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Posts posted by IndyXLI

  1. Basically just puzzled with the poor clock management by the Broncos. I think of our season and how many times we took shots with a minute or less to score with a rookie qb. Why would you not with one of the greatest qb's ever? I don't really recall any shots/throws down the field at all(could of been the pressure manning was under though). I have thought at times the Manning's throws this year looked weak and the one that Stokely grabbed off the ground showed that pretty well. Sadly the across the body throw made it painfully obvious where he stands. Not gonna dog Peyton as I have been watching him since his days at Tennesee, just sad to see what all this has come to. I agree that anyone who is happy that this transpired should probably find better priorities in life because I cannot imagine another athelete who has meant more and done more for a team/city than #18. I truly hope Peyton grabs another SB win as it will die down some of the chatter from the mindless talking heads, but at this point I just don't know.

  2. Thanks for sharing...In regards to the "PC" answers, I like to think it shows he was raised to be respectful, something that he and Peyton definitely share. If anyone has the "Manning vs Manning" DVD set it has a similar profile of Peyton from when he was in High School and it is pretty funny to watch this 17 year old kid and he has the same mannerisms(furrowing of the brow, etc) and just seems extremely mature. Said that to say this; Luck is almost too good to be true and we should all be happy to have him on our side.

  3. Why can't we just let this die? Washington has their guy, we have ours. Both picks worked out for each team. Every time we start a thread like this it just brings out the trolls. I am happy as a fan with our QB that can control the offense and beat you with his arm and legs. If Washington is happy with their QB handing off to Morris 30 times a game(like the game against the mighty Cowboys), so be it ;) . Sorry, I couldn't resist lol..

  4. Didn't expect even that. I only expected a little more accuracy and fewer INT's. Once it became evident what we were going to do offensively, I obviously scaled back my expectations. I also did not expect him to be running for his life all season. Once again, this was before the season started, once I saw our O-line were human turnstiles, all bets were off. Honestly, I am thankful he survived(knocks on wood).

  5. I say we CAN beat the Ravens, as long as we don't make stupid mistakes. Hopefully this win against Houston won't lead to an emotional let down this weekend. So I will agree with those saying 1-1, but what do I know, I only picked us for 6 wins!

  6. I have been frustrated with #12 at times this year as I thought he would be a little better stats-wise. That being said, his clutch play has far outweighed any sub par statistic . Luck has easily been the "most valuable Rookie" on his team, while after watching last nights game I wouldn't even say that RG3 was best offensive Rookie on his OWN team. I dont want to hear any Skins fans(why are u guys even here anyway) talking about how productive our WR core is, as that is just sour grapes. Not our fault you guys over-paid for Garcon, and we replaced him with a game-breaking rookie. Pot-shots aside,I have been happy with Lucks output and could care less about RG3, as he doesn't play for our team which is THE COLTS, in case any trolls need to find their way back to where they belong. Sorry for the rant, just over this whole deal and can't wait till they give RG3 the trophy for ROTY and we can all move on with our lives!

  7. I saw these at our local TJ maxx here in southern Indiana as well. Also saw kid size Luck Nike jerseys there two days after I ordered some for my boys from NFL shop. Doh!! Hard to explain these Clark jerseys though. Even harder to explain is why Nike would crank out tons of Austin Collie Limited jerseys, and had them readily available, while no Luck limited jerseys had been produced yet.

  8. While Luck has been less accurate than I like, I do expect improvement next year when he has more time in the offseason to work with his receivers on timing/routes etc...I do feel that maybe sometimes Arians is trying to turn Andrew in to a type of QB that he may not be equipped to be(for the time being anyway), and that is why Luck has struggled at times IMO. I know the offense that the Colts is running isn't similar to what Luck ran in Stanford, but if we could implement some better options(dump passes/screens) that it would make his transition easier and lead to more yardage. RG3 has done so well in part to the offense catering to his strengths, whereas the Colts are just throwing stuff at the wall(and #12) and seeing what sticks, and it shows..

  9. First off, first post, so hey Colts fans!!! With that out of the way, I do feel that thanks to the media over-sensationalizing EVERYTHING, and us as fans that want Andrew to be the man, that of course he was over-hyped. I also feel that RG3 has made a greater impact in the league at this point. If RG3 were on this team, I would think there would be a totally different conversation happening. That concussion he had a few weeks back would have been week one if he had been on this team and our patchwork O-line. I also lay some bit of blame on Arians, as he really hasn't catered elements of our offense to what Luck does well, something that the Redskins have greatly succeeded at with RG3. I feel that in 3 years or so, this will all be silly talk, but right now I can understand fans being concerned, but I am just waiting for the next ridiculous thread that mentions Luck as a bust like Jeff George. I totally agree about the "prospect" remark early in this thread, as it is a true description of Andrew. So yes, he was over hyped, but we the fans have to take some ownership as we are "shoveling the coal" that drives this hype train...

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