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Posts posted by saxStriker87

  1. 'OMG Andrew Luck!!!!! Can't Miss Prospect!!!! Colts Take Him For Sure!!!! Future GOAT!!!! Andrew Luck > Peyton Manning!!!!'

    Anyone who says the last part is stupid. Andrew Luck right now is not better than Peyton Manning. Thats not what the majority of people are saying when they thing we should move on with Luck instead of Peyton.

    The first part of that statement isn't an issue though. Those people are smart. The kid is a "can't miss prospect" and if you don't understand why, I wrote up all the reasons in another thread you should be able to find by clicking on my posts. You have to take him with the #1 pick. I think Luck can sit for a year+ under normal circumstances, but not with the way peyton was in the past. Peyton takes EVERY snap in practice... You can't take a QB with the first pick and not only make him sit for 4 years, but not give him ANY reps either. Plus the biggest adjustment from college to pro tends to be the speed of the game. 4 years with minimal to no 1st team practice reps while watching on the sidelines doesn't help you make that transition!

    Plus about playing against Peyton. This offense took a long time to install. Would a team (or offensive coordinator) who acquired Peyton (trade or free agency) throw their scheme out the door and just adopt his? Would the players just know what hes talking about day 1? Would he have timing with receivers automatically? Doubtful, no, and no. He works so well in our offense because he has complete control and mastery of the offence and is on the same page with every other offensive player on the field. He depends on saturday to make the blocking calls at the line, and he knows where each receiver will be at what time. Another team won't go out year 1 and be the fluid offense we're used to with peyton under center here. Who even says peyton wants to go somewhere else and start over for 3-4 years???

    Theres alot of questions to be answered. Theres a ton of unknowns.

  2. I think these Luck lovers are the ones that bought the Luck jersey, and they are just afraid they will waste 200 bucks on a jersey that might or might not happen. Either that or they are the most ungreatful people I have ever seen wanting to run Manning out of town... I beat they also spit on their mom's face for getting a sweater for christmas instead of a toy.

    Its nothing about Manning personally. People have to understand that... I already went into detail the amount of praise and credit Peyton should get. It would also be really hard to see Peyton in another uniform playing the colts next year...

    BUT when it comes to Luck as an NFL prospect its pretty easy why everyone agrees hes the real deal. Sure, everyone first looks at physical gifts when evaluating a player. Hes big both in height (6'4") and size (230 lbs) and has arm strength comparable to Peyton's. Hes not going to be Michael Vick or RG3 in terms of running ability and speed, but he can scramble and get out of trouble and even pick up yardage when nothing else is open.

    When it comes to his football talent, hes very accurate and can place his throws where he wants to. Many college QBs air the ball out and depend on their WRs to make plays, but Luck can put the ball right on target. As for some of the little things, he has great footwork. Hes calm in the pocket, can move around and be ready to get rid of the ball quickly. Hes very good at feeling pressure and stepping up to keep plays alive. Even when he has to run out of the pocket, he does a great job and squaring up and throwing on the run. As for his delivery (one thing that got alot of hype in the NFL this year with comments about Tebow), Luck is also very good. He can vary his release point to make all the throws he'll need to make in the NFL. Technically, hes very sound.

    College system. This may matter the least in the long term for a QB in the NFL, but in the short term it could mean everything. Luck played in a pro style offense at Stanford. Compare this to a spread or an option based offense and you'll realize that hes ready to tackle an NFL playbook because hes run some of the plays and is used to lining up under center with 5 down lineman and a TE with back(s) behind him. He is used to 3, 5, & 7 step drops and working through progressions. Alot of college QBs aren't used to that and the adjustment takes time. Also, Luck was coached by now head coach and former NFL (colts) QB Jim Harbaugh. Make a difference? Probably. Hes been successful in the NFL and thats how he coached in college. Plus the experience of a young QB with a guy that played the position professional is invaluable.

    Intangibles. This is where Luck shines. Sure you can teach alot of the above stuff. You can be an athletic beast and make up for deficiencies, but you can't teach intelligence. Andrew Luck was a High School Valedictorian, and would have made Stanford based on his academic qualifications alone. His college major was architecture, maybe one of the most time demanding things he could have choosen and hes not only stuck with it, but had a 3.5 GPA. He already reads defenses very well in the college game and makes changes at the line like Peyton did at Tennessee. Hes patient and will take what defenses give him (sound familiar?) even if that means running the ball like they did a few nights ago in the first half. Hes also very good with situational football. Hes made throws this year that may have been behind a receiver because he knew if he put it on target the safety would have laid his guy out. Luck can do more to help your team win before the ball is even snapped than almost any other QB coming out of college in the last 10 years. That's what makes him really special.

    Luck won't be Peyton Manning. Nobody will be Peyton Manning, but he has everything to be a great NFL quarterback in this league for a long time. And who knows, maybe he'll be in the same league as Peyton manning when hes done.

    This isn't a conversation about Luck now vs Peyton now. Its really about the future. This kid has a very bright future, and I hope we're smart enough to let that be the future of the Indianapolis Colts.

  3. Peyton is not different. He is a man of flesh and blood. Bones and muscle. He can be broken.

    No one can give that assurance of 5-6 yrs, and short of being 21yrs old, no one should even think beyond 2 years in the NFL. Just because a 26yr old Peyton Manning stayed healthy doesn't mean a 36yr old coming off-surgery Manning stays healthy.

    Not to mention hes coming off a surgery where there is an increased chance he'll need more surgery in the future. A fusion ends up with the fused vertebra taking the load of the previous 2, this causes forces to be greater to the above and below vertebra and can weaken them to a state where surgery will be required again. "Normally" this can be years down the road, but playing NFL football is anything but "normal" when it comes to the body.

    And I hate to bring this up because I hate this argument because any player can get hurt at any time from one bad hit, but peyton now is one slightly less bad hit away from what could be a far more serious spinal cord issue.

    Lastly, nerve regrowth and arm strength aren't things hes guaranteed to get back either! 100% healthy Peyton, maybe you pass on Luck, but we won't know how healthy Peyton is until the first time hes under center throwing the ball in an NFL game and taking a hit from Tamba Hali, Jason Pierre-Paul, or Jared Allen. Can we really afford to wait that long? We waited this year... and look what happened. If hes done and we don't know til then, not only could be be awful next year, but we'll have missed out on the opportunity to get a QB with all the skills to be the future of the franchise.

    I sat through 3-13 2 years in a row last time. And I'm fine doing it again if it means we're rebuilding for our future.

  4. If Peyton becomes a QB coach I hope he goes to the Giants to do it :)

    Under no circumstance would this work. But the humor of that playing out would be pay-per-view tv worthy!

    "That last throw was crap, you gotta look up the field and make better decisions." - Peyton

    "DAD! Peyton is being mean to me." - Eli

    "Boys... play nice" - Archie

  5. Colts fan first and always. I'm surprised at the positive responses here, but of course there will be the negatives.

    This is a business. Every business comes down to $$$$$. Its really hard to pay a guy $28 million when you have no idea if he will ever play again, and even if he does how well he'll play. If you take that chance and fail, this team is ruined financial for the next few years. Some say we owe it to Peyton... What? The money? Hes rich! Our respect? Hes got it. He'll go down as one of the best QBs of all time, and I'm sure one day he'll have his number and name hanging in the Ring of Honor. Heck, we could even rename it to the Peyton Manning Ring of Honor! But does that mean we should make dumb business decisions? NO. Some of the greats ended their careers with other teams (Montana to make room for Young & Favre to make room for Rodgers come to mind) because that was what was best for their team.

    Also, for the person that wants to jump on Luck for every mistake, if thats the direction we go, calm down. Once upon a time, we drafted a QB from Tennessee named Peyton Manning. In his first year we went 3-13 again! He also led the league in interceptions with 28 (compare that to his 26 TDs). That turned out pretty well right? Rookie QBs will make mistakes no matter who it is. Its part of the learning process! You have to understand that its about the long term prospect of this team being competitive (and a playoff contender) for the next 10+ years, not necessarily about winning it all next year. Luck gives you a future, and at best (without injury) Peyton maybe has 3-4 years left.

    You might not have the chance to draft a guy with this kind of talent again any time soon. You have to do it. Peyton Manning is the casualty of that decision.

    No matter what happens, Colts fans will always be thankful to Peyton for what he brought to this team (the wins, the class, a superbowl championship, & Lucas Oil Stadium). Its not personal, otherwise he'd be a COLT for life.

    Personally, I hope he decides to hang it up, and goes into coaching (maybe new QB coach). He'd be a fantastic mentor to a young QB like Luck. Although I doubt that will happen.

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