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Blue Swagger

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Posts posted by Blue Swagger

  1. 11 minutes ago, Jules said:

    Not sure if it was noted yet after 7 pages (won't go back and look through it all), but Brady did this without Gronk too for the postseason. Many had doubts that without Gronk it eventually would bite them in the rears vs. good teams, but it didn't.


    I am pretty impressed too since Brady his entire career has been pretty good at playing with just about anything they throw out there on the field around him and making it work. 


    Bill B. might indeed be the real GOAT here but I am not sure Bill B. would even be able to work with other great QBs like Peyton or whomever. Bill B. and Brady have that chemistry mesh since day 1 and work together so well as if they are a happily married couple. Also as much credit as Bill gets, he never won it all without Brady starting either so this works both ways here.


    I truly am not even sure I can think of another QB who could have done that comeback the other night. Most QBs and most people in general would say "it's over" after that pick 6 happened. 

    I agree.  Belichick is a great one, but he needs Brady to get 5 rings.


    And like you said, no other qb pulls that win out down 28-3

  2. I don't think I've ever heard any proof that Brady did cheat.


    Anyway, I'm not a fan of Roger Goodell.  He''s way too politically correct and I think he's hurt the league with that.


    But If I was the pats, I wouldn't wear that clown shirt.  You're champs, and you should just celebrate that.

  3. 1 hour ago, Superman said:


    That's true. I think it's a little overstated, especially when you look at the cash and at his age, but I'm not denying that he's done team friendly contracts. 

    I saw pro athlete salaries one year.  Tiger Woods, Lebron, Peyton and Brady, on down the line.  Brady was making about 25 million with endorsements.  But there was an asterisk by his name.  It said "But his wife Gisele makes 50 million a year modeling!"

  4. 2 hours ago, ThatOneColtFan said:


    Brady has mastered fear better than any QB I've ever seen.


    He can get hit, throw a pick 6, not hit 3 straight passes, and he will still bounce back and treat the next snap like it's an entirely different game all together. Only like 2% of QBs can do that and he's done it, he's mastered it, and he's done it with a ton of limitations. But man that doesn't matter when the Pats coaches have been able to craft such a well oiled machine. I swear, it seems like they're running a new offense every 2-3 years.

    I agree.  Even down 28-3, I knew the game wasn't over.  Many qb's would be mentally done by halftime.   Brady was frustrated but not done.  That''s just how he is.

  5. 13 hours ago, 19colt said:

    Sure, he has had a bunch of clutch performances but it is also easier to execute in those situations when you are surrounded by quality in every area of your team and coaching staff. Even then, he got away with some pretty bad plays vs Atlanta and should have been down by 11 late in the 4th had they just run the ball.


    History shows that the Pats win in the playoffs even when Brady has an off day. 


    Maybe because Brady is such a damn good leader.


    On Dan Dakich today, they said Brady at halftime looked at every player in the eye and said "we will go out and have the greatest comeback in Superbowl history."


    In my opinion, Brady has the perfect makeup for a clutch competitor.  It's not just getting lucky and it's not just cause he has the best players around him.


    Belichick is world class at coaching.  But Belichick doesn't get 5 out of 7 super bowls without Tom Brady.


    Hands down, Brady is the best.

  6. 6 minutes ago, LockeDown said:

    When I saw Marino,effortlessly flicking pinpoint  50 yard bullets in double coverage and right on the money, and the only QB who could beat the 85'Bears, and doing all he did with so little of a team, it just frustrates me to see this Tm Brady GOAT talk.  Brady is nowhere near as talented as Marino, yet somehow he is greater?  BBs system is unbelievable.  Dan didn't even have an average running back to help him. Cassel and Garapola looked like the next great things in it.  If Marino dunked and dunked, he would never have won games.  He had to carry those teams on his back.  Brady just has to be accurate and consistent across the middle to Edelman or down the seam to Gronk, both of who always have separation in this system. Very short passes....extremely short passes. High school passes.  In my backyard passes.  Not tight windows 50 yards away double covered.

    Brady is just one of those guys that knows how to win.  He's got the perfect makeup for a competitor.  There are guys with more physical talent, but Brady is hands down the best.  Some guys can get it done, other guys can get it done in big games.

  7. 2 hours ago, Jules said:


    It's a David Bowie cat. lmao 





    Gaga was GREAT.  I wonder if it inspired the Pats. lmao  You have to think Bill B. was saying to the Pats at halftime, "Okay come on guys listen to Gaga........tap your feet. ENERGY GIVE ME ENERGY!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!"


    I like some Madonna songs but Gaga is a better singer all around to me.

    Even Lady Gaga is too Satanic for Bill Belichick.  She's one weird girl.

  8. 13 hours ago, Rams to Colts said:

    I am a new Colts fan.  My choices were follow the Rams to LA, ignore the NFL, become a fair weather fan to all teams, or choose a new team.  I decided to choose a new team and focused on 6 teams.  I sent emails to each team asking why I should be a fan of their team, and only the Colts called. Yes, they called me.  I am not a fair weather or a bandwagon fan.  I rooted the Rams all the way to the end, all the while Kroenke trashed our city, and Jeff Fisher lied about 

    not knowing anything.  After the ordeal with Kroenke, it was amazing to have a team call me and ask me to be a fan.  As Colts fan, you don't know how lucky you are to have a team that supports the area, puts a great team on the field, and really tries to engage their fans.  The Rams did none of this.  You never saw the team reaching out to fans, putting on events, anything.  Their idea of game day experience is to put up a tent in front of the stadium and that's it.  While the Cardinals, who don't ever have to do anything to win their fans love... Have event after event. I still don't understand why we get a bad wrap for being a "baseball town" when Chicago, Boston, and New York have bigger followings for their baseball teams than football as well. Boston actually has a larger following for the Celtics too. 


    However, I am done with all of that and am looking forward to coming to Indy to watch games.  I hope you all accept us, and I'm sure there will be more. We really want to have a great NFL experience and root for a team who appreciates us.  



    Welcome!  Do you think there are many like you from the St Louis Area?  What do you think will happen to the Rams fans in your area?

  9. It's not all about 40 time.  Someone hit it when they said can you catch.  There are a few factors in that.  How effortless is it to run?  Can you turn your head back and keep your speed?  And can you keep your balance looking up for the ball?   If you have no balance and are heavy footed, the ball will bounce and you won't truly see where the ball is in the air.  Randy Moss had all that.  You just had to throw it up and he's out run everyone to get it.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Susie Q said:

    Well my Father would have probably laughed and said what do you expect when your profession has you in the locker room of young college men . Just laugh it off or change professions. It was a harmless prank in my opinion and she was paid dearly and settled with the big money that came her way. I can't believe that some are still talking about this. Hey she was not a child and she knew she would be in locker rooms with half naked young men. I think she more than got enough from the college and Peyton to take care of her pain and suffering. This has been my only post on this subject and now I'm moving on. Oh by the way my cousin and I were mooned on the way to my family's cottage and we just laughed it off and too top it off we met the fellows that did it and they were telling us about the prank and you can imagine how they felt when they found out that we were the girls they mooned. It was priceless and I'm betting they never did this going down the highway again. haha

    It was the training room, not the locker room.


  11. 28 minutes ago, Mrs. Misunderstood said:

    Yeah, I have a brother and I also raised two sons...    Mother's of boys may see things differently than mother's of girls :dunno:     


    Don't misunderstand me (  funny haha given my name here)   I am not condoning anything...   


    full disclosure here....  something like this did  infact did happen to me,  but I never filed any charges, or really ever thought of it as anything other than a prank.    But that's just me.  


    If someone did this to my 5 yr. old grandaughter, or even adolescent or naive teenage girl,  I'd be appalled.


     I guess I just look at it differently happening to a grown woman whose job entailed being in a locker room with half naked young men on a regular basis.   I wouldn't think seeing a butt would  be all that traumatic.


    Was it rude...??  Yes.  No question. 


    Ask fathers of daughters.  It doesn't matter if they're 25 yrs old either.


    But personally, since I believe that witness that Peyton was not mooning him, I find it also disturbing that he'd lie about it.

  12. 17 minutes ago, The Peytonator said:



    Big difference between mooning someone that works on the human body and sitting on their face, as the media has suggested.

    I agree.  But I don't think it matters that she works on the human body.  You can't expose yourself to a female like that.  It's demeaning.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Nadine said:

    I did say that about what he wrote.  

    But I'm not mad and I don't think an apology does anything for me.

    I still think that there is not a lawsuit against him at this time for this incident.  Just some people trying to use it for their own purposes.

    As far as what really happened, I don't know.  I think there's likely stuff on both sides that we don't know and it does no good to speculate. There's lots of things that could have happened.  We just don't know. They settled this so, it's been resolved for them. 

    I think there is a misunderstanding.  I didn't mean that you were mad.  I meant that you said Jamie Naughright was probably mad. 

  14. 9 minutes ago, Mrs. Misunderstood said:


    Maybe...   None of us really know for sure though, do we...??


    So just for the sake of argument,  let's go with your assumption that he was infact mooning her.  Do you personally view this as sexual assault..?   Or is it indecent exposure and harrassment...???    Or do you view this as a locker room prank.


    Regardless of what Peyton said in his book.  I think Peyton did not like this woman.  There is an unknown incident between them that happened in 94.  Peyton had it removed from the 74 page transcript as part of the settlement.  That was probably what instigated the tension between them.  I don't think it was a prank.  I think he really wanted to belittle this woman.


    It's probably indecent exposure or sexual harassment.

  15. 4 minutes ago, The Peytonator said:

    Honestly I don't believe Peyton was mooning Malcolm Saxon. I think he was mooning this chick. I think that was the worst of it, she cried about it, and in order to save face Peyton and UT tried to pass it off as he was mooning Malcolm. Kind of funny that in this day and age of equality, the level of outrage is dependent on the gender of the recipient of the mooning.

    That's what it sounds like to me too.

  16. 18 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

    There was no cover up..This case was a big deal in Tennessee..

    ..and, again,. there can be no further comment from either party.....That's what cost Peyton in 2003

    It would cost him money to apologize, but it might be the only thing that could save his reputation.  Cause I bet you this week that there aren't as many mom's letting their kids' wear #18 to school.

  17. 16 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

    Its locker room behavior......Its wrong but not uncommon. I wonder why she took it so far as to sue.

    She was an athletic trainer...it was nothing she hadn't seen or heard.

    What else happened?

    I guess we'll never know

    Well you just can't drop your pants on a female like that.  And as Nadine said, she was mad.

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