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Posts posted by Carolinapantherfan

  1. As a not colts fan I will say this:

    at quarter back y'all have a great QB prospect in Luck BUT he just seems too good to be true. I don't think he is manning mentally because nobody will EVER surpass him in that regard. I also have never really liked Luck, I think RG3 is the man (my one issue with him is the bubble screen obsession in college).

    I don't like your running game at all I would've picked an RB in Fleener's place or moved up to the end of the first to snag Wilson.

    I like your WRs, Wayne will teach the young ins something... Avery and Hilton have potential to be great.

    I LOVE your TE situation. While I'm not wild about fleener, Dwayne Allen is a monster, and the picks should've been flipped. As a Clemson fan I can attest to the fact that Allen will do great things in the NFL, he is a big yo that can leap, and isn't afraid to block.

    Your OLINe has good youth in ijilana and costanzo, but I don't like any of the other parts of it, Saturday leaving will hurt y'all. Although I don't know much about your OLINe.

    If y'all had stayed with a 4/3 I'd be more optomistic about your D but I don't think Freeney/Mathis will translate well at all to a 3/4. the original ANGERER will break out. Outside of Bethea, your secondary is terrible!

    My win prediction is as follows

    Luck is terrible) 0/16 to 3/13.

    Luck is a normal rookie) 3/13 to 6/10

    luck is great, phenomonal) 6/10 to 8/8.

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