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Posts posted by kevingt

  1. I'd like to see Lovie Smith coaching in the NFL again. He's a player's coach and he's not too happy coaching college football right now. He took the Bears to the Super Bowl (against the Colts) and was fired with a winning record (stupid move by the Bears). He was never given a chance in Tampa.

  2. Ugh! These veteran moves are questionable at best. Gore is entering retirement age. Langford had 1 sack last year, 25 tackles, 0 forced fumbles and 0 passes deflected. Cole is getting old too. I'm not saying they're bad players but they're old. How long are they signing these guys for? How much? I would have rather waited to see if we could have gotten Demarco Murray from the Cowboys.

  3. Inane?  Those reasons are all red flags.  They individually would give a team pause for siging the guy but collectively, is it really that hard to see why the Colts and most other teams would pass on him?


    1) Your reasoning on this point is laughable - basically granting him license to act as a petulant child.  So the Steelers suck for not using him when what they were doing and who they were doing it with worked unbelieably well.  We are clearly of a different generation.


    2) Dear God.  I am not making a value statement on dope smokers or not letting those who have gotten caught not play in the league.  I am simply saying that he put his team in a bad position by doing this with Bell in the hours before a game.  He clearly lacked judgement and had influence over a key player - another giant red flag.


    3)  Where the hell do you think I don't know about the guy.  He has traveled all around the league in a short period of time - that is not up for debate.  I am not sure how all the justiifcation of his stints in other places you have presented alters anything from the simple fact that he can't stay anywhere for any length of time.  That may be from his talent level or the distraction he causes but either way - you know what it is - a red flag.


    4) There is nothing in my argument that can be remotelyt considered ignorant.  Nothing.  You can disagree but telling me it is ignorant simply ain't true.  The fact is some players wanted him off the team.  I fully grasp the concept that not everyone will all get along but to the point where there were those who wanted him gone - that is a giant red flag.


    5) I am not even close to making the case that TRich is nothing but a disappointment. But the Colts already have a big lumbering back on the roster and what Blount would bring is not all that different.


    6) Other than his obvious knuckleheadedness, this point is the most glaring to me.  Picking up the system is one thing when you have camp to do it.  How long would it take for him to understand the offense and get the checks that Luck has to be able to use?  At some point it the investment is not justified.


    7) PS guys with zero experience?  That does not mean that they cannot play.  Everyone has zero experience at some point.  And the fact that they know what their role would be in audible situation at this point makes them more valuable than someone off the street.  Blount is seasoned - in other teams systems.


    Not sure where you get the idea that I don't watch the games because I am familiar with what Blount did to Indy last year.  You say Blount is exactly what was needed - I simply & strongly disagree.  He is a midling talent with a penchant for being a dumba#$.  He has, and here is that phrase again, all kinds of red flags. 


    You want him - fine.  All I have done is present a case as to why a team would pass on him.  Not that hard to figure why he was deemed not worth it by Indy.

  4. This is the type of stuff that cracks me up and keeps me coming back to this forum.


    1) Blount quit on his team 4 days ago.


    2) Blount got caught smoking weed with Bell less than 24 hours before a game less than 4 months ago.


    3) He has been on 4 teams in 5 years - something is amiss with the guy.


    4) Steeler players reportedly wanted him gone before he walked off early.


    5) His talent & skill set is similar to a back that the Colts already have on the roster.


    6) He does not know the Colts system - how long before they could actually put him in a game?


    7) They have RB's on the PS they can bring up already who know the team & system


    8) Exactly how long does it take to become a distraction?  Seems with Blount - not long at all


    Yeah, can't possibly imagine why the Colts did not look his way

    Hmmm, lets look at those inane reasons:


    1) Blount quit on his team 4 days ago. - He left at the last play of the game when Ben Roethlisberger was going to take a knee.  The Steelers hadn't used Blount the whole game.  They handed the ball to Bell 33 times and the handed it to Blount ZERO times.  It was an obvious snub by the Steelers and Blount knew it.  I'd be mad too.  The Steelers didn't include him in their scheme and so they didn't need him on the last play when Roethlisberger was going to take a knee.  Yeah, it was bad protocol but understandable.  I think the Steelers suck for excluding him the whole night.


    2) Blount got caught smoking weed with Bell less than 24 hours before a game less than 4 months ago. - Give me a freaking break.  If you want to exclude every NFL player who smoked dope, you would get rid of about 1/2 the league.  Based on your logic, you would hire any of these guys who smoked dope: Ricky Williams, Josh Gordon, Adrian Peterson, Von Miller, Aldon Smith, etc, etc, etc.  Ask any player and they'll tell you about 1/2 the players smoke dope.  Btw, Mikel Leshoure, who was also mentioned as a possibility has also be arrested for marijuana possession - twice.  You know how many times Blount has been arrested?  Once.  There are many players in the NFL with multiple arrests.  You need to come on down from your ivory tower and live in the real world.  Stuff like this happens, it's not the end of the world


    3) He has been on 4 teams in 5 years - something is amiss with the guy. - If you knew anything about him, you would know he never played for the Titans.  He made the initial 53-man roster but then was waived to make room for some linebackers that Tennessee needed.  He was picked up off waivers by Tampa Bay, which was the first team he actually played for.  Blount was traded to NE for a Jeff Demps (who is now on our practice squad (ironic?) and a 7th round pick).  After playing with the Patriots in 2013 and getting the exact same yardage and touchdowns as Stevan Ridley, Blount was a free agent.  Since they already had Ridley and Shane Vareen, they went cheap and wouldn't spend a lot of money on Blount.  As a free agent, he signed with the Steeler who offered him 2 years and $3.85 million.  He set NFL and team records with both TB and NE.


    4) Steeler players reportedly wanted him gone before he walked off early. - And some wanted him there.  Not everybody gets along 100% with every player.  That was an ignorant statement of why we shouldn't have signed him.  "I know him, I know he's not a selfish guy, he's a team guy," said safety Mike Mitchell.


    5) His talent & skill set is similar to a back that the Colts already have on the roster. - Nonsense!!  TRich sucks.  He hasn't performed since we signed him - that's why we went and got Bradshaw.


    6) He does not know the Colts system - how long before they could actually put him in a game? - RBs pick up the game quickly.  Having played for TB, NE, and Pittsburgh, he would have been able to get in pretty quickly.


    7) They have RB's on the PS they can bring up already who know the team & system - Yeah, RBs with ZERO NFL experience.  Blount has been thoroughly tested.  He's been a starter and he's been a back-up.  He's played in playoff games.  He is seasoned.


    8) Exactly how long does it take to become a distraction?  Seems with Blount - not long at all - That is pure speculation!


    If you watched the playoffs last year, you saw Blount roll over the Colts.  Blount was exactly what the Colts needed.  Too bad Grigson, Pagano, or Irsay were too stupid or too slow to see it.  That's why the Colts will be watching the Super Bowl from the comfort of their own couches again this year.

  5. Not many goods backs with NFL experience left out there.  Blount was our best shot at adding some instant, proven talent to our roster at the RB position and yet Colts fans were whining about him - "he's a thug", "he hit someone in college".  Get over it!! Put some big boy pants on.  Blount was exactly what the Colts needed.  Most available running backs with experience are pretty banged up, out of the league for a while, or don't have much in the tank.  Darrin Reaves is still available.  hahaha!!
    So we have our practice squad - Zurlon Tipton and Jeff Demps.  UGH!  Belichick has outcoached Pagano again - and I loathe Belichick.

  6. Blount was just re-signed by the Patriots.  So the Patriots get a big briusing back heading into the playoffs and we've got nothing except TRich and Boom.  We're screwed again.  It looks like Pagano and company will be watching the Super Bowl from the comfort of their own couches AGAIN!!  Apparently Blount wasn't too big of an issue in the Pats lockerroom for Belichick to re-sign him.  He knows exactly what he's getting.  We NEEDED a big back like Blount more than the Patriots did and now we have squat!  We need admit the mistake, dump TRich, and get some real talent in there.

  7. I say grab Blount.  He's a proven NFL back.  He wasn't whining about not being he primary back like Ben Tate was.  He just wanted SOME of the snaps - he got NONE on Monday night.  He saw the writing on the wall that the Steelers were edging him out, he just accelerated it.  And he left the field for the the final snap, where Roethlisberger takes a knee - BFD!!  So he missed one play where the QB was taking a knee and he wasn't used the whole night.  Yeah, yeah, protocol and all that crap.  He was *.  They hand the ball to Bell 33 times and ZERO times to him.  Understandably *.  And he wasn't hated on the team:
    "I know him, I know he's not a selfish guy, he's a team guy," said safety Mike Mitchell, who tried to coax Blount off the bus. "But it's more so knowing his feelings were hurt. I just tried to get him to not do that but he's a grown man."  And center Maurkice Pouncey called Blount "a good teammate"

    Grab Blount and bench TRich.  Luck needs an RB that the defense is at least going to respect.  Nobody respects TRich.
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