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Redskins selling Luck vs RG3 "Rivalry" shirts.


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Actually the standard facepalm IS PICARD! Why else the bald, weird shaped head?

But I think it should be replaced

Here's how smart I am.......I never even came close to making that connection. Either way...my tiny Picard is clearly the better Picard.

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I lol'ed at a RG3 commercial last night. Can't remember what it was for but it was talking about NFL all time greats and featured him. Seriously? This is why I wish for him to get demolished and exit early. I don't care if we kept Manning and never had Luck I would still be annoyed at a rookie being talked about how great he is.

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Not sure why this shirt is a big deal, I like that the league is trying to hype preseason games, the NFL is currently the most popular sport in America so the season cant start early enough for some people, so why not hype up pre-season games with more interesting match-ups. The Luck-RGIII match up has a built-in-storyline, so why not try to get some people to tune in...& as far as a rivalry goes, the shirt doesn't say "rivalry" per-se, it just says Q.B. Showdown... I am not going to buy the shirt because it doesn't look that cool to me, but if I were going to actually attend the game and the shirt were more asthetically appealing to me then I would get one for sure...

I am more excited about this pre-season than I have been for a LONG time so I gladdly endorse any extra hype, so if the league makes some extra money, and in turn helps some guy at some silk-screen shop make an extra buck by selling said shirts, more power to 'em!!!

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