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Posts posted by unitas-we-stand

  1. I agree Andy. Never understood why any fans care about what # any player wears. Many more important things to think about than that.

    I also agree with this. As long as we have decent players their numbers are meaningless to me. I like when a player gets the number they want but could care less what it is

  2. I know, right? He was all like "I hate Indianapolis and this stupid Colts team. I want a better horse team. I like orange better than blue. Denver has thin air, I like struggling to

    Peyton...you >>>ed us all over when you got hurt, you selfish man.


    This made my crappy work day dissolve into a million laughs...thank you lol

  3. We are optimizing his performance...do you see that instead of benching him our letting him go they are putting him in the new system? If that's not optimizing idk what is. We can't do anything but wait it out and see how he does, what is 1 year of trial? We have bigger fish to fry anyhow and as I said before its not like he is a nobody there are plenty of good players that are in their 30s and their fans still support them. Thats all I'm asking...he has done alot for us maybe we can do the same and not just throw him overboard like a nobody

    What are your specific suggestions as to how we optimimize his performance as a Colt, or his value as a trade? It's well documented that Bill Polian way overpaid a number of players - and Freeney is towards the top of that list. So, again, your specific actions are .... _____________ _______ _______ ?

    Also - how many years would it take you to make $14M / 19M ??????? Does that affect your view of his value? It certainly does for me!!! :)

    Having said all that, we will not get any significant value for him in a trade given his salary (thanks again, Bill). So, he's ours for the year.


  4. Yes I understand that but my point is that fans do not give the players that were good last year a chance to even show anything before they are prepared to just write them off. Like I said before if management didn't see him adjusting they would have done something about it. And we are not any other team, as long as I've been following the horseshoe we have had more integrity than that!

  5. Its pretty easy to find the links gavin, the amount of info about madden on the internet is sickening. And yes they are completely random, cam newton really looks nothing like himself and if you look at most of rookie faces they only have small features changed

  6. Im tired of people just writing good players off because of their age our how much money they make. Its hateful and not really giving them a chance at showing what they have to bring to the table. If he wasn't worth what they were paying him they would do something about it! After everything he has done for our team you would think people would show a little more gratitude

  7. Its always better to get the authentic jerseys no matter what. The price is harsh but when it comes down to quality its worth it. Not a huge fan of nike but they are putting it down with the new gear. Also buying off ebay is always a risk they say authentic but you never know tool you receive them. I for one am getting a jersey, a pair of the new nike id shoes, and those sick new gloves. Better start saving now lol

  8. I alike with probably everyone else is very thankful that reggie wayne stayed with us cause we all know just about any other team in the league would have picked him up. I mean how would ask of us felt if he would of ended up playing for new england this year which was his other pick for trade

  9. It would be really hard for me to believe, as others have said the colts have been a stand up team from the beginning and it would really be shocking for us to ever be involved in anything like that. I would have faith that if it ever did happen we would take complete responsibility.

  10. After ask the latest drama irsay probably doesn't want to let anyone know what hes doing but if you have been paying close attention to what pagano has been doing with our line up you already know luck is being set up

  11. I love madden too but no. I will probably use the team that adds manning and Reggie to their roster...

    I hope they make the team play mode and online franchise better this year.

    regardless of anything i do gaming or at home or work i play and talk the colts!!! to do anything else i feel is questionable to the devotion of your team. why would you want to play as another team and call yourself a colt?

  12. everyone can back and forth with the what ifs, but what it really comes down to is how Luck will handle the pros. if any of you guys have watched Luck play he has the same love for the game and strive that manning did when he came in, not saying hes the same caliber but hes got the talent to learn. we need a youngster to bring us past a 3-4 year winning streak to another beautiful 14 year. give it time

  13. people are saying that they dont understand why we would keep reggie wayne and not clark or garcon, look at the stats clark hasnt been doing well and before the decision was even made about manning garcon made it clear he wouldnt stay if manning wasnt there, we dont need players that are not true to the colts

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