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Indianapolis Colts Fan Forum

Trish Walker

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Posts posted by Trish Walker

  1. I have been a Colt fan for 14 years and followed this forum for years but never posted here before now. Here is a little background. I grew up a fan of Archie and followed Peyton at Tenn and was devastated when he didn't win the Heisman, which I thought he deserved. I pull for Eli and am thrilled at his success. At the time the Colts drafted Peyton I was a Falcon fan (closest team to me) and I immediately became a Colt fan and I will remain one unless Colt fans turn on him. I know his release was just business, but it hurt me because it hurt Peyton - my children have grown up looking up to him - he is just a great role model and athlete!!!

    For 14 years Peyton carried this team; he made mediocre talent look great; everyone in NFL says he is top 5 of all time; he was his biggest critic when they lost any game; he took responsibility for losing; he never talked badly about his fellow teammates; he gave back to your city ten-fold; he never once humiliated you or your city (and that is getting rare these days); his work ethic is touted by everyone in the NFL as the best; AND his HEART clearly belongs to the Colts and to Indianapolis as evidenced by his fairwell speech (which I still can't watch without crying). Peyton handled his release, as he did his entire career with the Colts, with class - and who did he thank? He thanked all of you for giving him the honor of being your quarterback!!! What does he get in return?

    Since last week, I have been reading all the posts on all these threads and I just had to sign up and give my perspective from someone who is not a "True Colt Fan". I know you don't care what I think, but I just have to get it off my chest! Really, go through and read all the comments since last week - all I can say is I am disappointed and amazed. I am having a difficult time reading the comments from all the "True Colt Fans" on this forum about where Peyton should and shouldn't go; how YOU will not support him if he goes to a certain team, how he was paid so much money for not doing anything last year; how it is time for him to retire, blah, blah, blah - seriously go back and read some of this garbage!

    REALLY, if that is what it means to be a "True Colt Fan" then I am glad I do not fall into that category! Peyton never missed a game; played hurt, and never complained. He wanted to be a Colt but in the end his choice was either to retire or be released. I think all of you know that he is the master of preparation and if he believes he can play then that is good enough for me and it should be good enough for you! EVERYONE who is a Colts fan should be cheering him every time he takes the field, regardless of the team or whether he wins or loses. You should cheer the fact that he loves his job (how many of you can say that?); is still displaying that awesome work ethic (first one to get to work and last to leave - how many of you can say that?); still being a great role model!

    Peyton wants another ring and all Colts fans or Manning fans should be praying he gets his chance with whatever team he chooses. The feeling of the Colts fans should not be in the picture - as many have posted on here - he is no longer your quarterback! The Texans are obviously his best chance at another Super Bowl if they even give him an offer. Some of you are even comparing that possible move to Bret Farve - REALLY??? Please people - that is such a stretch!!! Peyton isn't after limelight and you all know it! He is just a 36 yr-old who is still chasing his dreams and this fan is just shocked so many of you want to extinguish it!

    Do not put strings on Peyton's future. He certainly does not deserve that from any Colt fan - true or otherwise. He knows the risks - he knows the pressure that will be on him to perform and he is ready to take that risk. Has he not at least earned that much respect from Colt fans after 14 years???

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