any other QB for 3 years.  and this year from what we seen if he would have been healthy he would have been hit even more.  insanity is wanting a different outcome with the same ingredients.  with Pagano and Grigson still running things, there is not way things change. in 4 years the OL has not made progress what so ever.


  3. this is just me but this going into a game unprepared/outcoached is nothing new, they have been doing this for two years.  you cant look at the 11 wins last year, it is how we played for them 11 wins, we show up to play after not for most the game way to much, and last few years Luck has been able to do a manning and coverup this team Bad coaching,  well it caught up to us this year, as Luck is not making the comeback anymore. Pep has to go today! no waiting. we can talk about Chuck after that change when we get to the Bye week. we are going into a game unprepared almost every game now, well surprised against the Pats we did not, but we came out of the tunnel the 2nd half unlike the first that is for sure. this is year 4 of this experiment and it is not working.  well that is if a superbowl is the goal, no way this coaching staff will ever achieve that.

  4. How about opening the checkbook and bringing back "Captain Comeback" Jim Harbaugh.  I know he will have only coached one seaon at Michigan but I do believe that eventually he will be back in pro game.  The absolutely horrific deals that Grigson has made in the past couple of years from trading for Trent Richardson,  and drafting a wide receiver this year, makes it time for him to go.  I wonder if Bill Polian would consider coming back if Irsay acknowledged that he screwed up letting him go in the first place.  Polian's record speaks for itself even with the disappointment of not winning more Super Bowls.

    I am a michigan fan, andJim is doing awesome at Mich.  now that being said someday he will return to the pros im sure he is that good, but I dont see him leaving after 1 season,  if this was year 3  maybe.  but if he did leave for the pros after 1 year, the only team I would want that for is the Colts!

  5. No way we have 3, 11 win seasons without luck, does he hold on to the ball and try and make something happen? of course he does. and that is why we came back and won so many games when we show up unprepared and out coached the last few years. I am just amazed that this is the first time he has been hurt like this getting hit more then any other QB out there game after game and year after year.  Pagano, Pep and And Grigson have to go. I think Pep should go immediately no waiting. hate letting go if a head coach, but it is on Pagano no getting this team ready week in and week out. he has kept his job because of Lucks success and his cancer.  he is an amazing man, but a bad coach.


  6. No way we have 3, 11 win seasons without luck, does he hold on to the ball and try and make something happen? of course he does. and that is why we came back and won so many games when we show up unprepared and out coached the last few years. I am just amazed that this is the first time he has been hurt like this getting hit more then any other QB out there game after game and year after year.  Pagano, Pep and And Grigson have to go. I think Pep should go immediately no waiting. hate letting go if a head coach, but it is on Pagano no getting this team ready week in and week out. he has kept his job because of Lucks success and his cancer.  he is an amazing man, but a bad coach.

  7. as I agree he has had two (three if you go back to NE game last year) really bad games.  but this is not a two game issue, this is a constant showing up to games unprepared, Out Coached, Slow Starts, Terrible OC play calling, and that is top of the food chain on this team no onl uck. so yes Luck has not played great, but if it was anyone other then luck playing the last 3 seasons no way they would of had 11 wins in a season.  he has made them look better then they are (Coaches/GM). Luck is hit more then any other QB every season, he has no time to throw, and now the play calling has no one getting open. you put Luck in a system like Dallas with thier OLine he would be a god right now. again year 4 of this GM/Coach and Luck is not better off behind a OLine then when he got here.

  8. but this is not just One game, it is the first game of the season that is true, but this is a common theme in 3 years, showing up to games unpreparred, and getting out coached, im not ready to fire Pagano today, but Pep has to go now. dont wait. Pagano well I hate firing a Coach so early, but he is to concerned being best friends then coaching, his game plans are the wrost and it is getting old seeing them implemented

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