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Posts posted by xEvoluzione

  1. Some people just run on more emotion then others. All we can do is speculate the whys and how comes. Shouldn't knock a guy for being hard on himself, upset cause he's not just letting himself down, but his teammates too. Knowing(in his head) that he's better then those plays. Atleast he has that passion. Maybe that's what fires him up, gets him goin? Who knows what was going on inside that head of his.

    After that he had some great blocks on those Gore TDs.

    Playing football is emotional. And if you disagree then you've clearly never really played. And believe it or not, a lot of players cry. Pros included. I'd rather have a guy break down, then get fired up - putting heart into it. Than him poor play after poor play, just go sit on the side line, yawn, giggle, an act like he don't give a lick.

    But everyone has their own opinion.

  2. So where was the hole in our secondary? Every one of their receivers with atleast one catch managed to post 10 or more yards. And there was what, 8 or 9 players with one or more grabs? Not saying it was Thomas's fault, just curious on who they were exploiting. Where it went wrong. Because with numbers like those, seems like everyone let a few get by them.

    Also, seems like Davis has been off his game as of late. But he's a monster, he'll work it out. I have faith.

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