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Posts posted by The_Warlord

  1. Before the season even began, I did not consider this defense to be championship caliber.  You need to have a defense that can at least match up with championship caliber offenses.  The offense and special teams sure haven't helped with the turnovers and penalties.  No doubt that is having an impact on the defense and just gassing the defense huge.  But, I'd respond to that with where is the depth?  The offense or special teams turn it over and we just run our starters into the ground because of lack of depth behind them. 


    The pass rush is just non-existant.  I look at aquisitions like Trent Cole and just shake my head.  I heard the commentators during the NO game say that Sean Payton said in studying the NE film they identified how to run on the Colts defense.  The commentators at one point during a replay showed where Parry was turned by a double team with his back to the line of srimmage while running right through the heart of the defense.  My question, where's the ILB's to flil if your NT is double teamed to the point his back is to the LOS? 


    The turnovers are no doubt just killing the defense by putting them back on the field and usually in a bad position.  The defense however can't seem to get off the field either.  No pass rush, we have to blitz to get pressure which puts additional pressure on the secondary.  I've seen Toler more than once in just horrific position (even the one hail mary play in Houston where he was literally looking out the back of the end zone).  I mean c'mon, it's a hail mary play and you're looking out the back of the end zone?  Did he think that the Houston QB was playing where's Waldo and passing from the end zone crowd?  It's a team issue, it's not just the offense, special teams or defense. 

  2. I may be uninformed or not seeing the entire picture.  I too have heard that Chuck wanted Chud as OC and Grigson installed Pep.  Big mistake IMO.  Why in the world is Grigson deciding the OC?  Rather than focusing in on Pep as OC, he should have been reviewing the roster and focusing on that.  I'm not a fan of Grigson and honestly haven't been since the day he was hired.  I don't see where he's done a lot that warrants him being some genius of a GM.  He selected Luck, big shock who wouldn't have?  Everyone knew coming in to this season that the offensive line needed work and the defense needed upgraded and we draft a WR in the 1st round.  I remember when they announced the pick just sitting and shaking my head.  I don't care how fast the guy is.  Aside from the one TD catch, he's been pretty much invisible to me so far.  Now, he's hurt for 4-6 weeks.  I know that you cannot do anything about injuries.  But the WR's were fairly deep the way it was and we blow a 1st rounder on yet another WR.   


    Luck's now been injured due to the hits he's been absorbing.  The offensive line looks like swiss cheese most of the time, pair that with Pep's play calling with the 5-7 step drops and just wow.  It may just be an observation of mine but in watching the games, once Luck gets a couple of completions to TY, he seems to lock in on him regardless of the coverage.  Maybe this is due to the other receivers just not getting separation, maybe it's just Luck trying to go to his money guy.  It looks to me that Luck's throwing motion has changed a bit and I'm not 100% that he's still not hurt to some degree.  On another note, we have 153 total rushing attempts compared to 286 passing attempts, craziness.  Frank Gore had 9 carries against the Saints...9???  He was averaging 4.8 a carry and gets 9 carries?  I thought the idea was to get balance and use the run?


    I heard Deion Sanders on the Thursday night game say that if the Colts do not get this thing straightened out, the same situation that is going on in San Francisco right now is Indy's future.  He went on to say that Chuck needed to be retained.  Personally, I don't think that Chuck is the problem.  I think there are questions for certain.  Personally, I'd like to see Chuck get a shot with Chud as OC, and personnel decisions being made that address the issues with the team.  Grigson packing the brown box and departing the facility would make my entire day.  If a new GM were brought in and Chuck got the personnel he needed along with being able to decide his own staff and still failed to produce, then it would be time for Chuck to follow Grigson into the sunset.  I for one am glad to finally hear of some fire and passion out of Irsay. 

  3. Hopefully Chud is snickering watching Pep call a game thinking to himself "Yep, I'm going to be the OC very soon."  Pep and his playcalling are more suited for maybe Pee Wee League football or a mediocre Middle School team.  Running it 2 downs in a row with the game tied was a super idea!  Worked out really terrific too, oh wait no it really didn't.  I don't believe that Pagano is the issue at all.  I do believe that Grigson needs to make some better decisions and I do believe that Pep needs to be shown the door because he's clearly in over his head and needs to be shown the door. 

  4. I like what he said about Shipley too. He's definitely going to help out along the O line. I too would have liked to have seen Incognito brought in and evaluated. I still believe if he's capable of controlling himself. He's a good option that is still out there. I'm also wondering about Safety and whats going on there. Why has Chris Clemons has not been brought in for a workout. Maybe Grigs will answer that in his next interview.

  5. Oh I share in the frustration and uncertainty of the O line certainly.  I'd like to see the unit healthy and taking snaps together in games before sounding the panic alarm to quickly though.  I don't believe that we need 5 pro bowlers up front in order to be effective.  I'd like to see the running game actually get on track and see some long runs.  I don't want to spend a season watching Luck running for his life or throwing tons of passes because our RB's are being greeted in the backfield by defenders as soon as they take the handoff.  I feel the same way about our Secondary in seeing what they can accomplish.   I just wanted Clemons picked up in FA to address our Safety need and still would like to see him brought in. 

  6. Certainly there are more playing days behind for Reggie than there are ahead.  I don't like saying it but it's just reality.  I'd prefer to believe that he will come back from his injury and be the same old Reggie.  Looking at it realistically that may just not be the case.  I personally liked what I saw this year out of our WR group.  Having said that, as much as I hate to admit it the day is going to come when we are going to have to look for a successor for Reggie just as we did for Marvin Harrison. 


    We got lucky in a sense with Reggie pretty much just stepping into the role that was vacated by Marvin.  I very much believe that we should be keeping an eye out for a WR, I'm just not sure if this year is the year to pick one up or not.  The hiring of Chudzinski and his love of the attacking style of Offense compared to Pep's run on 1st, 2nd & 3rd down philosophy should make things interesting.  I don't know if Emmanuel Sanders is the answer or not but I'd prefer to spend our FA dollars somewhere else in order to address some of the glaring holes on the  team before we even know what condition Reggie is going to come back from his injury in.

  7. More than likely Ward is going to be tagged by the Browns, I've been hearing that a lot lately due to the cap hit of tagging a Safety being much more cap friendly.  I personally would like to see EDS or Brian De la  Puente playing Center instead of Mack mostly due to the cap hit Mack is going to command if he even hits the free agent market.  I read somewhere just today that with Lombardi out in Cleveland that the chances of Mack resigning there have actually gone up. 


    I know it may sound 100% insane but I'd be okay with picking up someone like EDS or Brian De la Puente to play Center, tossing in someone like Geoff Schwartz to compete for a Guard spot and picking up Gabe Carimi to bring into camp and see what he could bring to the table.  Carimi was just released by the Bucs and while he's not lit it up in his first couple of seasons, he is versatile in being able to play both Tackle spots as well as both Guard positions. 


    At one time Carimi was considered one of the best prospects coming out but he had a season ending knee injury with the Bears and has had 3 different Offensive Coordinators coupled with missing his first year.  Given the fact that he's not really had a ton of consistency and it does take O linemen some time to develop he could be a hidden gem just sitting out there waiting.  In addition, if he were to show something in camp he'd provide at the very minimum good depth with his versatility to play 4 different positions and having bounced around his first couple of years and not really showing anything could come on the cheap overall. 


    I don't believe that Toler is the answer at CB opposite Davis and agree with his being cut along with Satele.  Honestly, Satele looks lazy on the field and I can't wait to see the news that he's been released and Toler is just injured far to much for my comfort level.  CB is an area of concern for sure, we need someone to compliment Davis.  I don't believe that Tillman is the answer.  The fact that he's played mostly in a zone scheme is definitely a concern to me.  We need a more physical corner (I personally like Baptise) who can play in our man up schemes, as much as we need a Safety who can play single high with decent coverage and ball hawk  ability. (although I would not be shocked to see Bethea coming back.)


    Although I'd like to see a move to address ILB, I believe we are seeing those moves now with the addition of Muamba and I fully anticipate seeing McNary getting time there as well.  Who knows just how the ILB situation is going to unfold but whoever it is needs to have some wheels on them to turn and play coverage as much as hitting the gaps to shut down the run.  I'm one of the old school guys who believes you build from the trenches out.  Some serious effort needs to be placed into the O line and D lines overall this year.  The addition of one ILB is not going to automatically fix a run defense that had more holes than a piece of swiss cheese. 

  8. The article doesn't actually quote him saying that. The writer is inferring that from EDS' noncommittal stance. The Packers probably won't tag him, and they won't knock his socks off with a big time offer before FA, so he'll probably be a FA. They have great guards and don't like to pay big money to auxiliary players, so he could very well walk.


    Agreed.  Maybe just my wishful thinking lol.  With the addition of Chudzinski to the staff... now I'm all kinds of curious to see how the O line shapes up this offseason. 

  9. I believe every team has the desire to put the best players on the field at all times.  It really doesn't matter if you're talking blue chip prospect or highly coveted free agent, there is always that risk that they are going to fail miserably within your system.  Certainly, this competition the Seahawks are doing is working for them right now.  It may or may not work for them down the road. 


    If you have a player like Richard Sherman or Chancellor or Thomas (to name a few) on the roster who have been groomed in such an environment, they are going to understand how critical it is to leave it all on the field and put in the best effort possible.  The Seahawks are a very young team and coaching them this way may very well send the message that they'll give it all they have or they won't be playing no matter how much their contract is worth. 


    I personally like the idea.  I'm more than over seeing players on these teams with these massive contracts that when its time for them to show up, they disappear instead.  Just in recent years, there are numerous examples of players getting the big money in a contract year and the very next year its like they demonstrate no desire to play as hard because they've gotten their big contract. 


    The Harvin trade for Seattle IMO was an extremely steep price to pay.  I like Harvin and do believe he has the potential to be a dynamic player if the injury bug doesn't bite again.  I however would not be happy if I were the Seattle coaching staff or GM after shelling out those picks along with that kind of money for a guy who cruised the sideline for most of the season playing sporadically.  


    The T Rich trade,  sure a 1st round pick was traded away and he had a down year by any measurement.  However, I'm not willing to bail on him just yet.  I don't care that Donald Brown was the leading rusher this year,  Let us not forget that not all that long ago Donald Brown was considered a 1st round bust and most fans were ready to buy a plane ticket for him just to get him out of a Colts uniform.  


    I feel the price paid for Harvin by Seattle was far more than what was paid for T Rich with T Rich having more production overall.  I'm forced to wonder that if with an offseason and training camp coupled with the return of players like D. Allen and Thomas along with some moves along the O line (hopefully) T Rich returns to his rookie year form so many will be calling for Grigs & Pagano to be fired while screaming the trade for T Rich was horrific.  Give the guy a chance to experience an offseason program, training camp and cut the garbage of running on 1st, 2nd & 3rd down when it's not working. 


    Sometimes if you're running into a brick wall why with a player such as Luck and our receiving corps would you not even consider throwing it around a bit to back opposing Defenses out of the box.  When you come out and say  you're going to run it on 1st, 2nd & 3rd down shouldn't you have a better O line and expect to see some stacked boxes in games?  Just my .02 

  10. I don't want all "Big" receivers, nor do I want to have all smallish receivers with all the speed in the world.  Ideally, you want to generate match up issues for the Defense your facing.  A mix of both types of receivers is the easiest way to accomplish this task.  You can have all 5'9 - 5'11 receivers who run 4.2 in the 40 but, all the speed in the world doesn't matter when you get down close to the end zone and they don't have the space to use that speed to its full benefit. 


    I like the mix we currently have at WR.  I don't think that we need to add anymore "weapons" to the Offensive side of the ball aside from those "weapons" we still need along the O line.  I believe that the Seahawks demonstrated last night quite effectively that you can have a record setting Offense with a 5 time MVP QB at the helm and at the end of the day if your Defense can't hold up on their end, you're toast.  It's time to start adding the pieces to the Defense in Indianapolis and start shutting people down rather than just trying to outgun them in every single game. 

  11. I'd take EDS or De La Puente either one over Mack.  I'd love to have Mack snapping the ball but feel he's going to command big bucks.  Also, I've heard that Mack loves it in Cleveland and is open to giving them right of first refusal and matching of any offers he may get.  I think the last thing we should do is get into a bidding war with the Browns after having already handed them our 1st round pick this year. 


    So, in short I'd rather grab up either EDS or De La Puente, save some money in the long run and apply the savings to other needs.  Thomas looked good before the injury and should be able to hold down the one guard position but the RG spot still has some concerns in my book.  I'd much rather pick up EDS or De La Puente and then pick up someone like Geoff Schwartz from KC and pencil them in @ RG playing along side EDS or De La Puente and Thomas.  If we were to do something like that it would make our O line:


    LT: Costanzo

    LG: Thomas

    C: EDS / De La Puente

    RG: Schwartz

    RT: Cherilus


    It's JMO but those 2 upgrades along our O line would be a major upgrade and help overall.  I do understand the thinking that Mack played a pivotal role in T Rich having a good rookie year in Cleveland.  However, if we were to follow that line of thinking overall.  Why not just scrap the entire O line and go after the entire O line that T Rich had that year.  It's not our entire O line that has issues, its clear injuries played a factor as well as just not being very good overall at those spots. 


    The addition of players such as EDS / De La Puente & Schwartz would allow for Holmes and Thorton to play as backups in order to develop further while solidifying our O line in the process.  Again, just my .02

  12. I realize that this is only my 2nd post ever on this forum however, I believe that when Pagano was brought to town there were some fans who felt or believed that the Baltimore style of Defense would instantly come to Indy.  When Pagano took over as Head Coach, there were salary cap issues and a Defense that was going into a transition to the 3-4.  I for one was thrilled to hear that the Colts would be moving to the 3-4 and while I don't agree with  some of the schemes I've seen, I still feel that the 3-4 is going to rock in Indy very soon. 


    I feel very fortunate that although we have experienced a coaching change, various personnel changes (including Peyton Manning and Dwight Freeney moving on) and a transition on Defense that we still have been able to maintain a winning atmosphere and have yet to experience the type of year we had under Caldwell when we went 2-14.  It's going to take some time to make a complete transition on Defense.  I don't see it as Pagano or Manuskys fault either one.  We have to continue to build on the transition and bring the prototype 3-4 players in that we need.   


    There is a ton of upside to our Defense.  The Defensive Line needs improvement still, we need an ILB that is a block shedding thumper who can cover, a Safety to play center field and another OLB who can bring some heat besides Mathis.  I love Robert Mathis as a player but, he cannot do it by himself.  Get the man some pass rushing help.  You're secondary will benefit from a strong and consistent pass rush.  Great days are ahead for this Defense and when Pagano finally has all of his type guys in position, he's going to look like a genius when we are enjoying seeing our Defense absolutely destroy opposing Offenses.

  13. Positions of need...


    1st - Interior O line.  We absolutely must have a Center to replace Satele.  I don't know if Holmes is ready to step in or not.  I'm on the bandwagon with everyone else in hoping that Mack would turn up in an Indy uniform but honestly I just do not see it happening.  The more likely scenario IMO (if Satele ends up sent packing this year) is that we see Holmes playing Center in 2014.  I'd also be happy to see either Dietrich-Smith or De La Puente @ Center.  In addition, I believe we have a  need at RG.  I'd like to see this spot filled by Geoff Schwartz out of Kansas City. 


    2nd - Defensive Line.  Redding is decent but not getting any younger, and quite honestly RJF & Franklin did not really impress me along the Defensive front.  While Franklin is the much more cap friendly of the two, I'm still totally shaking my head @ RJF pulling 4 yrs 22 million with 6.5 million guaranteed producing 19 tackles, 2.5 sacks, 2 TFL & 2 PD's for a season.  In contrast, Redding is making less money than RJF and produced nearly twice as much in every single category and is 6 yrs older.   The only thing I can say is C'mon man!  


    3rd - Linebacker.  I'm a firm believer in the fact that you absolutely must get pressure on opposing QB's and penetration on running plays to disrupt an offense.  In looking over the 2013 statistics, the Defense combined for 42 total QB sacks.  Mathis, Redding & Freeman accounted for 29.5 of the total sacks by the Defense.  12.5 sacks for the rest of the Defense in an entire season is horrific in my opinion. 


    I read somewhere that the coaching staff wants to give McNary a chance to start @ ILB opposite Freeman.  This Defense needs a pass rusher coming off the edge to pair up with Mathis.  Maybe its Werner coming from the other LB or  maybe its generating more pressure from the Defensive Line, who knows at this point.  All I know is 3 Defensive players being responsible for nearly 30 of your 42 total sacks speaks volumes about the lack of a pass rush on this Defense.


    4th- Safety.  I don't really see Bethea sticking around town.  Sometimes you just have to let players go that don't fit your scheme any longer.  I loved Bethea in our old system but it's a new day and a new team.  I don't see him signing a new deal that is going to offer the type of discount that would be equal to the level of play he's been giving lately.  We need a safety who can cover some ground and play center field. 


    5th- Cornerback.  Even if Vontae Davis is resigned, for me Toler just is not the answer to play opposite of him.  Toler is decent in coverage but it doesn't matter how good he is if he's watching opposing WR's run routes from the bench due to yet another injury.  If it were me, I'd thank him for trying to hand Toler his suitcase. 

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