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Posts posted by coltfan03

  1. That's because you don't know very much? I'm not saying, I'm just wondering.

    Hunter Smith - 7th

    Rick DeMulling -7th

    Ryan Diem - 4th

    Cato June - 6th

    Bob Sanders - 2nd (Steal considering his draft position and what he did)

    Jason David - 4th

    Jake Scott - 5th

    Charlie Johnson - 6th

    Antoine Bethea - 6th

    Except for DeMulling, every one of those guys were major contributors to the Super Bowl championship team. Polian was a great talent evaluator and if you put his record up against anyone else's it more than holds its own.

    So out of 14 drafts you found 8 players drafted later than 2nd round who did something for us. I also would not count Hunter Smith since punters always go later. That takes us to 7 players mentioned.

    And out of those 7 there are players (Cato June, Demulling, David to some extent) who only played well for the Colts for a couple of years and I would argue are more products of the system.

    Even if you say 7 players were studs, that could easily be from the statistics of 40-50 picks over 14 years. We could probably go through most teams drafts and find 7 players over 14 years that have made an impact to their respective teams.

    As for other comments, I agree on Rhodes (though not a draft choice), Garcon, and Collie. Polian obviously knows his stuff...but I would not say he his heads and tails above the rest.

  2. As I said in another thread, Luck needs tools. If you're going to throw him to the wolves, you want to give him a shield and sword. Defensive players rarely have their careers ruined early because they don't have the tools around them. It's crucial to give Luck every chance to succeed early and kick start that offense. In my opinion, the cupboard was more bare on that side than the other.

    Now I don't think you do it to the extent Polian did for Peyton, but when you invest in a once-in-a-generation QB at #1, you want to give him a chance to succeed. Maybe a thing or two will be needed next year, but this year is largely about Luck. Next year will be more of a normal draft. Considering he'll soon be one of the largest investments on the team, it's good to give him talent now and get the rest of the stuff tomorrow and next year.

    Exactly. What is the easiest way to take pressure off a QB without improving the line? Give him a speedy WR that makes the coverage back up. With Fleener and T.Y. on the field, Luck isn't going to feel much blitzing threat from the safeties or OLBs

  3. Looking back on the drafts following Peyton, it shows me how valuable our first one or two picks have been. I don't know what people are talking about with Polian finding "diamonds in the rough". I guess Mathis was one but I don't see many others.

    People need to relax. It takes 2 or 3 drafts to get a solid team. And that is if your first couple of picks each draft pan out.

    Personally I like our first 3 picks and I think we have started to build a solid offensive core.

  4. He probably won't have Peyton's work effort. Peyton was a freak when it came to that stuff. They didn't call him "Caveman" for nothing. No one in the NFL will out prep Peyton. But so long as Luck has a work effort that is above average for the typical NFL QB, he should do alright.

    I tend to stay away from time comparisons when talking about other people's work ethic. I do think Peyton was the best prepared but I also think Luck or any other QB could be just as prepared in half the time. It is all about how you use the time, not how much you spend.

    I personally think Luck will do just fine...but I also think it will take a couple of big hits for him to realize the intensity in which he will have to study and prepare for each team

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