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Posts posted by Earthman

  1. For me, I consider it tempering expectations.  If this guy is to be used as an OLB in our scheme, he is going up against Mathis, Werner, and Walden.  There isn't even a slight chance he replaces Mathis, and there is a slim chance he replaces Werner/Walden who the team has a lot invested in. All those things said, as with most, I assume he is camp fodder and a potential backup to replace Sidburry.  Further, I suspect Sidburry has better odds of making the team than this guy, as we was picked up during the start of FA. They saw something there and wanted to sign him before he went somewhere else.


    Obviously Grigson sees something is right, but the odds are long for a guy picked up at this point to be relevant, especially when he isn't an established veteran.  That's not to say he is a sure thing to be camp fodder, but simply that it is more likely he is a camp guy with long odds of making the final 53.  To further this point and separate Freeman, Freeman was signed January 16, 2012.  This guy was signed well after the draft, FA, and many other things.  He was on no one's radar.  If he made it that long without a contract, I suspect no one is going to blink when/if he gets cut.

    He won't be replacing Sidburry. Sidburry is a stud and a starter on most other teams. Didn't the CFL cut this guy? 

  2. I can't imagine how a guy like Kileen must feel. He was in the OTAs and all offseason activities, including today, and then all of a sudden at the end of the day to be let go.

    It would have been nice to see him in pads. Killeen plays with a lot of intensity and aggression. I felt it would've translated well from the IFL into the NFL. Hopefully he'll get his shot with the CFL, and who knows, maybe be playing somewhere soon in the NFL. Good luck Jake.

  3. Just for a little clarification, Jake is 26 (27 next month), 6'-3", 255lbs. He's planning on putting on 10 pounds of muscle before camp. Weight (or lack of) has always been Jake's biggest problem. He was at 265 two weeks ago, but over the holidays, breaking from his work-out regiment and diet, he lost 10 pounds (wouldn't it be nice to have that problem over the holidays...lol). Nevertheless, he plans on being back up to 265 by camp. For the most part, he has played at DE throughout college and the IFL with a few exceptions, where he did play some LB. Naturally, there will be doubts about what he's capable of since his history is so unclear, but rest assured, he will show up to camp in the best shape of his life and give it his all. If Jake fails to make the 53, it won’t be because of lack of heart, desire, determination, or attitude. He will leave it all on the field. I guarantee that. Once the game clock starts, his motor never stops.


    Like BrentMc11 posted: AFL....NFL.....IFL...backyard ball....If the man comes to camp and gives everything he has and is a FOOTBALL player, Pagano will find a spot for him.....if he cannot.....it is because the man cannot cut it!


    Bottom line, the proof is in the puddin’


    It doesn’t get any tougher than the NFL, but I’m putting my money on Jake to make the cut.


    I would like to leave everyone with my favorite quote:

    It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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