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Posts posted by Ralla32

  1. As long as I never hear " do what we do " again I am fine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    seriously...stupidest thing ever. We do what we do which is sit in a Cover 2 shell and dropp our lbs bac.......K I'm over it :)

    "BUILD THE MONSTER " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I dont know about you guys but I'm :edit: stoked

  2. The hatred of the cover 2 is odd since we won with it...

    ..but it can be frustarting..

    Sure we won with with it but we also lost with it. Horrible pass coverage .....my 7 year old son knew the slant or quick out was coming when the db's were playing 7 yards off. Dont even get me started with the lb's dropping back in to a zone on 3rd and 7 or over and only giving up 12. GOOD RIDDANCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I think it has been funny reading all of the hate on Irsay. I am a huge 18 fan and was upset when this idea of releasing him first came up. I thought it would be the stupidest move ever.....trade the pick and here we go.

    After composing myself and thinking it thru, it had to be done. Even the cuts yesterday had to be done at some point. Just get it over with, eat the cap hit for this year and get ready for 2013. Obviously this draft will be big as we wont have any big $$$ for free agents. We will not be very good this year but will get another Top 10 draft pick next year and can draft well again and have a heck of a lot of $$$$ to play with.

    I am very excited to finally not see a cover 2 defense with db's 7-10 yards off. I look forward to seeing the middle getting clogged up and lb's blitzing and db's blitzing. Offenses won't know what to expect...out D will finally have some bite.

    I'M PUMPED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To quote our new head coach who ended hos conversation with Jim Irsay with....." LET'S HUNT"

    THE COLTS WILL RISE AGAIN..............BELIEVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can u tell I'm a bit excited :)

  4. Don't forget after this year we will also have a high draft pick again. So according to frog in 2013 we will have roughly $42 million to spend and probably another top 10 draft slot.

    Hot darn that makes me happy....balance please.....just balance a great D and and great O. pleeeeeeease :)

  5. Kind of shocked by really let's just get it over with...rip off the bandaid and take the lumps for the dead cap money for this year and possibly next. I can seriously say I am excited for this team moving forward. Can you imagine how much cap room this team will have soon.

    Finally a more balanced offense and a kick butt defense. The next couple years will hurt but then watch the F out !!!!!!

  6. My " Luck" is pretty bad. I ordered a Garcon Jersey for my son and I, and a pink Manning jersey for my daughter at the beginning of the year :(

    The Manning one I'm cool with....Garcon is likely gone. So in my closet now are the following " Throwbacks" plus a couple maybes



    Doss ( don't ask)



    Reggie ( i hope not)

    Garcon ( again I hope not)

    Clark ( again....)

    Freeney ( really? )

    Manning X3

    The only current jersey I have left now is Addai and who know about him....ordered my Mathis jersey when he resigned.....they can't cut him right :)

  7. Just ordered my Mathis jersey when he was resigned. Will order my Luck Jersey as soon as I possibly can and will order my new Manning jersey unless he's a jet....that wont happen.

    Anyone else except the jets.....seriously even the pats ( i know not happening) . Over the past few years after hearing rex run his mouth so much I have a bigger hate for the jets than the pats.....at least the pats win.

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