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Denver 1973

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Posts posted by Denver 1973

  1. When Peyton signed there they spoke of championships. He and Elway. If they don't win at least one title with Manning then what did they accomplish? Honestly, the odds of winning a SB when you are a QB 35+ according to history are not that great anyway, unless you have a kick butt D or run game or both. Manning (or Brady either) are not going to throw their way to a SB title. It has never happened before and I doubt it happens now. I feel like NE is making an effort the last few games to run the ball more and improve that area and are now a top 5 ranked rushing offense currently. This will only increase NE's SB odds IMO to make the best of the final Brady years if they continue to run the ball like this.

    Peyton's odds would have been better in SF to win it all and I think everyone and their uncle knows this.

    I am not rooting for Denver either and not afraid to admit it, it is nothing against Peyton either it's a Colts thing. I just personally don't find it possible to have "two AFC teams." Too much rivalry in standings and competition in the same conference.

    Have you heard of John Elway? I'm assuming yes since you mention him in your post. His two superbowl wins were over the age of 35. Elway knows what he is doing with this team and I am extremely confident Manning gets another ring if not two before he retires.

    The Thomas fumble was a good play by the defender not Thomas' fault. he barely snagged the ball and had TWO hands on it. good play by the defender he hit the ball and knocked it out. All of this comparison to Harrison and Wayne are getting out of hand. Thomas is going to be a stud, 9 catches for 188 yds against the pats, this is his 3rd year and his first that he started injury free. I don't know why all the hate for Decker, not here but in Denver. This guy is going to be another stud. I expect both to hit or come pretty close to 100 catches and over 1000 yds. We're still less than a third into the season and DT already has 513 yards, second in the league right now. He's still a young kid and really his first season with a passer QB. Orton wasn't good.

    The defense is what is killing this team. But the 3 losses have come against really good offensive teams. I'm happy with where the team is right now, could it be better? Most definitely, but I have no doubt this team makes the playoffs and makes a good run.

  2. I take offense to your offense. Or whatever. I cannot post links to other forums here. Just go to the Broncos forum and take a read. I'm not saying anything but repeating what people on the Broncos Board have said. Period. I have offense with people in general acting like its the end of the world. Get over yourself get off the Colts forum and go read.

    I cannot post links to the Denver Post nor from Facebook. Take my word, they are calling for Elway, there is a post on the Broncos board about it. Go read it. There are people calling for Tebow back. Go on Facebook and read the Denver Post.

    Its all there in black and white and i dont appreciate your attitude or misguided insite. I've done nothing but stand up for Peyton. Period. If I post something and say it has been written or said. It was and thats all there is to it. I gave the appropriate road to go read it yourself, but instead you attempt to insult me and make it look like i'm blowing air out my rear.

    If its so prevalent that Broncos fans are supporting Peyton, why dont you go over there and do it instead of attacking me and disputing my credibility.

    Uhh, I do read there, and all I've seen from you is instigating.Take offense to whatever, I'm not the one calling out a fanbase due to a select few posters bashing Peyton. Guess a select few means everyone in your world. I live in Denver and read the Post everyday, the Post is same media that relys on ridiclous claims to sell and even at that they are calling for Tebow. Again, take it as you will, I didn't post here to attack, this is your house along with other Colts fans. But I already see you're one to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Maybe you shouldn't take a couple posts as "ALL" Bronco fans.

  3. Well don't forget about Elway. Denver has had their legend QB as well. It's why I sympathize with the Colts fanbase. I don't know how I'd feel if Elway ended his career with another team. Granted, I know it's not the fans that were behind the release of Manning. Being as unbiased as I can, I fully expect the Broncos to make a strong run at a superbowl every year Manning is here. Trust me, I have watched him destroy the Broncos way too much to realize the guy is gifted and pretty much can put most teams at a playoff level. All the media is hyping up from the Falcons game is that Manning threw 3 interceptions. They overlook that the Broncos lost the game by 6 points and Manning was a huge part of bringing them back. I'm the glass half-full type, I'm amazed that they turned the ball over 4 times, along with alot of help from the officials, and only lost by 6 to a team that is heavily favored to make it to the superbowl. I fully expect a different game against the Texans next week in Denver. I along with alot of other fans won't be surprised at a win and the media will be back with their praising abouth ow Manning is back, again.

  4. After a difficult game on all fronts: Refs (really bad refs), coaching, INT's, Fumble, dropped passes, no OL protection, ect.. why are alot of Broncos fans and media so quick to 'throw Peyton under the bus'?

    Broncos fans one week saying 'Peyton Freakin Manning is awesome' to 'Bring back Elway' 'its ALL Peytons fault' 'is he just old, rusty, or done'????

    I'm mean, C'mon Man!! Just one bad 1st quarter? This whole game was not bad for Peyton, want to make that crystal. Just 1 quarter. After the 1st, he started to settle down, read better and almost beat Atlanta at home, which only 4 teams have done in many years. Now, Atlanta is no piece of cake. They are a very well rounded team with good coaching.

    So whats the beef? After floating some passes, 2 of which were INT's, Peyton picked up the velocity. It was pretty clear to me. No lack of arm strength IMO. The term 'spaghetti arm' is getting old. As for wobbly, it is due to his release. He releases high, which full rotation of the football is never there. Watch on slow-mo and you'll see what i mean.

    So Broncos nation, ratings getters and Peyton haters.. get a grip! Off my soap box.

    There has been no bashing of Peyton by the Bronco fan base. This is the second post i've read of yours claiming that the fans have turned on Peyton and clammoring to have Tebow, Elway, or any other QB. The posts have been very suportive of Peyton bringing the team back even after 4 turnovers in the 1st half. I've been reading posts on here since the trade just to get an idea of how colts fans are reacting after losing their legend. It seems the Colts' fan base is really similar to the Broncos, a small market team with extremely supportive fans regardless of how their team is playing. If there is any negativity it's from the leftover Tebow crowd just trying to rile everyone up. Anyone that cares to see how the Bronco fanbase is reacting, you'll only find overwhelming support for Peyton.I don't know if Broncolt has a problem with the Bronco fanbase but I do take offense at his claims.

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