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Posts posted by XxGoosexX

  1. Well the news just broke a few hours ago, 

    maybe Andrew just got up this morning and that was next on his list.


    so andrew all excited about it, showed up early and started throwing this morning... 

    • Like 1

    2 hours ago, John Waylon said:

    It’s hard to have a team without a QB. 


    It’s hard to have a QB when your line is constantly letting him get beat to pieces. 


    It’s hard to tell which came first, the chicken or the egg. 

    so the other day I reading where there was a costume, at the party there was someone dressed up as a chicken, and someone dressed up as an egg, they ended up hooking up. to my understanding the chicken came 1st... lol

  3. i posted this in another thread the other day, but think it fits here better....


    We might look worse in March, I’ll judge a little closer in August and September. 


    Its still so early when your in the beginning of a big build, it’s like building anything. Like a house, you have to have a footing (foundation) before you build the frame, most are already worried about the roof. lol


    he just got a new wife (Reich) he changed some of the floor plan. 


    CB said no big deal, I’ll fix it! 


    Its still so early, I’m just intrigued to see his next move... 

  4. 18 minutes ago, cdgacoltsfan said:

    Makes 0 sense. If CB knew he was going to switch to a 4-3 and Hankins doesn't fit that scheme...why bring him in on the first place?????


    Chuck asked for him? 


    Ballard gave it a shot with a front loaded colts friendly contact? 

  5. 11 minutes ago, XxGoosexX said:

    He doesn’t save us any money tomorrow, it had to be today. 


    I guess if he would have released Hankins before the trade, everyone would still love CB right now... 


    maybe Now that he got the trade done, Hankins isn’t part of the plan anymore? 


    Lets see see what he does before we freak... 


  6. 4 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:

    What's the penalty if the Colts DON'T spend the league minimum before the deadline?


    Does the league just fine the team the difference?


    They don't take draft picks away, do they?

    Good question

    2 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    They have to spend 90 percent over a 4 year window, they still have 2 years before that deadline. They're sitting at 88.6 % spent in the the first 2 years so they'll be just fine.


    penalty is a fine and the NFLPA gets that and it gets distributed to all players on the roster at the time

    Thanks for the well defined answer! 

  7. He doesn’t save us any money tomorrow, it had to be today. 


    I guess if he would have released Hankins before the trade, everyone would still love him right now... 


    maybe Now that he got the trade done, Hankins isn’t part of the plan anymore? 


    Lets see see what he does before we freak... 

  8. 10 minutes ago, mahagga73 said:

    It's hard not to argue they have went from bad to worse at this point.  

    We might look worse in March, I’ll judge a little closer in August and September. 


    Its still so early when your in the beginning of a big build, it’s like building anything. Like a house, you have to have a footing (foundation) before you build the frame, most are already worried about the roof. lol


    he just got a new wife (Reich) he changed some of the floor plan. 


    CB said no big deal, I’ll fix it! 


    Its still so early, I’m just intrigued to see his next move... 

  9. This is JMO and I'm sure i'll get bashed for saying this. I hope we don't draft him now, he has already shown he'll throw someone under a bus and can't handle an interview without causing a circus. he has shown he doesn't think before he speaks. He didn't think or realize what the media would do with what he was telling them? who knows what he' d say about our locker room or maybe our coaches will be to hard on him. To me, I think he may have shown why they asked the questions they did...  like I said it's JMO

  10. Hopefully after this, they won’t be able to lure any good coaches.  I think they will be stuck with “bottom of the barrel coaches” as everyone calls them. Only coaches that can’t get on with the other 31 teams. It won’t be long, they will be the worst team in football again. I do remember the patriots before Bill & Tom. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Dirty Mudflaps said:

    You're probably right, it's just a game of darts.  You can't revise history to fit your narrative.  A month ago there were four or five candidates, four of whom interviewed?  They included the men who universally were considered the best available.  And offered a varied skill set, were diverse and distinct. 


    When you're the last to hire sometimes you get what's left.  That doesn't mean junk.  That means not selected yet, and still available.  When the first choice declines the offer, you go on to plan B, and maybe C, D, etc.  Welcome to the real world.  And this literally crazy idea that Harbaugh/Dabo/Meyer/Saban or Manning or the ghost of Curly Lambeau is who the Colts should hire is a waste of breath, energy, and time.  These are the candidates.  You can hate them.  Most of us don't, and can understand why we're all here.  McDaniels was on a team that made the Colts wait, by rule, until the majority of other coaching contenders were signed elsewhere.  That is a risk you take looking at coaches on Super Bowl teams.  It didn't work out for the Colts.   


    Go back through all of the posts on this board post-Pagano firing, and you'll see Reich mentioned a ton.  He was on a lot of "if we go with no prior HC experience" lists of candidates we all tossed around.  Because the Colts are just now interviewing him is a result of of the process.  We all heard Toub until we said it in our sleep, and he didn't even get an interview anywhere I don't think.  It's not an exact science.  Ballard has his list, and he's working through it. 


    I think you're lost in the weeds on this.  Look at who was hired this season.  Is Vrabel any better than Nagy, or Patricia, or Wilks, or Reich?  Some of them will become the Holmgren's and Dungy's, or the next Tomlin, McCarthy, Carroll or Harbaugh...   This is how the NFL has always hired HCs.  Lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater just because the names you see have no neon lights surrounding them yet. 

    Agree with you completely!    I think most of these negative post are from patriots posing as fans, looking at a few in this forum you have got to see this. You would have to be blind to think they are serious some times lmao 

  12. 1 minute ago, dynasty13 said:


    I'm not assuming anything. I was simply reacting to the insinuation that talking 'under oath' would be taken as truth as long is it was them doing the talking, all while simultaneously ignoring the fact that Brady already spoke under oath but isn't given the same acknowledgement. 


    I'm not saying anything about the situation itself, I'm just responding to about the way that different fans choose to react to it.

    Then my statement answered your question. 

  13. 52 minutes ago, dynasty13 said:


    Just a simple question, no more no less. Would you find the testimonies of those guys under oath more credible than the testimony already given under oath by Tom Brady?


    And just to be clear, I'm making no reference to which side of this I'm on or what I believe or don't, I'm simply asking why you would automatically believe one under oath testimony over another.

    I for one would like to hear their testimony. Your just assuming they will say they know nothing to incriminate the patriots. Nobody knows what they will say. Maybe if they did do something asked of them, they might fell guilty and want to free their selves from carrying around the guilt? Know body know for sure what will be said. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Indeee said:

    The real factor is not necessarily the HC but the ret of coordinators, most importantly the OC.


    With Vikings, Giants, Eagles and Colts needing OC's this is why the HC needs to be selected soon regardless of what Ballard said yesterday.


    We are taking a major chance on a quality OC being there by time the HC is decided. These other teams are not going to wait around for the Colts that's for sure.


    Currently the only OC's left that are known of is Bevell, Defilippo and the QB coach from Minny. 


    If it's Bevell, the Colts should hire him and force the HC to go along, like they are regarding other assistants already signed

    There are thousands of coaches out there! How many colleges are their? How many highschools? There are coaches that none of know about, but I can assure you Ballard has a longer list than we know. He had been around quite awhile. Football is his life. He said in his presser “it’s just football” he can find a coach. He just needs time... I don’t care if he doesn’t have a coach till after the combine. I know when he does it will be the right one. I believe him. It’s going to take a few years to get me to budge on my belief in this man.. he asked me to be patient I will do that. I know he is there working on it right now. My football team is in good hands.



  15. 10 minutes ago, Reality Check said:

    Oh stop it ....NOTHING about my OP is "trolling".  It is simply meant to promote a discussion about where/how Ballard goes from here!


    How does someone with 81 posts become an "authority" around here?  LOL


    never said anything about being an authority? lmao

  16. Maybe we didn't watch the same presser? Ballard seemed happy to have them, he spoke pretty highly of them. He wants them here. he can put them in any position he wants,  if nothing else he can make them waterboys and they can learn his way. at least the colts are doing the right thing. we are nothing like the pats.  just imo


    oh.. and pats suck!!

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