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Jim Irsay: Colts trade could 'go down this weekend'


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Stories like this one is why I deplore and detest twitter Jim Irsay. Forget the hype, the conjecture, or the magic trick...Give me concrete information, something that can be independently verified, or please don't say anything at all.

Please refrain from playing with my interest and emotions like a Carnegie Concert Cellist. Thank you Mr. Irsay.

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For what it's worth....

Just going by the Irsay tweets.... he does not sound like the Colts are the hang-up.... he sounds like we're ready to do the deal.


It sounds like the trading partner has 'issues'.... either we're not offering enough, or they've got cold feet.... or something else is the hold-up on their end... but not our end.

That's my read of things.

His tweets may be Irsay's way of trying to prod the other team into a doing a deal....

Hey, I'm talking out of my rear here... just guessing... I'm new at this Team Owner Tweet thing.... but that's my read of the tea leaves.... or should I say, the tweet leaves...?

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For what it's worth....

Just going by the Irsay tweets.... he does not sound like the Colts are the hang-up.... he sounds like we're ready to do the deal.


It sounds like the trading partner has 'issues'.... either we're not offering enough, or they've got cold feet.... or something else is the hold-up on their end... but not our end.

That's my read of things.

His tweets may be Irsay's way of trying to prod the other team into a doing a deal....

Hey, I'm talking out of my rear here... just guessing... I'm new at this Team Owner Tweet thing.... but that's my read of the tea leaves.... or should I say, the tweet leaves...?

The hold up may very well be the fact that this trade in all likelyhood will hinge upon the player signing an extension with the Colts. More than likely the player in question is in the last year of his contract and the team can't afford to pay him going forward.

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Lol.....complaining about the owner tweeting.......by posting on the Colts site. To quote Alanis......"Isn't it ironic"

Either you detest social media and dont take part, or you do. Playing both sides is creamy hilarious.

Tweeting and posting are not all equivalent as far as mediums are concerned. As I explained in a different post, twitter limits a person to 140 characters, is bombarded with incessant abbreviations, contributes to the dilution of sophistication and scholarly intellect in society, will never be deemed as a credible information resource in a courtroom or legally binding authority of any kind, and there is an enormous dichotomy between a fan who conveys their own thoughts on front office Colts matters versus an owner who actually runs the day to day operations of a team and pays the bills.

"Either you detest social media and dont take part, or you do."

By that logic, if an archival journal was posted online, it would lose it's scholarly integrity and merit simply because the package through which the information was distributed, disseminated, and dispersed had changed. An incredibly weak and inaccurate argument in my humble opinion. Technology is not the enemy per say. Rather, our society's over reliance on the dominance of almost exclusively online sources is.

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Lol.....complaining about the owner tweeting.......by posting on the Colts site. To quote Alanis......"Isn't it ironic"

Either you detest social media and dont take part, or you do. Playing both sides is creamy hilarious.


Who are you commenting on? You just posted, but not a response to any one poster, so I don't know if you're responding to me, or someone else....

Or, does it even matter?

Just askin....

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Who are you commenting on? You just posted, but not a response to any one poster, so I don't know if you're responding to me, or someone else....

Or, does it even matter?

Just askin....

I think it does. Jimmy's tweets...

I have been very vocal about Irsay's "tweeting"... I HATE it... he is an NFL owner acting like a HS kid. NO other owner in the NFL acts like Jimmy. Quoting song lyrics? Really? sigh,.......

Releasing roster moves before they go down? Just wanting attention.

Oh well ... that's how I feel...

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I think it does. Jimmy's tweets...

I have been very vocal about Irsay's "tweeting"... I HATE it... he is an NFL owner acting like a HS kid. NO other owner in the NFL acts like Jimmy. Quoting song lyrics? Really? sigh,.......

Releasing roster moves before they go down? Just wanting attention.

Oh well ... that's how I feel...

The reference to 'does it even matter' was to the person Warhorse was responding to. Was he directing his post at me, at someone else, or everyone? Or..... does it even matter?

That's all.... sorry for any confusion....

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The reference to 'does it even matter' was to the person Warhorse was responding to. Was he directing his post at me, at someone else, or everyone? Or..... does it even matter?

That's all.... sorry for any confusion....

No confusion at all ... I enjoy this debate. Jim Irsay needs to ... act professional. or at worst like the owner of an NFL team.

JMO :)

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It was not at you, NCF. I am saying that the general fan base complaining about the owners use of social media is a bad thing, yet they use social media to post 10 or more times about it. That may not ring with others, but I find it funny as heck.

It's like complaining about the overcutting of trees and using printed paper to distribute your complaints. Way funny.

Here is another way to avoid it. STOP VIEWING TWITTER. Lol. The most common way I hear about it, is through those who complian here.

I have to apologize to the thread starter for getting off topic.

I am good with a trade, or no trade. I think this team is looking much better than I thought they would at this point and with a year under our belt, next year looks very bright. If a trade does happen, knowing Grigs, it will make us better right now. Again, all good.

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Lol.....complaining about the owner tweeting.......by posting on the Colts site. To quote Alanis......"Isn't it ironic"

Either you detest social media and dont take part, or you do. Playing both sides is creamy hilarious.

I have a better one for years our fans complained that Polian was too secretive and wouldn't share any kind of information. Now Irsay shares and people complain because he's sharing information.
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So, I have never used twitter, but i can say that I have to struggle to read any twitter message that is posted by anyone. It contains symbols, shortened words, and it generally hacks up the English language like a diesel powered combine.

Even though he put his heart out there, saying that it might not go down, I still hope for a trade that satisfies the fan base who is now expecting it.

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I have a better one for years our fans complained that Polian was too secretive and wouldn't share any kind of information. Now Irsay shares and people complain because he's sharing information.

Exactly. On another note, I think that is the first time I have ever seen creamy and hilarious next to each other. Do I get some sort of medal for that?


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Looks like Irsay COULD be annoying NFL GMs or other owners with his Tweets.


I ignore opinions of unnamed sources. Nobody knows better than Jim that the NFL is cutthroat.

Speculation that pressure could cause asking prices to increase or that the team might bend to fan pressure because of speculation about an unspecified trade is just that...........speculation.

As far as other owners not duplicating his social media posting........I imagine it's because they cannot and are not interested.

NFL is highly secretive and I'm sure all of this makes them nervous. And that's what this is about.

For the media..........my opinion...........they are really irked that their "NFL INSIDER" designation (however you get that)........does not do them a lick of good in this situation.

And so whenever we have a situation when @jimirsay is going to break news........we get media talking about how bad it is that he does this

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JI can do as he pleases. Yes, he has fun with it and ticks off others in the process for various reasons. If, indeed, these tweets are hurting the team and trade negotiations, Grigson and staff will have a talk with Jim about it, I am sure. I have twitter and facebook, but not glued to either. I check these forums almost daily, but not constantly monitoring every thread. So I guess I am less affected than others in that regard. I know some can't stand the suspense of JI trade tweet, but at least you know something was going down and stirred conversation, even if it doesn't pan out.

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I have a better one for years our fans complained that Polian was too secretive and wouldn't share any kind of information. Now Irsay shares and people complain because he's sharing information.

This just in... Some fans will always find something to complain about. They don't get to feel like they contribute otherwise. It's all good.

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JI can do as he pleases. Yes, he has fun with it and ticks off others in the process for various reasons. If, indeed, these tweets are hurting the team and trade negotiations, Grigson and staff will have a talk with Jim about it, I am sure. I have twitter and facebook, but not glued to either. I check these forums almost daily, but not constantly monitoring every thread. So I guess I am less affected than others in that regard. I know some can't stand the suspense of JI trade tweet, but at least you know something was going down and stirred conversation, even if it doesn't pan out.

You do realize Irsay is Grigson's boss right? Grigson doesn't get to tell Irsay what to do. lol

I have always said I was OK with his song lyric quotes and such, but not broadcasting to the world that you are in trade negotiations. Some things are just meant to stay in house until official.

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You do realize Irsay is Grigson's boss right? Grigson doesn't get to tell Irsay what to do. lol

I have always said I was OK with his song lyric quotes and such, but not broadcasting to the world that you are in trade negotiations. Some things are just meant to stay in house until official.

Of course I do. I have a boss too. However, I have an open door to my boss to ask for things to help me in performing my job. Even if it is to talk about changing something my boss is doing that renders me less effective. If change doesn't hamper the boos and their goals, and helps my productivity, it will get doen. Irsay wants a better team too. If some of his fun proves to be hurting the realization of that goal, I believe he'll alter his scheme. He's smart. :)

I agree that personally, I wouldn't tweet about it until it goes through either. We'll see how this one plays out though before I render judgment on it.

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Tweeting and posting are not all equivalent as far as mediums are concerned. As I explained in a different post, twitter limits a person to 140 characters, is bombarded with incessant abbreviations, contributes to the dilution of sophistication and scholarly intellect in society, will never be deemed as a credible information resource in a courtroom or legally binding authority of any kind, and there is an enormous dichotomy between a fan who conveys their own thoughts on front office Colts matters versus an owner who actually runs the day to day operations of a team and pays the bills.

That is one long sentence. I applaud the length of the sentence (not the content) but the length of a single sentence that is impressive (and I'm being 100% serious)
"Either you detest social media and dont take part, or you do."

By that logic, if an archival journal was posted online, it would lose it's scholarly integrity and merit simply because the package through which the information was distributed, disseminated, and dispersed had changed. An incredibly weak and inaccurate argument in my humble opinion. Technology is not the enemy per say. Rather, our society's over reliance on the dominance of almost exclusively online sources is.

I don't under though, you start off with, "Tweeting and posting are not all equivalent as far as mediums are concerned," and now you are trying to state posting an "archival journal" online is somehow the same as posting one's thoughts in a social media forum. If Fan forums and twitter are different mediums would not "online" be a different medium than a social network?
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