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What would you ask Andrew Luck.


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Andrew, Dec 30th the Texans are visiting Lucas Oil Stadium. It's the 4th quarter with just over 2 minutes to play. The Colts are leading with the ball on their own 20. It's 4th and 2. Does this scenario sound familiar to you, and do you want one more snap to ice the game, or are you hoping coach Arians decides to punt?

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Andrew, Dec 30th the Texans are visiting Lucas Oil Stadium. It's the 4th quarter with just over 2 minutes to play. The Colts are leading with the ball on their own 20. It's 4th and 2. Does this scenario sound familiar to you, and do you want one more snap to ice the game, or are you hoping coach Arians decides to punt?

I know you want questions for Luck, but I have one for you: What's the score?

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Exactly Superman: NMI.......need more info. It is a punt in almost any scenario. Pen them deep with 'hark' a directional punt' from Pat McAfee and do NOT ever play Prevent again.....goodbye Larry Coyer....although Manusky is known to be conservative...his inner Pagano needs to be in charge (thus Pagano makes the calls.)

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Exactly Superman: NMI.......need more info. It is a punt in almost any scenario. Pen them deep with 'hark' a directional punt' from Pat McAfee and do NOT ever play Prevent again.....goodbye Larry Coyer....although Manusky is known to be conservative...his inner Pagano needs to be in charge (thus Pagano makes the calls.)

Leading by what?

I want to know specifically what the score is. If it's 13-10, I'm punting. If it's 35-38, I don't know. Same three point lead, much different circumstances.

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Andrew, Dec 30th the Texans are visiting Lucas Oil Stadium. It's the 4th quarter with just over 2 minutes to play. The Colts are leading with the ball on their own 20. It's 4th and 2. Does this scenario sound familiar to you, and do you want one more snap to ice the game, or are you hoping coach Arians decides to punt?

In this scenario I would ask him if he likes cake, then let him do whatever he wants to do. Other than that, I have no clue.

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I want to know specifically what the score is. If it's 13-10, I'm punting. If it's 35-38, I don't know. Same three point lead, much different circumstances.

Definitely need the score.....4th and 2 at own 20......Lets see how this plays out. :)
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Silly Stuff:

-- Future of the Neck Beard

-- Have you bought anything expensive yet? Do you plan to?

-- With low mortgage rates, are you buying a home, or renting a place?

-- What are you driving?

-- What do you like so far about Indy?

-- Silliest question you've been asked yet?

-- Question you're already tired of hearing? (being compared to Peyton)

-- Sticking with the $10 flip phone, or upgrading?

-- Do you know where you'll live in the off-season yet? Indy? Houston? Bay Area? Somewhere else?


-- Do you have certain things you want to accomplish by the end of the pre-season?

-- How much of the playbook do you really feel comfortable with?

-- You were recently quoted as calling Arians offense "fun".... what makes it fun for you?

-- How much would you like to play in the pre-season? 8 of the 16 quarters? 9? 10? More?

-- Anything about the off-season routine that's different from Stanford that has surprised you?


-- Pundits have predicted we're going to be terrible as last year. Bothered by this? Confident they're wrong?

-- A sentence about each of the skill players/weapons you've got...

-- If there are roughly 65 offensive plays in a game, what would you roughly expect to the pass/run ratio in most games?

-- At Stanford you were given 3 plays for the huddle, then you called for one at the line. Would you like that again, or do you want one and the freedom to audible to anything you want?

-- Other than the speed and the complexity of NFL defenses, is there anything else you're concerned about in the transition to the NFL?

-- Is there something about you, your style of play, that you think NFL teams will be surprised by? Arm strength? Running speed?

-- What do you like about Arians? About Christiansen? About Pagano?

-- Are you ready to lose more games in one season than you lost in your 3 seasons as a starter at Stanford? Concerns?

That should be enough to get things started..... I'm sure there are many other questions to ask....

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Silly Stuff:

-- Future of the Neck Beard

-- Have you bought anything expensive yet? Do you plan to?

-- With low mortgage rates, are you buying a home, or renting a place?

-- What are you driving?

-- What do you like so far about Indy?

-- Silliest question you've been asked yet?

-- Question you're already tired of hearing? (being compared to Peyton)

-- Sticking with the $10 flip phone, or upgrading?

-- Do you know where you'll live in the off-season yet? Indy? Houston? Bay Area? Somewhere else?


-- Do you have certain things you want to accomplish by the end of the pre-season?

-- How much of the playbook do you really feel comfortable with?

-- You were recently quoted as calling Arians offense "fun".... what makes it fun for you?

-- How much would you like to play in the pre-season? 8 of the 16 quarters? 9? 10? More?

-- Anything about the off-season routine that's different from Stanford that has surprised you?


-- Pundits have predicted we're going to be terrible as last year. Bothered by this? Confident they're wrong?

-- A sentence about each of the skill players/weapons you've got...

-- If there are roughly 65 offensive plays in a game, what would you roughly expect to the pass/run ratio in most games?

-- At Stanford you were given 3 plays for the huddle, then you called for one at the line. Would you like that again, or do you want one and the freedom to audible to anything you want?

-- Other than the speed and the complexity of NFL defenses, is there anything else you're concerned about in the transition to the NFL?

-- Is there something about you, your style of play, that you think NFL teams will be surprised by? Arm strength? Running speed?

-- What do you like about Arians? About Christiansen? About Pagano?

-- Are you ready to lose more games in one season than you lost in your 3 seasons as a starter at Stanford? Concerns?

That should be enough to get things started..... I'm sure there are many other questions to ask....

1.Have you seen my Offensive Line?! I'm just hoping to make it through my rookie year alive!

2.Waynes a constant veteran, always wanting to perfect his craft

3. Austin Collie- is one tough SOB he can make tough catches and has more speed then given credit for

4.TY Hilton- has some serious speed, great hands

5.Coby Fleener- The chemistry we share on the field is really helping with my development, Good job Grigson I look forward to throwing touchdowns to him for years to come

6.Dwayne Allen-He can do it all he has excellent athletic ability, good in the run game

roughly 65 plays in a game, I would go 40-25

7. I very much liked the three play scenario, I would like to be able to audible on my own if I see something I like

8.No not really except where is my FREAKIN Offensive Line!? A little more help Grigson would have been nice one O LineMan at least since you went primarily offense

9.I think my ability to run if needed will surprise some, I try my best to be a student of the game to learn all I can so I can continue to improve

10.Arians helps me alot with my development he is good at giving advice but also letting me adjust and make an audible if needed he is good at showing me what I need to work on and sitting down with me going through plays and game film

11.Clyde has a ton of experience.....(cue the uncomfortable silence followed by crickets chirping in the background)

12.You never prepare to lose, we as a team have a long road ahead I look forward to the challenge, as long as I am Quarterback I will except nothing less then the best effort from the guys on the team because thats what I am about putting it all out there playing 100 percent winning by any means necessary thats how winning is done and WE WILL win

Just my thoughts I know I am way off base on a couple of the answers, but some of those I would hope he would give

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