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Posts posted by Football Fan

  1. lol.


    This guy is trash. Always has been. Even at Oregon.


    We don't need this kind of * canoe in our locker room. 

    If the Colts hired you as their GM, they would dwell in the cellar for the duration of your employment.


    So, what do you think about the latest US balance of trade numbers?

  2. not the point I didn't once say what Jackson did was ok but why couldn't I? Seems acting like fool during the parade is ok too and putting down the team they were only lucky to beat cause of a stupid call

    I don't see any coherent response here.  Are you well?

  3. That stupid article is filled with bias. It makes me angry and surprised at how rude and mean people can be, especially how classless New England fans acted toward Bob Kravitz. I thought New England wanted to forget deflategate, so why do they keep bringing it up. That person doesn't know anything, just his bias ideas.

    You're right, because the Colts AND their fans should be allowed to level baseless allegations against the New England Patriots.  And the New England media and fans should just sit on their superior intellects and be quiet. 

  4. It's called satire. He's making the point that him calling for suspensions and firings is based on exactly the same non-evidence that Kravitz and Doyel had when they embarrassed themselves.

    It's hardly satire:


    Hurley: Failed DeflateGate Accusations Mean It’s Time For Irsay, Pagano To Be Banned From NFL

    By Michael Hurley, CBS Boston February 5, 2015 11:45 AM
  5. Excuse me if I don't get the connection here.  But what exactly does this have to do with the behavior at the Parade?

    It's really "classy" to use PEDs. Whatever your Colts players do is always Classy.  Congratulations and good for you for being outraged over the playful antics at a parade.  That whole assault business over the parking space must really have your dander up. 

  6. I'm sure many Colts fans who jumped to convict without evidence feel that it would be better for the whole mess to just go away.


    The Commissioner's Report, and the findings from the investigation can't come out fast enough.


    This playing it back and forth in the media on TV, newspapers, social media and so on  is really getting tiring.  


    Maybe it's been a big tadoo about nothing, or maybe there is some substance and validity behind the accusations and investigation at hand.   I have read so many reports, and spins, and comments from big names in the NFL,  which btw are just comments and opinions.  Everyone has an opinion.   Doesn't mean their opinion is the true fact.


    I can't wait till this is over and behind us, whatever the outcome.

    I am sure you're not alone among Colts fans. 




    Many Colts fans have been unfair to the Patriots. Maybe this story will lead to Irsay and Pagano being banned for life from the NFL? Crazy?  Crazier than the posts about losing draft picks, Belichick being suspended, Brady being suspended, a new AFC Championship game between the Colts and Ravens...


    What goes around sometimes comes around.

  7. I don't know GP


    Maybe it was the B***hMode T-shirts that  rubbed me wrong.  I'm sure every parent at the parade loved that and ran right out to buy one as a souvenir.   :scratch:




    Maybe it was Gronk acting like a buffoon with a deflated football (while the investigation is still ongoing,  I just found that to be immature and juvenile and making a mockery of an ongoing investigation)


    I saw several photos of distasteful things that are not permitted to be posted to this site.


    I am not discounting things other teams have done.    Yes  assaulting a pizza driver over a damn parking spot was beyond ridiculous.


    I can't help the way I feel, and I felt some of the behavior on the victory parade was distasteful, disrespectful, juvenile, innappropriate and not necessary.


    You don't have to disrespect the other team to celebrate your accomplishments.   Take the High Road.


  8. I didn't realize that. I thought from what I read that Canada had their own Shrine game. But that actually goes right along with my point. He was playing against better competition than he ever had, most likely. I'm not surprised that he got pushed around.

    You were saying "The Shrine game is presumably top rated Canadian college prospects."


    Presumably not. 

  9. They were investigated by the league and cleared... 

    There is a lot of truth to the persecution complex that many Patriots fans exhibit.  I see posters who were clamoring for ridiculous sanctions on the Patriots for deflate-gate.  Walk a mile in their shoes, and think if you would accept the above statement.  "Nothing to see here folks.  Move along."  Everyone on this board would be OK with that, right?


    Acting like your own franchise is classy and Dudley Do-Right-ish is something that all fans do, no matter which franchise they prefer.  If you can't win, you proclaim how classy and sportsmanlike are your Giants, Steelers, Colts, Seahawks, Raiders etc.  Well, maybe not the Raiders.  They revel in badness.


    If you look at it honestly, all the teams are doing whatever they can to win.  Be it sucking a little air out of their own footballs or their opponents football.  Be it piping in crowd noise, using stickum, taping signals (as Jimmie Johnson did), or rampant PED use (Colts are among the top abusers over the past 5 years).  Football is a game of deception and a struggle to gain any advantage.  It's not golf.  Our favorite sport is closer to the former WWF than it is to football of 50 years ago.  Another teams thug becomes our hero when he changes laundry.


    As for "classy", our players are classy, even when they get arrested for beating another motorist in a dispute over a parking place, but "their" players are thugs. Or when they're involved in a murder that the police can't prove.  I think we all agree on that.

  10. We have to trust the coaching staff on this one.  I don't want the Colts to make an emotional decision that uses a roster spot for old time's sake.If there is a better player that would be cut just so Reggie Wayne can have one more year, that will hurt the Colts.


    It depends on the roster evaluation, and whether the coaching staff sees enough left in the tank versus who would get cut. 

  11. It is amazing how one play has become a lightning rod of discussion. I believe Carroll. He said he knew he had two plays left with just one time out and one was going to be a pass. I don't think he believes for one second that it was a bad call. He believed in the play and the DB made a great play on the ball. 9 out of 10 times that pass falls incomplete.

    Pete Carroll was wrong about having two plays left.

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