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Question of the Day - 07/19


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QB Peyton Manning started every game as our "franchise QB" in the fall of 1998 and led the Colts to a 3 -13 record.

QB Andrew Luck is slated to start for the Colts as our new "franchise QB" the fall of 2012 - with an unbelievably TOUGH schedule for the 4th place team in the 2011 AFC South !!

What is your prediction for the Luck-led Colts in 2012 ??

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6-10....if defense gets going could be better. I think Arians will get Luck rolling.

Thinking 5-11 and maybe 6-10 will be excited and rooting all year no matter what

My money is on 5 or 6 victories overall as Brent and CM51 state above. Please God, let us have above average special team's play. What a marvelous surprise that would actually be...Wow!!!

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It will take Andrew 2-3 years to throw that many interceptions.

Rookie of the Year, and every QB record except Manning's 30 interceptions.

are you a stanford fan? must be... Andrew wont have half as many attempts as peyton had, thats not andrews game and neither is it arians or paganos. so yeah maybe not 28... but he wont break all those records either, we hopefully wont need him to.
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are you a stanford fan? must be... Andrew wont have half as many attempts as peyton had, thats not andrews game and neither is it arians or paganos. so yeah maybe not 28... but he wont break all those records either, we hopefully wont need him to.

I have no comment on what "she" is.

If he's not throwing the ball 30-35 times a game then he is a wasted draft pick and the team should have gone in an entirely different direction.

I'm not sure if you mean half of Manning's rookie attempts of 575 ( 287.5 or 18 attempts a game) or half of his 2010 attempts of 679(339.5 or 21 a game), or if it was a bit of an exaggeration. Either way if that is all he is throwing then the team made a mistake.

Arians is as pass happy as they come and that is one of the reasons he was run out of Pittsburgh. Pagano might be more of a smash mouth coach but I would be surprised if Luck isn't throwing the pig 30 to 35 times a game which would be a range of 480 to 560 throws. I would see him exceeding 560 before i would see him being under 480.

For comparison purposes Dalton tossed it 516 times last year and Cam Newton threw it 517,so I would expect Luck to easily exceed both of those totals.

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I have no comment on what "she" is.

If he's not throwing the ball 30-35 times a game then he is a wasted draft pick and the team should have gone in an entirely different direction.

I'm not sure if you mean half of Manning's rookie attempts of 575 ( 287.5 or 18 attempts a game) or half of his 2010 attempts of 679(339.5 or 21 a game), or if it was a bit of an exaggeration. Either way if that is all he is throwing then the team made a mistake.

Arians is as pass happy as they come and that is one of the reasons he was run out of Pittsburgh. Pagano might be more of a smash mouth coach but I would be surprised if Luck isn't throwing the pig 30 to 35 times a game which would be a range of 480 to 560 throws. I would see him exceeding 560 before i would see him being under 480.

For comparison purposes Dalton tossed it 516 times last year and Cam Newton threw it 517,so I would expect Luck to easily exceed both of those totals.

his rookie year, and yeah i was exagerating a bit, but i still just dont think we'll be pass heavy his first year or two. remember, lucks style goes hand in hand with a power run game and he excells at play action which will only get better with arians there. and one of the reasons why arians passed so much the last few years was because it was the steelers best option to win games with the team they had around ben. i think luck will be very efficient and will have lesser attempts but they'll have to be money, and lots of deep play action passes... but what do i know lol
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I say 9 or more wins and no I'm not joking, also Im not looking for Luck to break a lot of records just win games. The only way he comes close to breaking records is if are D is as bad as last year, where Luck is in a shot out every week, but the D is'nt as bad as people think. When I look at our team I dont see why others feel we will be so bad cause the truth is we looked very bad in 2011 and their is only one man to blame for that, our old GM BP so glad he is gone. This is not the same team from last year, we are better in all phases of the game and we have some really good coaches. I think alot of fan are just hoping to be high in next years draft or some fans are clearly holding on to what they hear from all the analyst which most of the time they are wrong or because of so many rookies your saying 2 or 3 years. Nine or more wins thats what I say!!!

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