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Posts posted by staggerknight

  1. Obviously like to see colts on top....but people are going to sit on us being as good as we are ...I know that this yr especially our boys in blue are going to make ppl recognize us...not just because of luck...not just because the rest of the south isn't as well rounded... Because when we are health and running on all cylinders...we can compete with the upper tier teams...even being less than full strength we beat up on those cheif and did what no one (even me at that time) thought we could do....man I dunno bout you guys but I can't wait for September baby

  2. I've looked everywhere and don't get me wrong I'm all for getting ward ...or I was....but it has him listed as a SS not a FS ..two names that I could see that r truly FS's that are available if we don't get Byrd...is Michael Mitchell looks promising...and Kerry rhoads is 31 but he was always good in coverage....but if we picked up ward wouldnt we have the same problem...having two safties that normal ly play the same position??

  3. Just feeling the colts love guys..and it auto corrected to beet ...but thanks lol and as far a bad juju wasn't trying to bring any....I just like how we never get any love no matter what happens or no matter how high or low the stakes are...i would rather not to be talked about so highly...don't want to become big headed like those rascaly pats fans :-p

  4. In 06 when our crap deffense turned the tables on everyone carrying us to the promise land....there was no way we could stop Larry Johnson and the cheifs offense ...beat em.....ok so there no way in hell that we get past that stingy ravens d....beam em....ok ok ok...so there absolutely no way at all we can beet Brady and the pats terrific team all way round......think we beat them as well....and then the bears...we can't play good in the rain v.s. a team like the bears....four turnovers later and the unsung hero of the game dominic rhodes carrying us to sb champs....same kinda thing this yr....can't beat the chiefs ...can't beat the pats and deffinaly can't beat the broncos or charters either or....and our back up rb is carrying a heavy load when we need..it....so I say bring on the hate media....keep telling us what we can't do...and we will show you what champions do to prove you wrong... GO BLUE!!!!!# CHUCKSTRONG BOYS...LET'S GET IT!!!

  5. Fail...I don't think so...watch the last 7 games and tell me how hes not right...since we lost reggie we really haven't played a full game yet....why don't we play like we do in the second half in the first...and then run the ball later cuz starting out its not working....like at all...I almost can't watch the first half of our games..and its not me loosing faith....just the way we play is some of the ugliest football I've seen

  6. I have been unlucky this yr to watch most of my games on my phone....don't worry I'm not abandoning anything ....but if in pre season our biggest concerns were establishing the run...and stoping the run...can't we cater to that...if the colts were in charge of the embargo line at Cuba in the cold war....the world would be list to nuclear war..Holmes isn't ready?....who care neither is anyone on our interior line...its embarassing.... I mean Comon we are all behind these guys....chuckstrong...let's go getus back to a a pro6-3 team...even with the loss of rw

  7. Sry my phone is garbage....but I'm just saying if we play like we do when we are down 13-15-21 whatever and run the ball later imo it wouldn't be so bad...why try to establish the run early if wr can't block anyone really....its just sad and disappointing to watch us be that bad all game.....run up the score...then run the ball...don't try to run it with our interior line being that bad...just saying

  8. Sitting here with my.freinds Down 7-0..I said watch out for the come back kid...as of a a post made recently..this way we run offense early....is terrible...Trent is a bust At this point...and if we tet pounding it up the middle one more to3 I'm goi ng to puke....it doesnt work...until the line is fixed don't run it like that ...its dumb..and I love this team..if we need to win...which we do...we need to play like we do in later games..ALL game though...this is horrible to watch...and I'm not that Debbie downer guy...let us dominate all game ..not just the come back

  9. I usually just read and not post...but this is the first game... I've watched fully...I already knew mcgyln needs to go ...but wow...he is TERRIBLE....pass or run...not talent.....and why don't we just run two min drills everytime we have the ball...seems to work better...end rant

  10. This sucks waiting and all....but when polian was in the building we all slept well ...cuz there wasn't anything happening on the "western front" so to speak.....I feel like I'm ten and I'm waiting fory parents to wake up so I can open my Christmas gifts....i love football christmas!

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