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Posts posted by indybuck

  1. A lot of defensive busts too. Colts history supports going QB route. PM great Jeff George was better than average but difficult guy to manage. Emtman or however you spell his name and Coryatt flamed out quickly. Throw in trev Alberts who was a top 5 pick I think and we have not done well he grabbing defensive guys at the top of the draft.

    In this one you have 1 guy who has separated from the pack and fits a need we have.

    And out of that list, how many of them are champions? 2; 1 of whom (Rodgers) has had tremendous help in achieving success, as evidenced by his backup having a better game than he himself has ever had. He's also got a shortened career from having not played for 4 years.

    The rest of them are all average, and will likely never be champions.

    It is more likely that Luck will fall into that same category.

  2. See I do not think that most fans want that. I loved the last 10 years as a colts fan but this current colts team needs a serious upgrade at several positions. I have loved Clark but his production is down and he cannot seem to stay healthy. All the guys you mention have been amongst my favorites and yet without PM they did not account well of themselves last year. Now if these guys want to give Indy a home town discount I am with you but if better value can be found then it may be time for some or all to move on.

    You mentioned that you would rather keep them and not win as much vs reloading and winning at a higher clip. To what level? If we are talking about just 1 game sure I can see that but if we are talking non playoff level then the fans will not continue to support them.

    I think we have done PM a disservice by not putting enough talented players and coaches around him. 2 years ago we had probably as many injuries as we did last year with one notable exception PM. I would love to see PM back just to see how well we would do with him compared to last year.

    I would return some of the guys you mention but I would not believe we had to bring them all or the fan support would leave.

    I am very tired of negative reports of Peyton being let go by Espn especially. My entire family loves colts football. We think that Peyton has lead franchise to the highest level. Mr. Irsay is in charge and we hope that he can understand that fans want Peyton, Brackett, Dallas and Reggie Wayne and many other older players to stay. We do not mind the losing if they give it all with heart. We fans deserve as people who have been 17 year cMonsumers and supporters immediate assurance that Peyton will play until he can not. My family actually lives by this motto God , Family , Country , Colts. I am telling Mr. Irsay that Indiana has the spirit of loyalty. Fans will not endorse colts if Peyton is let go. You will lose at least 50% of fan base for at least first year. We the fans blame Pollian and Caldwell for the destruction of the perfect season. We the FANS BLAME CALDWELL AND POLLIAN FOR LOSS OF NEW ORLEANS VS COLTS SUPERBOWL. We will embrace as fans new quarter back but not at price of Peyton. I know my voice and our voice may be ignored. However GOD BLESS COLTS AND PEYTON AND EVEN IF YOU IRSAY FAIL US GOD BLESS YOU !!!

  3. I remember reading anout how PM studied or took several extra classes to help him get comfortable behind the camera when he was in college. Anyone remember this? I think the conventional wisdom was that he did this to help during interviews but I remember hearing him talk about this his rookie year and thought his intent was broader than that. Perhaps he was preparing for life as an analyst then. With the way analysts break down tape and with the Gruden QB things he does I could easily see this as a path for PM.

  4. If PM goes somewhere else I only hope he goes to a team I do not hate. I could cheer for him easily if in SF or Miami my favorite teams as a kid. If he were to go to A team I hate or that we plAy a lot that could be tough.

    I think PM wants to move on and I cannot blame him. I just hope he and Irsay can do this amicably.

  5. Peyton, Eli, Ben and Rogers were 1st rounders. Brady and Brees would have been if teams had known what they would become. Elite QBs rule the roost right now. All of them seem to have better supporting casts than does PM and that is why we have a new GM.

    PM has too many performance questions that will likely not be answered in time for us.

    If anyone can ID that next elite QB available on the later rounds and allow is to trade let's do it. Otherwise draft luck and see what happens with PM

    Tarkenton, Fouts, and Montana were 3rd round picks.

    Van Brocklin and Jurgenson were 4th round picks.

    Waterfield was a 5th round pick.

    Unitas was a 9th round pick who got cut.

    Staubach was a 10th round pick.

    Warren Moon was undrafted.

    Kurt Warner (not HOF but a good shot) was undrafted.

    Of the 93 quarterbacks selected in the 1st round since 1967 6 are in the Hall of Fame with maybe another 6 on the way.

  6. I don't know. Irsay has said many things that could be looked at objectively and argued both ways. To me the "politician" comment and another interview where Irsay talks about the salary cap challenges while talking about Manning suggests PM is indeed on the way out. Still even if Irsay is 80/20 set on waiving PM things could happen to swing that the other way. To say categorically one way or another is foolish to me.

    If Jim Irsay was going to release/cut Peyton Manning and let him go to another NFL franchise, why in the world would he continue to allow Manning to utilize team facilities, team trainers, and team doctors (costing Irsay money) in order to "rehab" himself to play for a team that would compete against Irsay's.

    Irsay has very obviously NOT made a decision on the future of Peyton Manning.

  7. It seems odd though that he goes from this high powered San Francisco OC to be the QB coach in Detroit. Was that when seifert got fired? Then from the NC State QB coach or OC to a year out of football to the HC in the CFL. Am I missing something?

    Yes, I didn't mean sounds like a Colts OC just a better candidate for OC than HC.

    But I will say, I personally, would prefer a candidate like this that has experience being a HC rather than bringing up a coordinator that has never been a HC before.

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