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My Opinions Are 0% Fact

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Posts posted by My Opinions Are 0% Fact

  1. It's sort of a balance. If defenses were to get rid of the LB then the offense would react to that. The reason why people are playing with more DB heavy sets is because there are some amazing QBs playing today. If there is a crop of QBs that aren't so amazing teams' philosophies will change. It's a fluid situation.

  2. It shouldn't be super surprising he at least looks at them a little bit. I think that the Colts understand on an organizational level that the Colts will never get their fair share of national sports talk time. They are sort of caught in that in between spot between teams that never get talk (Jaguars, Raiders) and the super sexy fun-time teams like the Patriots, Jets, and 49ers. So it seems to me that they try to be very intentional about their openness to fans. All other issues aside, Jim Irsay is an amazing owner in that respect, despite the amount of crap he takes for it. Many times NFL teams have a sort of "drug dealer" mentality towards their fans. They give you a little and they know you'll keep coming back because you have to have what they're selling. The Colts realize that in order to keep their customers (the fans) in a smaller market happy you have to win AND/OR create a community among fans that can weather the hard times. I think the colts have been doing a great job of both.

    Also! I realize the irony that I referenced other teams being like drug dealers in the same comment where I tried to put Irsay's "...other issues..." aside. So....oops.


  3. It shouldn't be super surprising he at least looks at them a little bit. I think that the Colts understand on an organizational level that the Colts will never get their fair share of national sports talk time. They are sort of caught in that in between spot between teams that never get talk (Jaguars, Raiders) and the super sexy fun-time teams like the Patriots, Jets, and 49ers. So it seems to me that they try to be very intentional about their openness to fans. All other issues aside, Jim Irsay is an amazing owner in that respect, despite the amount of crap he takes for it. Many times NFL teams have a sort of "drug dealer" mentality towards their fans. They give you a little and they know you'll keep coming back because you have to have what they're selling. The Colts realize that in order to keep their customers (the fans) in a smaller market happy you have to win AND/OR create a community among fans that can weather the hard times. I think the colts have been doing a great job of both.

  4. I think Werner could be a someone who shows quite a bit of improvement. I feel like Ryan Grigson spoke pretty candidly about him in a press conference at the end of the year when he basically said the kid needs to get bigger and stronger if he is going to contribute. I think that if he can start using his hands effectively, build a decent stable of rushing moves, and bulks up a bit he can be difficult to deal with. I like the kid's attitude. Him and Adongo both seem to have a very humble blue collar approach to the game, which seems to be what the personnel and coaching staffs prefer in their developmental players over the "show stopper" prospect.

  5. I've heard he's a bad player to stop the run. I've also heard he's a bad player in pass coverage. Can someone explain to me which one is correct? I'm going to put the unpopular obvious out here: our run defense will never be great until Mathis retires. Anyone who watched our games noticed how horrendous our run defense to his side was. He shoots up the field to get to the qb so quickly and no one else maintains the edge. Why do you think we gave up so many big outside runs? Walden did a damned good job setting the other side of the field for the most part.

    I think we will find that Jackson will be a bigger factor in the run game than some people think. I'll take a sure tackler with great awareness any day with great instincts any day. I that in the wake of him signing with the colts people have pulled up a few key plays where he lost his footing or overcommitted and deemed him bad against the run. I have yet to see a play, besides the occasional fluke which happens cause no one is perfect, where he made an egregious error against the run. I haven't gotten through all his snaps yet...but I am not seeing the terrible run play I keep reading about.

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