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Posts posted by malsatisfait

  1. You can't find it because it is another embarrassment to the NFL, the officials, and the TV broadcasters. The replay I saw showed the pat player with the ball under his abdomen. Moncrief reached under, pulled out the ball, handed it to the official and that defined 'possession'. Possession in the NFL is having control of the ball and laying on it is not possession. How the replay people did not see it is beyond me. Also where was Dean Blandino? The TV guys usually roll him out when there is a controversial play. Do you believe the NFL, the replay officials, or your lying eyes? The 'what does it matter?' replys fail to consider that teams are getting terrible interpretations of what appear to be visual evidence of one thing only to be told it shows something else.

  2.  Anyone can see the Colt player recovered the onside kick? The pat player never possessed the ball. It was under his abdomen and neither hand was on it. Moncrief dug it out from under him. That was when it was finally possessed by anyone. The TV commentators did not seem to be too concerned but that this was a huge mistake by the officials and the replay system. I would have appreciated an explanation from one of those expert TV officials. The question is "Can you posses the ball when you just fall on it without holding it in your hands?'

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