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pizza guy

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Posts posted by pizza guy

  1. Who fills the need areas? Mathis does and he won't go anywhere.

    Manning make Blair White and Tamme names last season. He will do it withe others...

    Although I think Garcon will go nowhere, and he has All Pro potential.

    I may not be understanding your point, but why do you ask who fills the need areas when my post listed 5 guys who could fill in either Reggie or Robert's place? The other need areas, specifically DB and OL can and should be addressed in the second round of the draft because that's where the best value picks will be for those positions.

    The reason I think Reggie is more likely to be re-signed is that Polian has always re-signed offense before defense during the Manning years. The focus has been clearly on offense, and I don't see it magically changing now. Peyton and Reggie may be getting old, but when #18 returns, he and Wayne will still have their timing and communication, and we won't be able to acclimate a rookie to that quickly enough.

  2. I do expect Wayne to be back next year. I really think he bleeds Blue, loves our fans, and most importantly, is Peyton's #1 target. However, if he is traded, there are good options to replace him. Obviously, drafting one of the top WRs coming out, like: Blackmon, Jeffery, Floyd, Fuller, Broyles, and Jones. Also, there are some very good Free Agents coming up, including: Bowe, Colston, Meachum, Manningham, Stevie Johnson, DeSean Jackson, and Mike Wallace (RFA). So, all is not lost if we're able to secure one of these guys and keep Garcon. We actually get younger, and likely faster. I do love Reggie Wayne though, so I would be sad to see him go.

    Mathis, on the other hand, will very possibly be on another team next year. The NFL will throw crazy money at elite pass-rushers, and Mathis is going to be a hot ticket. One site has Mathis listed as the 5th best upcoming FA, and #1 defensive player. I think Mathis will cash in on that and unfortunately wear someone else's uniform. There are also ways to replace Mathis, though. Obviously, Hughes is on the roster, and a trade now allows us to see what Hughes can do playing opposite of Freeney full-time. After 10 games, we'd likely know whether or not we need to look at DEs in the draft, like Coples, Jenkins, or Paige-Moss. There are a few in Free Agency, led by Mario Williams, but I would expect him to get franchised if they don't reach a deal, and if the Colts won't pay Mathis, they won't pay someone else.

    After this year, we have Wayne, Mathis, Gonzo, Garcon, and Diem as free agents. Gonzo and Diem will likely be gone as Gonzo has been worthless and Diem is old and will be replaced by Ijalana. Garcon is 50/50 IMO. Some team might watch his highlight reel and over-pay him. If so, good for him, but I would like to see us keep him and hope he continues improving with Peyton back at the helm. And I think the team will have to choose between Wayne and Mathis, and it's going to suck either way.

  3. I get the point of the thread but really it just breaks me heart to see this.

    Our players go out there every week and play to win.

    I can't not hope anything but the best for them.

    They do go out and play to win, and I appreciate that. They're fighting. I'm still proud to say I'm a Colts fan because of the fight they show.

    But I don't hope the best for the players. I hope the best for the team. And the best thing for the team is to get as much out of this for the future as possible. The players who are still here next year will be all smiles again next year when we have Peyton back and some new, top-tier talent in the mix. The players who aren't here can console themselves with the paychecks they've received.

  4. A fan rooting for thier team to loose seems to fall under the definition of oxy * to me. Stick to playing fantasy football with that mentality

    Still missing the point.

    This season is a wasted season anyways. We're not going to make the playoffs, we're not going to the Super Bowl, we're not going to win much, if any. That means, these games we're watching mean nothing. The regular season is only worth the seeding you get in the playoffs. We'll miss the playoffs, so there is no value in winning any of these games.

    Now, next season, whether we have Peyton back or not, we have a chance to improve based on where and who we draft/sign/fire/cut. Next year is when the regular season will matter again, hopefully. So why not hope we can maximize that opportunity?

    This is not asking if we want to see the Colts lose forever and for always. This is asking if we'd like to see them get the most out of a terrible season/great opportunity. I think the obvious answer is yes, I'd love to see them drastically improve as a result of unfortunate circumstance.

    Think of it like you've been dating the same girl since sophomore year, and now it's time for the senior prom and she dumps you. Trouble is you've already bought the ticket and tux. Plus side is, she was kinda annoying, and this other, hotter chick has been texting you non-stop lately. Are you going to the prom, dancing with the hot chick to stick it in your ex's face? Or are you going to cry into your ice cream and hope your ex sees the tragic love poem you posted on Facebook and gets back with you?


    Get whatever positive you can out of a negative.

  5. This "not a real fan" crap is annoying. We're all real fans here, we just have different opinions. The purpose of hoping the team loses every game is to improve the team's future. Those who would say they're rooting for that outcome are only doing so because they recognize the opportunity presented by a season this horrendous. This is a real chance to inject some more top quality talent into this roster and set us up for another decade of success. Because in the long run, isn't one terrible season worth 10 more great ones? How many awful years did we suffer through before Peyton was drafted and we became legitimate contenders?

    It goes against some people's grain to hope their team loses. "You play to win the game!" is a valid point. If you're not playing to win, why are you playing at all?

    I think the middle ground here lies in expecting the players to play hard every week, but still losing. I'm able to watch and cheer during the game, but smile when they lose because this team is giving solid effort every week, but they're just not good enough to win. Every loss brings us closer to rebuilding this team for the future, and I can still say I'm proud of the fight in the guys on this roster. They may not be talented, they may not be well-coached, they may not be used properly, but they go out and fight their tails off. When the players buy into the "Suck for Luck" campaign, that's when the coach is fired immediately and the fans stop watching completely.

    I'm hoping they go 0-16 and get the #1 pick, but I hope they go down swinging in each and every game.

  6. I'll pass on Reid as well. He is not a good in-game coach, and I hate his press conferences. He's actually a lot like Caldwell, but has had the support of a very good QB for years in McNabb, and a defense that always seemed to be solid. He probably is better than Caldwell, but I just don't see him fitting here.

  7. If he plays extremely well for the rest of this season, and if there's any chance Peyton comes back to full strength, Painter will sign somewhere else because someone will pay him too much after missing the QB they wanted in the draft or something.

    If he continues to underwhelm, he might stick around as the backup, depending on whether or not we draft a QB. But in that scenario, I don't think there's any chance the front office plans on him being the successor to the throne.

  8. This comes after Week 5 of a 17 week season, and no one finds it a little fishy?

    Irsay is simply pumping up the value of this pick so they can fleece someone in a draft day trade if we do in fact land the #1. We all know that the Colts front office is very guarded when it comes to the draft, not letting a single hint slip out as to who they want. Everyone knows that Luck will go #1, and Irsay is just pointing out to the rest of the league that the team that already has the best QB might just go ahead and draft the next one too, because he's that good.

    It's a salesman tactic, and he nailed it. I still fully expect a trade if we "earn" the #1 pick.

  9. He and his wife just had twins, so it wouldn't surprise me to see him actually retire for a little while, and stay home with them. As much as he loves football, he's a big time family man. I do expect him to get into coaching at some point though, and I'd expect it to be with the Colts in some capacity. Something like the road that Larry Bird has taken. First a coach, then a front office position. I hope he doesn't waste his football mind just sitting behind a desk and being another talking head.

  10. Last 10 superbowl winners:

    Green Bay

    New Orleans









    Of those 10, only ONE had a Quarterback that was fit into an offensive scheme after that fact. The rest have Franchise top notch QB's already in place. So it looks as if my inclination that you START with the Quarterback in this NFL is the way to go my friend. The proof is in the championship pudding.

    I'd say the Colts stand out as the only glaring example of building around a QB. The Saints could be considered the same since Brees is clearly the best player on that team, but I'm not so sure they really built around him.

    The Colts have even built the defense around Manning. And having only one Super Bowl win with possibly the greatest QB of all time should prove to everyone that as important as stellar QB play is, you must have a complete team. The Packers defense last year was as dynamic as the offense. The Pats won their Super Bowls on the strength of their defense and some clutch play by Brady and Vinatieri. The Bucs? Seriously? The Steelers have always been a defense first team. Put Big Ben on the Colts and he looks like Curtis Painter. When the Giants won, they were just on a hot streak. They were doing everything right, and their greatest strength was probably their running game. Eli is not good enough to carry a team like Peyton does.

    I say all of that to say that the smartest thing to do if we get the #1 pick is to maximize its value by getting as many picks as we can out of it. The Falcons gave up 5 picks to trade into the #6 pick and take a WR. Of course, we all know about the Saints trading away everything for Ricky Williams. If the rest of the NFL is as high on Andrew Luck as the scouts, someone will come up with an unbelievable trade offer, and we'd be able to build for the future. Use a later pick that we acquire for a different QB, or wait til next year and shoot for Tyler Bray from Tennessee.

  11. A lot of it will depend on what Reggie Wayne does. If we re-sign him, which I think we will, then I would guess a 3rd round pick could go for a WR like Dwight Jones. If we don't re-sign Wayne, then I expect to use a first rounder on Blackmon, Jeffery, or Floyd, depending on where we draft.

    If we end up with the #1, I expect to trade the pick and maybe get a WR, DE, OL, and/or LB in the first and second rounds.

  12. Not saying they are not trying just that the effort that they have put forth thus far hasn't been good enough to make fans stop all this "suck for Luck" talk. Leaving everthing on the field won't win games when what you have to leave isn't much. With the amount of yardage and points we are surrendering defensively week in and week out it is hard for me to understand how anyone can say this team is "leaving everything on the field".

    I think we're trying to say the same thing in two slightly different ways.

    I feel like the team is playing hard and giving their best effort. Unfortunately, the best efforts of Painter, Powers, Lacey, Caldwell, Lefeged, Linkenbach, and others just isn't very good. I don't think anyone can complain about the effort our guys are displaying, but there sure is room to talk about their talent. I thought you were saying that the guys weren't playing hard, thus my response.

  13. What we need is a little diversity in the defensive gameplan. The Tampa 2 system has strengths, but it has weaknesses as well. When you show the same scheme over and over, offenses will exploit the weaknesses.

    You'd think the Colts would pick up on the concept of confusing offenses with exotic defenses since it's how the rest of the NFL tries to play against Peyton. Belichick has done it for years, and the Ravens have been trying to play chess with Ray Lewis vs. Peyton. Yet, on defense, the Colts allow the David Garrards and Matt Cassells of the world to carve them up like Thanksgiving turkeys.

    Be aggressive. Bump and run. Blitz. Throw in a zone, a cover 2, some man to man. Drop Mathis into coverage and rush Wheeler. Stop dropping Angerer 20 yards into coverage when a team throws 5 yard dump passes 53 times in a row!

    Also, the DBs on this team suck. There's no excuse for their play. A lot of people want to blame the scheme and coaching, and while I agree that those aspects are also in need of upgrades, the overall talent of our DBs is poor. Look at where these guys were drafted, and you'll find all you need to know about why they're so bad. Until Polian decides to address the CB position early in the draft, we'll continue to suck, no matter the scheme or coach.

  14. Well the players can claim to be upset about what some fans are saying but their actions will speak louder than words. They say they have too much pride to "suck for Luck" but their on the field play begs to differ. Right now this team does not have to try to suck for anyone because the sucking is occurring naturally.

    You must be watching a different team. The Colts that I've been watching have been busting their butts and leaving everything on the field. They lose, but it's not for lack of trying.

  15. It would be awesome to have a top 5 defense, but trading all the offensive firepower would be counter-productive. Manning might be able to make some guys look better than they are, but Blair White's success last year had a lot to do with being an unknown quantity on a team with Reggie Wayne. Other teams figured that without Dallas Clark in there, we'd have to go to Reggie, so they stepped up coverage on him, leaving White open. To trade away all the offensive firepower would negate that.

    If trading away Clark and Reggie, but keeping Garcon, Collie, and Addai could get us a top 5 defense, then yes, do it now. But you can't be completely one-sided on either side of the ball.

  16. fine, we're not good enough to win. doesnt mean we will pass on a 2nd string QB who will ride the pine ala Favre/Rodgers

    When will we stop comparing a Manning/Luck scenario to the Favre/Rodgers scenario? They are not the same. Rodgers was picked #24 and not expected to play, while Favre was expected to retire sooner than he did. The Colts will never railroad Manning out of town the way GB did Favre, either.

    Reggie and Robert are two guys who play all out every game. I wouldn't expect them to take kindly to being asked about the "Suck for Luck" campaign.

  17. He didnt do horrible and I think with more play this kid can only get better..I mean sure he had a few bone-head passes that he shouldnt have made but this kid isnt as bad as what we all thought 2 yrs ago.

    My main reason seriously for this is that we dont need to take a qb in the draft next year. if we do end up with over all 1 pick I think we should trade it for more picks and work on defense tough..and more on oline. Our reciever core is not at its strongest either..we have Garcon, Wayne, and Collie. I dont see Gonzo coming back next year. So we need some WR Depth..

    But Our main focus in this upcoming draft needs to be DEFENSE. Painter isnt horrible, sure he isnt a franchise QB but with more play this kid can shine into a nice piece if he is surrounded by a strong wr core, line, and defense that can stop other teams.

    Any thoughts from you guys?

    (and by the way...comparing Painter to Rogers was seriously sarcasm)

    I just wanted to highlight this part for everyone who replied to this thread but somehow missed this.

    To the point of the thread, however, I've thought all along that drafting a QB (especially Luck) would be wasting the opportunity this presents us. I know everyone is nervous about our future at QB because Manning is hurt this season, but it just doesn't add up yet.

    Manning will be back next season, and I have confidence that with a full year off and plenty of rehab and rest, he'll be able to play at the level we've come to know and expect for the duration of his contract.

    Luck is "NFL ready" so drafting him to sit and waste 4 years of his career is not fair to him, nor is it smart to do with the #1 overall pick. The Packers picked up Rodgers because he slipped way down the draft and the writing was more clearly on the wall for Favre, though he tried to extend his career.

    This team is full of holes, especially on defense, specifically the DBs and LBs, but also along the O-line still, and depth on the D-line and WRs. IMO, this draft is a strong draft all through the first round and into the second, and amassing picks and adding quality players all over the roster is clearly a better option than adding one player who won't even see the field for 4 years.

    If we get the #1 pick, it also comes with the first pick in each of the other rounds. Now, say we trade down to somewhere between #10 and #20 for a few more rounds, and maybe a pick or two next year likely in the same range, that gives us a lot of high picks. Higher picks than we've seen in the Manning era, and theoretically better players. That sets us up with a young, promising team to help Manning finish his career, and then continue after he retires.

    Draft a QB in a late round, or (my preference) next year, and have him learn from Peyton. But, don't get the most hyped guy to enter the NFL in 15 years only to have him sit quietly the entire time.

  18. Too soon, man.

    Back on topic, yes. We should without question hire Belichick...but I can't see any situation where there is a rift between him and the Pats organization

    Oddly enough, it would have been a really funny joke before today....

    As GoColts8818 suggested, in the magical realm where he could work with the Colts existing FO - having similar input on player personnel decisions as Dungy had - it would be a dream come true. The best management team in the history of the NFL. But just swapping his group for our existing group would be an incredibly disruptive and essentially lateral move. You'd look up, find that PM's career had wrapped up during the tumult, and perhaps learn the hard way that BB actually needs a talented QB to win games in the modern NFL too.

    And, while that may be a possibility, I think BB and Peyton have the intellect and drive to make it work immediately. If the Hoodie were available, it would be dumb not to sign him.

  19. if they had that many tackles, not good, we didnt get 3 and out, gave up first down yardage, # of tackles is not a good thing unless they were behind the line of scrimmage

    Again, it means they are making plays. I didn't say the whole defense has been good because clearly it struggled on Monday (although the Steelers game they were pretty good). Any time you get a tackle that means you are getting someone down and that's their job. We aren't talking about the whole performance of the defense. We are talking about the performances of Angerer and Conner. Also just last week weren't people use the 21 tackles Angerer to justify why he should be starting over Brackett? Now this week it's an arguement that it's not a good thing. It's amazing the double standards people use around here and the lengths some fans go to try to discredit their own players.

    Jim is explaining here why number of tackles is a misleading statistic. If a defense is doing its job, they would actually have very few tackles. The best thing a defense can do, other than force takeaways, is cause an offense to go 3 & out, and the Colts defense is terrible on 3rd down. In fact, the Colts are the 31st WORST defense on 3rd downs, giving up 48% of the conversion attempts against them.

    Conversely, the Ravens defense, which is 31st in NUMBER OF TACKLES, is 6th in 3rd down %, and 2nd in scoring, allowing only 14.2 points per game.

    When people measure defenses by tackles or yards, they're not really getting the picture. 3rd down and scoring defense are the defensive stats that matter. Getting your team off the field, and keeping the other team out of the endzone, that is how you win games. Tack on the fact that our defense is on the field longer than any other team's defense on average, and the problems only compound as the game goes on.

  20. The nice thing is that this draft is really loaded. There is a lot of talent all through the first round, and at virtually every position. I'm not really wanting to draft Luck, I just think the timing is wrong. I'm sure he'll be tremendous, but I don't think the Colts' situation is right for that pick right now.

    I'd definitely be in favor of trading out of the top 5 and getting as many picks as we can. There are at least 3 guys at each of the Colts' positions of need that have first round talent. You want better O-line? Kalil, Reiff, Martin. You want better D-line? Coples, Thompson, Crick, Ta'amu. Defensive backs? Claiborne, Jenkins, Kirkpatrick. Wide Receivers? Jeffery, Floyd, Blackmon. Linebackers? Burfict, Te'o, Keuchly, Brown. The talent in this draft in just ridiculous, and that's why I've been adamant about the Colts trading down from whatever pick they get to acquire as many picks as possible.

    What would you rather have? One guy who will be very good, or 5 guys who will be very good? Luck may develop into the next best thing, he may not. But the more picks you have, the better chance you have of getting them right. If they all go right, then you've got one STACKED team.

    This may be a quarterback's league, but we've seen possibly the greatest QB to ever play win one single championship because the rest of his team wasn't up to his standard, and quite frankly, I'm tired of it. All of you who say "you take Luck and be happy" are not grasping the concept that it's still a TEAM game. The best TEAM wins. This year provides an incredible chance to maximize our draft by getting as many picks as we can and building the entire team while welcoming back Peyton Manning for another 4 years.

    Trade down, draft best player available, or draft for need because this draft is really good, and have great talent all over the field.

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