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Johnny colt

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Posts posted by Johnny colt

  1. When was the last time anyone ever said"it's ok doctor,I know you havent performed this particular surgery in a while"?You would never tell the mechanic it was ok that he didnt fix your engine the right way because he hasnt worked on your type of car in a while.Nobody ever said to the exterminator it was ok he only completed spraying 50% of your house because its his 1st day and its a re-building year.I thought these guys are pros?The best of the best on the planet.Getting paid stupid amounts of money to do so.It is early for sure but I bet Luck takes his performance not so lightly.

  2. On 12/28/2016 at 5:48 PM, Superman said:


    Money lures free agents.


    Manning might want to surround Luck with a defense and OL, but he has no experience identifying and selecting talent. He's never been in a draft room, let alone set a draft board. 


    I have no problem with Manning joining the Colts in some capacity, but he'd be nothing more than a figurehead. If Irsay handed Manning any kind of control over the team, it would be a serious mistake, IMO. I don't think this is a serious consideration on Irsay's part.

    You sound like you are taking this personally lol.What a bold statement.A few bold ones.Lol,it is just so silly to say Peyton has no experience in seeing talent.Cant believe you just wrote that for everyone to see.Peyton Manning just does not know enough about football to see talent...................smh.....

  3. wasn't as bad as so many think he was?What if Sunday the players and especially our QB decided to finally play like they are capable of?For instance Luck sure as all get up gave an all out performance unlike any game he has been in this year thus far.I am not the most know knowledgeable football fan around by any means but I didn't really notice a huge difference in the plays.I may be way off but I think its a legitimate thought/question.

  4. Easily it's Hasslebeck. He hasn't thrown an INT over the course of two games, played lights out while moments ago being "on his deathbed." He also was considerably favoring the toilet. The guy probably had diarrhea he was holding in all game. I'd like to see any of the other league's backup QB's play while holding in diarrhea (of the explosive variant).

    Laughed for 2 mins!Woke up the girlfriend.

  5. After time to think about this move, I have mixed feelings about this. How much of Pep do you blame for the Colts offense? Just weak personnel and a poor performance by our QB. 


    Still, excited for the promotion of Chudzinski. He was my pick for interim head coach when/if Pagano is fired. 


    Also like to mention how Pagano made this move to save his butt for at least until the end of the season. 

    Finally,someone who didnt overreact like a 5th grade girl that gets to have her friend stay the night.Every word of your post was perfect..Pep had to go but we have not won the big game yet.Chud might come in and simply involve the TE's more and that 1 totally simplistic move will have him looking like a genius.But I dont think Pep had much to do with our catchers not getting open or Luck throwing inaccurate passes.I wouldnt mind seeing Pags gone but if this move works Pags could be safe.

  6. They don't have a good OL and they have a leaky run defense. Their entire offense revolves around Gronkowski, which is fine, but if he gets hurt (which happens), they don't have any other premium weapons. Not selling Edelman short, but we've seen that offense without Gronk, and Brady looks pedestrian. I'm really not sold on their secondary, but it's better than I expected it to be, even though I think Butler is being overrated.


    They're obviously a really good team, but this is a salary cap league, and every team has flaws. And over the years, the Pats have had roster flaws of one kind or another. Just like everyone else. But Brady and Belichick are the dynamic duo, and they cover over a lot of flaws.

    We DID see the offense without Gronk.It was called the Edelman show.

  7. $$$- they'd have to keep them employed full time with a good salary.

    Sigh.I just dont think some people realize how much money there is out there.Take the top 5 highest paid......no forget that.Just take the commish's pay alone and decrease it by 1% and that would more than enough make up for it.

  8. Morning all, I'm back.  I posted last week but my post got merged with another post (not sure why this happens here, doesn't happen on any other board).  Anyway, still not here to troll.  That was an exciting game.  Indy came much harder than I thought they would.  Couple observations.


    1.  Refs were terrible on both sides but Indy definitely got the worse of it.  We all know that ball changes hands 3 or 4 times in those pile ups and so at one point NE might have had  possession and it was wrestled away but since you can't prove that I don't like that they won't overturn the call.  HUGE break for NE there.

    2.  Indy was much more aggressive than I expected.  The onside kick after the pick 6 was brilliant.

    3.  I don't know what to say about the fake punt.  Even Pagano's explanation of the reason for doing it doesn't make sense.  NE is too well coached for that stuff.  I listened to Roosevelt Colvin this morning (who now lives in Indy) and he even said they practiced that situation every week.  Different special teams formations and how to handle them.  Not sure what the thinking there was, not to mention the execution.

    4.  Speaking of Indy coaching, what happened to that balanced offense in the first half. Crossing routes, check downs, back out of the backfield, mix in a run or two and Indy was moving.  In the second half it was all 20 yard outs and deep crosses.  Should have stuck to the short stuff and nickel and dime their way down field, keep Brady off the field.

    5.  Edelman's finger looked like those mini hot dogs

    6.  Brady was off.  Not accurate at all.  Easily his worse game which I will give Indy credit for.  Just enough pressure to keep him moving in the pocket.  The lack of healthy offensive linemen didn't help but its football.  Injuries are part of the game.


    Overall a good game.  Thank you for letting me rant on your board.  Please don't merge this post with others since its the only one coming from a Pats fan its kinda different.  Everyone have a good week. 

    "Brady was off.  Not accurate at all.  Easily his worse game" get out of here with this nonsense.4 TD's is NOT a bad game.I see what you are trying to do there bub.Weak.By the way,Andrew had a bad game as well.All he had to do was connect with 2 or 3 of those mile high passes and that game was the Colts.

  9. Please tell me we arn't gonna make the stupid Josh Cribbs mistake again by making this guy our return man.  


    Dang it just leave Whalen back there.  He catches the ball and doesn't fumble it.  


    Just looked this guy up. . . he's only really been used as a return man.  It's the same Josh Cribb's mistake all over again.  He's gonna get it in his head that he needs to return every dang ball so he's going to return every single one, even the ones that are 9 yards deep in the endzone which will mean Luck will be starting from the 10 instead of the 20 after kickoffs.  


    And on punts he's never gonna fair catch because he's gonna have it in his mind that he has to return all of those too, even the ones where he has a quarter second to secure the ball before he's hit.


    Basically he's gonna fumble or muff the punt at least 4 times this season.


    Well things WHERE looking up.  

    Wow!You seen all this with your crystal ball?

  10. Could make games more exciting.  But I'm sort of of the opinion. . . Why fundamentally mess around with the most popular sport in the country?  


    Because extra point attempts are boring??  Seems like a shallow reason.

    Yes!Because it IS indeed boring."Why fundamentally mess around" you asked?  I wouldn't even classify it as a fundamental part of the game.It is just a silly part of the sport they stole from rugby that does not even need to be part of the game.Get rid of it for good I say.


    But here are some more ways to spice it up.

    1,Give the defense an extra guy.2,or make every extra point 50 yards.Or 3,blindfold the kicker.Or the holder.Or maybe the ball snapper.Or all 3 of them.Put the goal post much closer together.And set them on fire.Or if you go for and make the extra point,then the opposing team gets to move the ball an extra 10 or 15 yards further up after the returner is downed.As a punishment for the other team going for such an easy extra point. etc etc.

    The extra point is pretty much automatic.So whats the use.

  11. Tell that to the players sucking the oxygen on the sideline. A lot of players are way out of shape.

    Too many RB's can't play the down after a 20+ yard run.

    Maybe these are the guys smoking weed?

    Josh Gordon? Biggest waste of talent in decades due to him not being disciplined enough to not smoke pot.

    Regardless, professional athletes should have enough discipline to not smoke during their career.

    And apparently this message board is full of pot smokers...

    I agree.Lets just string up those evildoers and sing songs about it in church.Right?No more having a beer or a glass of wine.Or caffine.PFT...Are you serious with this post dude???Someone quick,put a meme up here to show how ridiculous it is.

  12. What an *. You get paid millions of dollars to make easy sacrifices.

    I just lost a lot of respect for him.

    Quit defending him. He messed up big time.

    He messed up big time?really?I must have missed the part where he killed someone.I didnt read that in any article.He smoked a little bit of weed on a day off.Big deal.

  13. Would it be possible for you to bring something to the forum other than negativity? As long as your in that let's fire everyone mind frame you will never be happy. I guess you think good coaches and great players grow on trees and Grigson and Irsay just need to go pick some.?

    Funny,you sound like the only one that's mad.Typical Colts board.Never say anything unless it agrees with the masses or unless its hailing Luck.The fact is,if Pags didnt have Luck,we win about 4 games.Chuck is not ready for this level of the game.Period.

    Ya ya,we got to the playoffs 3 times with Pagano yada yada yada.Of course we did.A stellar qb,couple great receivers and a cream puff schedule will do that.The goal is to get that ring.

  14. As easy as it is for people to blame the coaches for this debacle and the previous three under Coach Pagano, the fact is that the Patriots simply are in the Colts heads. Total self confidence exuded by each and every member of their team is what they always bring to each game because they truly believe they can handle the Colts physically. Meanwhile the Colts "hope" they will win, want to win, are anxious to win. But, until all 53 players on the squad truly BELIEVES they can beat this team, this will not stop. The current coaching staff still haven't been able to correct this problem. The Patriots players aren't bigger than any other team that the Colts play, the scheme isn't any more superior to any other schemes the Colts have faced. The MENTAL aspect of the game is THE most underrated aspect of how the Patriots continue to dominate this team the way they have. 


    Additionally, the Colts response to these losses aren't very conducive to remedy the situation. They just accept that they are the inferior team and throw all the cliches about how the Patriots just out-played them, or explain what the Patriots do to make them play bad. Mentally tough teams or people, for that matter, don't do that. Winners talk like they believe in themselves even after they lose. And they also believe that eventually, they are gonna beat the enemy down somehow, some way. Until these Colts, staff included, get like the kid who gets tired of the bully taking his lunch-money EVERY freakin' day, and get mad and punch that bully in the mouth HARD, the bully will just continue to lose respect for the kid and bullies him more. The bully doesn't stop bullying until the kid punches the hell out of them and makes them back off. Then, the tables turn. Once the bully gets that fat lip or bloody nose, he starts hesitating a bit, starts making mistakes. Then, the lil kid gets on top and starts pounding and pounding the bully for all the times he was bullied in the past until the final gun sounds. Its a positive emotional state.This helps feed the driving motivating force that gets them over the top. They can do it. They just need to recognize the mental aspects and work hard to remedy it.

    Finally!This man is the winner.I am sitting here shaking my head with a smile reading all these comments from all these people that think they know so much and I'm sitting here thinking to myself this whole time"not one person on this board has considered that most of it is mental"?I'll just say it,Colts fear the patriots.What?You guys really thought that just because they are pro players that they cant get rattled?You really think the past losses(about a gazillion of them)to the patriots has no effect on their psyche?


    See, its ok if we at this message board think/say things like"oh crap,its the patriots"but its not ok if the colts players think that way.If they do then they have already lost.And I'm guessing that they do.These players have it in their heads that they are supposed to lose to these guys.Cant beat these guys.Sure we actually do need better players but the pats are not doing a damn thing special at all.Really.They have had much better teams on the field.

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