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Posts posted by Gman

  1. The Colts owner is the biggest politician of all times - weeps (crocodile tears) and tries to show off his concern while sticking in a dagger at your heart in the name of business. How many times has this spineless bofoone fooled us into believing that he will bring back PM if he was healthy. Now I hear he does not have a team for Manning to win championship - who is he hoodwinking, who did away with the team. Come on be a man and say you wanted to control the team just like the Jerry Jones and suffer the consequences. If Luck was supposed to be the next PM then why is he not putting his neck out and saying we will bring chamoinship in 3 years. You clean house you be prepared for the consquence, that is why every business has a transition plan - not this bofoon. I will take my money and watch pacers, wait for PM to return to Indy and kick some b___. Go Manning Down with Horse shoe owner.

    He didn't want to say we will have the championship in three years in front of peyton on their departure day like that. He did say that's something to talk about at another time. Everyone knows he thinks Luck is the next PM, but he didn't say it out of respect for PM. Even though, IMO too, he's a rascal, he still had enough class to treat manning with respect in their departing speeches.

  2. I'm here. I hope andrew luck becomes the next best qb to ever be, but I can't say I have actual expectations of that. I'll always be a colts fan and I'll always be a peyton manning fan. I suppose I'll at least loosly follow whatever team he's on but I'll be here in coltsville and I've accepted the fact that the greatest qb in recent history is gone from out team. Too bad he had to follow in Johnny U's footsteps like that.

  3. Dear Peyton,

    I have loved watching you play over the years, and I hope you get back on top of your game soon. When you started in Indy I was just finishing Jr High School and just then becoming interested in televised sports. So I grew up watching you, one of the nfl's greatest qb's, leading Indy on sundays with my father, and he grew up watching Johnny Unites with the colts in Baltimore with his dad. I hope to see you in blue and white rather than to have the colts let you go like they did Johnny U, But I will remain a fan of yours whatever happens.

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