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Posts posted by Silver

  1. Then smart as Manning what can he do to beat this strategy? How about being patient and not to turn the ball over?

    If only it were that simple, it doesn't just depend on him. Really the offensive line and running backs have to win their battles to

    1. Give Manning time for shots downfield and give receivers time to get open.

    2. Make opposing teams respect the running game to create more favorable matchups outside.


    Also you can only be as patient as your teammates allow you to be.

    I have to give VL credit, you tried to clue me into this 2nd half arm strength issue. You were right. I didn't want to listen. I wasn't ready to listen. If I don't see significant improvement throwing the long ball after halftime next year, I will know that the only way the Broncos can win another SB is through a stellar running game & fantastic secondary play with frequent turnovers.


    You were also 100% correct about something else too. Indianapolis will pose more of a challenge to NE competition wise than Denver will over the next few years. I must give credit where it is due. People are free to disagree with me like always. I just call it like I see it. If Peyton is limited in the throws he can made on a consistent post halftime basis, there is no way he can carry this team to another SB. Reality is reality. 

    He was limited yet still in position to win in regulation managed 21(should have been 24) points off of three TDs and almost 300 yards despite having offensive possessions taken away from him due to Special teams TDs and a dropped pass/ pick 6. It literally took everything that could possibly go wrong for Denver to go wrong for Baltimore to win that game. They'll be back winning next year and if they can avoid having fluky games like this one be at least in the AFCCG. This isn't your brother's Peyton Manning anymore.

  2. It's always funny to see the reactions after things like this happen. The Ravens beat Peyton Manning the same way teams always beat him:


    Press the receivers

    Play the safeties deep and force him to be patient (notice how you almost never heard from Ed Reed?)

    Play the run and rush the passer with your front 7 and win the battle there

    Keep the game close and hope to pull it out in the end.


    Just like with the colts back in the day, there were some things out of his control that didn't work out in his favor and so they lost.


    That's it that's all, no narratives or stupid made for TV garbage about heart and nonsense like that.

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