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Question of the Day - 08/06


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The Colts have decided to "bundle" the opportunity to buy individual game tickets to the Green Bay Packers game - and - force fans to buy tickets to the Cincinnati Bengals pre-season game for the privilege of buying Packers game tickets.

Will this decision affect YOUR ability and/or interest in purchasing Packers game tickets ??

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I'll "kick off" the responses to today's question !!


I am one of America's long-term unemployed - and - I have scraped together all the cash I could so that I could buy ONE TICKET (low-end priced) to the Packers game !! With the "bundling" policy I CAN NOT AFFORD to purchase a ticket to the game I REALLY REALLY want to attend because they are forcing me to buy a ticket to a game I CAN NOT AFFORD TO ATTEND !!


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So are you asking a question, or setting up the opportunity to rant using a lot of all caps? I have been a fan for over 40 years, but I have never been to a home game. I had the opportunity to fly to Indy a few years ago for a December game, and the cheapest tickets I could find online were 300.00. That is simply what the going value was at that point. Nothing unfair about it.

As far as starting your frustrated post with the fact that you are unemployed, has nothing to do with decisions made by the Colt front office. Nor should it. I hope you get the opportunity to see a Colt home game this season in person. I am envious, as that is my dream to do so one day.

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I would buy both myself.....if I am still down south, I get Bengals on Sunday instead of Colts only because we were so horrible last year...I have not been to a preseason game, but want to see the final chances to make the roster. In person would be nice if I can go!!!

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No offense, but how do "opportunity" and "force" fit in the same description?

Okay I'm confused but in order to buy the single ticket to the Packers game you have to also buy a single ticket to the Bengals game?

If that is what is happening I could see a fan being upset if they could only afford the one game. If I'm reading this wrong or don't understand sorry my bad.

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I love all of the different takes on how this bundle is going to work. All replys have been thoughtful and different from the rest. If it indeed helps LOS keep the green and yellow ticket holders down then I am all about it. The Colts fans need to fill the stadium and give our team the boost they need at every possible moment.

LOS should be for monsters only. :highfive:

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I am already a season ticket holder so not effected. However, I am forced to by TWO preseason tickets in order to get the eight regular season games. This is not going to change anytime soon. So no, I don't have a problem with them bundling tickets in order to sell less desirable games - it is the way of the world unfortunately :)

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Personally I'd like to see the NFL take a simple approach on pre-season games. 10.00 lower level, 5.00 upper level, and maybe 20.00 for premium seats. You all but guarantee a sell out and people will be more likely to increase their in stadium spending whether it is concessions or souvenirs.

Whether the sum of 2 games like that exceeds the sum of 2 games under the current system is the question.

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Well I was just thinking we haven't had a discussion like this for many years and wouldn't be having it now except the season tickets are not sold out and the organization is trying to keep from having a blackout in Indiana. Probably the FO that is in place now has never had to deal with this problem. Hopefully next year the season tickets will once again be sold out. JMO of course.

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I think this is pretty standard proceedure. Most teams start with the "bundles" before selling single game tickets, in hopes of selling out more games. Alot of times they will "market" packages desireable to the consumer. For instance, the Bengals packaged the Broncos game with the Giants game this year, smart move IMO.

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We bought Bengals /Broncos tickets and didn't buy Giants tickets. Not sure if your misinformed or we just got lucky.

Not misinformed ~ The bundles went on sale a few months before the single game, which was good for me, I wanted to see both games. :)
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