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Posts posted by drews21

  1. Those teammates that supposedly hate him voted him the team's Ed Block award winner too. Surely he just lobbied Dan until they stuffed the ballot.

    Not saying he doesn't have a lot of work/growing up to do but Sally Jenkins is known as a huge hack in DC. She's been known for her agenda against the team and Dan. I think that while some of these stories may be true, a lot of them are just media sensationalism.

    Griffin needs to learn how to coach speak and not let his feelings be so easily read. However, the local papers have PLENTY of stories of how well liked he is by his teammates that don't make national rounds. Dude will be okay once he has a few more years under his belt.

    Btw I loved Luck even before he was a Colt and still do, so don't take me as one of those dumb Skins fans that remains convinced that Griffin and Luck are comparable. They aren't. Still doesn't mean Griff is a bad person or can't be a successful QB.

    Just my two cents, guys.

  2. :spit::funny::lol:  I think someone spiked your kool-aid  . I prefer recent success minus the disco balls . 1 decent season does not create a historically brilliant offense after many seasons of mediocre redskin teams they'v gained a lil relevance :thmup:  All I can say is its good to have a decent team congrats to redskin fans .


    IMO    RG3 will flop this year & the silence will be deafening .. Of course I believe 12 will flourish under Pep Hamilton .. Giving him an opportunity to stand in rarified air Colts history has a lil brilliance of its own ..

    You do realize I said 80s and 90s and backed it up with numbers, right?

    Again, let's break it down. If somehow this Redskins offense of 2013 becomes better than ones from the 80s and 90s, which ARE RANKED among the top offenses ever, it would therefore become one of the best offenses ever. It's not anything but mere logic.

    Or did you just gloss over that in your hurry to get on and trash Robert Griffin? lol

  3. Don't know about all that, but they did have one of the best offensive lines in the early 90's, the "hog protection" only gave up 9 sacks in 91' 3rd lowest in NFL history

    The '83 offense is ranked 6th all time (among the teams in front of them are four teams from 2007-2012, where offenses generally have gained the advantage) and the 1991 team is 25th all time with IIRC the best point differential in history. 

    Anyway, that's neither here nor there. The Redskins offense is going to be good but definitely has some work to do before it can become the best in the league today, let alone all time. I do like the confidence though and considering the shape our defense is in post injuries and suspensions, we're going to need to be able to score a lot. 

  4. In redskins history

    If that was supposed to be tongue in cheek, you do realize the Redskins had some of the more historically brilliant offenses in league history back in the 80s and 90s. So even if they end up being the best offense in Redskins history, they'd therefore be one of the best offenses in league history.  :thmup:

  5. Did you gloss over the end of the article, the one that somehow "proves" you're right?

    "Griffin’s advantage is that he adds an element to Shanahan's pro-style offense that can't be understated. It cannot be emphasized enough that all those supposedly "easy" passes Griffin threw early on were decisions he had to make based on how the defense played. That may be the most exciting thing about his debut. Unlike many NFL coaches whose egos and lack of creativity won't allow them to utilize their players’ strengths and weaknesses, Shanahan is evolving his offense into a reflection of his young quarterback. Robert Griffin III is not a "running quarterback," but rather a quarterback who can also run; Shanahan's Redskins offense is not a college-style spread offense, but a blend of a pro-style system that also incorporates some of college football’s newest and best ideas. Griffin certainly has a long way to go, but his development — and the development of this offense — will be fun to watch, unless, that is, you're the one trying to stop it."

    Just to add: the supposed " Baylor offense" is not the ONLY reason Griffin is doing well. He's executing well, he's efficient, he doesn't turn the ball over, and he elevates his game in situations that call for it. To say that the only reason he is doing well is because Shanahan has imported his college offense into the NFL is extremely short-sighted and just blatantly incorrect.

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