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Posts posted by IndyOhio

  1. I hope he gets Tom Zbikowski, maybe L. Webb to follow him.

    I really hope he goes after Zbikowski to play next to Bethea. Dude's tough as nails, when the league was locked out he fought in a couple boxing matches. I can see Pagano going after a lot of the Raven's free agents on defense.

  2. No Tressel wont have to cover for a kid that got a free tattoo in the NFL. Tressel didn't do anything wrong. A stupid but talented kid took perks when he wasn't supposed too, so instead of destroying that kids college career, Tressel tried to cover up for him.

    IMO the heavy reprecussions of a crap rule forced Tressel's hand.

    Couldn't agree with you more. Give the dude a chance, players respect him.

  3. I've been a Buckeye fan my entire life. Before Terrell Pryor, the Buckeyes did run a pro offense with quarterbacks such as Todd Boeckman, Troy Smith, Craig Krenzel. The nice thing about Tressel is that he's willing to adapt the offensive play calling to the quarterbacks strengths. However, his best track record came from running the conservative pro style offense.

    He's a players coach, which is evident when you look at the allegations against him. He covered for his players stupid choices, many of which had something to do with money, which is not an issue in the NFL as players are paid handsomely.

    I'm all for Tressel as a head coach.

  4. The Colts will NOT change to a 3-4. Our defensive line is very small by 3-4 standard. Our linebackers are tiny, and do not shed blocks easily. Our DB's are lackluster in man coverage and we currently don't have a lot of depth at any position on defense. To switch to a 3-4 with the personnel we currently have would set the team back at least 2 years, easily.

    I honestly believe we will be sticking to the Tampa/Dungy-2 for the foreseeable future. It is a solid defensive scheme, with the right personnel, which we truly only had 1 year and that was the year we won the Super Bowl.

    I think if we get back on track on addressing defense, which was lacking in the Polian era, I think the defense could be fixed in 1 season.

    Unfortunately, the Mathis/Freeney contract situation makes this entire belief a little far fetched.

  5. People need to get the thought of trading with the Browns in order to take RG3 with the 4th pick out of their heads. Say the Colts do make that trade with their eye on RG3. Luck will go # 1 and that leaves several QB-needy teams with the opportunity to draft RG3 at either # 2 or # 3. And then the Colts are left with nothing.

    I don't see RG3 going to the Rams (Bradford) or the Vikings (Ponder). Only way RG3 goes at 2 or 3 is if teams trade up to get him. And they wouldn't be left with "nothing". They would have the 4th, 22nd pick along with Colt McCoy. In that trade scenario you get a capable young QB and 2 1st round picks as well as the 33rd pick in the draft. That's 3 holes you can address whether it be CB, DT, WR.

  6. Is he one of the youngest GMs in the NFL or what? Not even 40 and heading up an NFL team. The guy really doesnt have much of a track record - I wonder if Irsay is wanting to start calling more of the shots like Davis in Oakland did or JJ in Dallas does. I sure hope he is not looking for a Vick like player!

    For Vick-like I mean extremely mobile. RG3 comes off to me as a much smarter decision maker, on and off the field. As well as a very capable passer. I'm not looking for a Vick-like mentality, I was just going by skill set.

  7. some say though Rams & Vikings have players of correct need that are sure bets there for the taking, someone needing a QB will offer so much that Browns themselves may have to trade up for RG3, otherwise good hypothesis

    Living in Ohio, I have many Brown's fans that are sick and tired of QB mediocracy and would love nothing more than to trade their two 1st round picks, plus more picks AND Colt McCoy for Andrew Luck. I for one, like this prospect and believe it could help the Colts in the long run. I think McCoy is a capable QB, but needs to be in the right system, with an offensive line that can keep him upright, wide receivers who can get open AND catch the ball, both of which the Brown's haven't offered to him.

  8. Seems to be a good talent evaluator. I wonder if he looks at RG3 like a Mike Vick kind of player. Do you think he would trade down to possibly the Browns spot for their 4th and 22nd pick in the first round? Picking up RG3 with the 4th and a young stud receiver with the 22nd pick? It will be interesting to see which direction this guy takes the organization.

    When Holmgren first started with the Browns he traded their first pick down to get a handful of future picks that will probably help out their organization in many ways in the long run. I wouldn't be too upset to see him do the same, don't get me wrong I like Luck but we could fill so many more holes on this team than just one and find a capable player to sit under Manning for 2-3 years on the beginning of the second day of the draft.

  9. If Reggie is gone, you HAVE to resign him. He's pretty much been getting healthy for 2years now, you'd think that amount of rest and rehab would allow him to be healthy. He knows the playbook, has good chemistry with Manning and cannot ask for a big contract in his situation. I think the Colts will offer him a contract, but he may also decide to go elsewhere. Something tells me he's looking for a fresh start and most likely felt like he was getting the shaft by not getting much of a chance to show what he could do this past season.

    Wouldn't be surprised to see him go to the Browns, you heard it here first.

  10. Hello fellow Colts fans, I look forward to sharing my two cents with as much knowledge and respect as possible. I am from Ohio sandwiched between Browns, Steelers and Bengals fans, I for one have no interest in these teams, never have but I do hold some sympathy for the city of Cleveland. I chose to start fallowing the Colts nearly 12 years ago, what a ride it has been, especially as of late! Like many of you I breath, eat, sleep sports with a background in high school football, Ohio State Buckeyes fan and obviously a huge Colts fan. Go Blue!

    With that said, I believe I have a different approach to how I think I would run the offseason if I had the chance.

    1.) Hire McKenzie out of Green Bay if possible.

    2.) Head Coach: I'd like to see them keep Caldwell. With Polian gone he'll be able to make more decisions for himself. I believe this season was a direct reflection upon front office offering the team limited talent on the depth chart. This limited talent still continued to play hard for Caldwell regardless of how rough it got.

    3.) Coordinators/Assistant Coaches: OC - Find an up and coming creative coordinator, whoever that might be. DC - I'd like to see Spags, Reheem Morris, and Del Rio brought in for interviews. I see Spags as a terrible head coach but elite DC. Morris, I believe is from the Dungy coaching tree, correct me if i'm wrong, and would help for a smooth transition with the type of players we have. Del Rio, I always felt like he had the Jags defense ready to play and would know how to approach our AFC South opponents. STC - Anyone better than we currently have.

    4.) Manning/Luck: Although my view on this might not be popular I'm gonna stick to my guns. IF Peyton is healthy, I think at this stage you have to trade him, not only to ensure the future of our organization but to give him a chance to win a Super Bowl with a talented team elsewhere. I believe we're in a transition and we should go after Luck and build around him just like we did with Manning, only this time I think we shouldn't rely on 1 player, and build a complimentary team. With a possible 1st round pick at the least for Manning we could get a young playmaker on offense to compliment Luck. (See Cinci - Dalton/Green). They could grow together as Manning did with Harrison and Wayne. Also with the assumed other picks you would get from Manning, address the defense.

    5.) Draft/Free Agents:

    --IF Manning is gone/traded, let Wayne, Saturday, and Diem go. Attempt to Trade: Clark and Vinny if possible. Restructure: Freeney, Brackett (Good locker room leader). Resign: Mathis, Gonzo (Cushion the loss of Wayne, Vet min), Garcon, Tamme (Replacing Clark), Sims, J. Anderson. Mathis is the big money guy with the others being smaller contracts.

    --Continue to build through the draft and resign our own as usual, forget big free agent acquisitions. Draft Luck. Draft a young stud receiver and Gronkowski/Graham-like tight end to compliment Luck's talents. Address defensive tackle, corner back and strong safety, and get depth for the offensive line. Draft another P/K, give McAfee a shot at kicking. Continue to search for diamonds in the rough ala Bethea/Garcon. (Our number of picks are dependent upon what we receive in trades).

    6.) The rest: Let competition in pre-season play out to decide the final depth chart. Let each and every player know that their spot and position on the depth chart is not safe.

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