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Status Replies posted by NOLONGERACOLTSFAN

  1. PM will go down in History as one of if not the greatest QB to ever play the game. The issue I have is how much the Colts are hoping Luck can come in and be the same type of player. Luck was a great college player, but I can name about 5 to 10 QB's who had the same buzz going around about them and became complete busts, AKA R. Leaf. With Peyton you had a proven player, someone who lead your offense and understood the inner workings better then the coaches. Now you bring in Luck, your off...



      I like Luck, I am a huge fan of Stanford and I will support him the way I did PM when he came out of college. I am a long time colts fan who remembers those years that made it hard to admit to being one, but I am going to follow PM for now and continue my support of him until he decides to retire. He gave us Lucas Oil Stadium, he gave so much to the community, he was the face of the Indy and made us all proud to say I AM A COLTS FAN!!!! So now I will follow because I believe I...

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