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  1. I have been to several forums, I always do to keep up, and the funny thing is, that almost every team fans wants a new HC. Ahhh thats pushing it, but many fans from different teams wants a new guy, a new HC.

    Even the Steelers wants to get rid of Tomlin... wth...they went 12-4!

    Give me Tomlin over Caldwell anytime!! but for now, what about waiting a see what Caldwell can do, when his hands arent tied?

  2. \

    What I mean to say is QBs in HS learn to call their own plays so they can all do it.

    The myth that Manning is great because only he call his own plays is just that. a myth. Now you can say he is very good, if not the best, at running the no huddle.

    Calling your own plays could be anything to the no huddle (where you have to since there is no huddle) to changing at the line, to even calling your own play in the huddle. The QB may look at his wrist band because the plays are so many and complicated you can't remember the entire play list so you need a reference. Or they could be running the play the coach sends in.

    You may see a team like NE run a no huddle for a series and then go huddle..all depending on what they are trying to do...are they trying to speed up the pace of the game, keep the same defense in...etc.

    I hear you, and I dont disagree.

    But where I think the difference between Peyton and others is in the calling. As I understands it, from reading the net and seeing interviews is, that Peyton is a part of making the offensive gameplan and that he don't get plays from the sideline anymore. He decide for him self, what to call at any given time.

    In situations like 4 and short, its op to the sideline to decide. Other than that, its Paytons call.

  3. Every QB since High School.

    Calling your own plays is not necessarily a good thing in pro football. There's a place and time you want to.

    So every QB since High School calls their own plays?

    As I understand calling your own plays is like: the offensive coordinator MAY gives you plays, but you can choose to go with other plays from the playbook. Pass and runs...

    Not just to check down in plays you are given...

  4. When you compare QBs, you must consider thinks like that Peyton calls his own plays versus Brees whos told what to do.

    When you are told what to do, you can't be compared to those who call their own plays.

    Peyton calls his own, I don't know who else does that?

  5. I'm split halfway...

    On one hand i think that we can't really get any worse than now....but on the other hand, why waste 750k on af DT that last time he played good was at Titans?

    Well... !....i'll take him.....if for nothing else than selling Jerseys :yay:

  6. I don't think chanting "Fire Caldwell" next game is a good idea.

    We shouldn't ashame anybody that way, and this would be shaming Caldwell, embarrass and disturb the whole team.

    The Team obviously playing bad, and I am sure it is pretty clear to Irsay, that change is needed in coaching, and he would take necessary measures. I think only question is when to fire Caldwell, right now or at the end of regular season.

    We should rather encourage and support the team against Titans, instead of blaming.

    100% correct!

  7. Fact of life (in short)

    • The Polians WILL be here next season and probably as long as they want
    • Caldwell will MOST LIKELY be here next season and if that season goes like 8-8 or even 6-10, he'll be here the following season too - sad but true!
    • Even IF we get the chance of grabbing A.Luck, The Polians will surely NOT take him, because they have faith in someone else who fits this team more....because the media and all us talking heads don't know anything...we are all in a parallel universe.

    Darker times are upon us!

  8. This. If they gave everything they had and got blown out that badly, we're far worse off than even the most pessimistic fan thought we were.

    I actually prefer that they left it all out on the grid! ... because you can work with less talented guys, but you can't work with quitters.

    As the great Lombardi said: Winners never quit and quitters never win!

  9. I keep reading that the players don't respect Caldwell, but how do you guys know that? ...it is possible to loose and still have the respect for your HC. Some of the things in this forum is not solid, a lot of it is guesses.

    The only real argument that is solid, that we have heard until now, is that Caldwell don't adjust that well in half time. Thats solid, thats something we all can see in the games.

  10. We have a wacky owner who twitts about almost anything wich is both good and bad, we have the polians who controle almost anything and have not been that great the last 3-4 years in drafting and we have Manning who, until this year, has controlled almost anything on offence. Where is the power of Caldwell, are his hands tied?

    So in the darkest period in ages for The Colts I wonder if things would be that different now, if we had Dungy as HC and not Caldwell this year?

  11. Well if it was that easy to fix the running game, i think The Colts would have fixed it a long time ago.

    The Problem is, that the Front Office has always looked for a RB that can catch and block...not one that can hit the hole unless its WIIIIDE open.

  12. To answer your question; yes, being good for a decade has taken its toll, but we are not alone to be that good. The Patriots and BB use their draftpicks 3x as wisely as the Colts. We could learn from them, they are not the enemy, they are great competition and fun to watch and they do a lot of things extremely well.

    We should try and do some of the things that they do in the draft... trade picks, move up and down the draft ect ect ... instead of waiting till its our turn and pick the one thats there...

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