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Wear #18 Jersey To The Home Games Or #12?

King Colt

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Not really. Nobody knows what the next 5 or so years holds.

I dont see the next 5 years having as much bearing on whether or not he retires a Colt or a Bronco. Thats not to say the Broncos organization wont go out of there way to make Peyton comfortable because they pretty much have at this point but there is no denying the Colts organization did as well
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I retired both my #18 jerseys....Bring on the #12 jersey....I wouldn't say it's bad taste to wear the #18, it's just not the right time.

Put it this way, you wouldn't want your girlfriend wearing her ex-boyfriends t-shirt around you would you?

I don't think that's a very good analogy, for several reasons.

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I don't see wearing my #18 jersey as disrespectul to anyone, I see it as paying respect to #18.

I saw several #32 (James) jerseys, and several #88 (Harrison) jerseys at the games I went to last year. Last I checked, James and Harrison had both been replaced.... I don't remember people making a fuss about that.

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I dont see the next 5 years having as much bearing on whether or not he retires a Colt or a Bronco. Thats not to say the Broncos organization wont go out of there way to make Peyton comfortable because they pretty much have at this point but there is no denying the Colts organization did as well

Well, back to your previous post. It's not the timing of the release. It's the actual release all together.

The next 5 years or so has everything to do with that. How could it not. Any record he brakes from now will be in Orange & Navy. Any Championship whether it's Division, Conference or Super Bowl will be in an Orange/Navy jersey.

If that last sentence were true, he wouldn't be in Denver.

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Well, back to your previous post. It's not the timing of the release. It's the actual release all together.

The next 5 years or so has everything to do with that. How could it not. Any record he brakes from now will be in Orange & Navy. Any Championship whether it's Division, Conference or Super Bowl will be in an Orange/Navy jersey.

If that last sentence were true, he wouldn't be in Denver.

He broke records in Indy, He won a Super Bowl in Indy, he won division titles in Indy, sure he can do that in Denver and likely will break the all time passing yards and touchdown passing records, but its not like he wasint breaking records already, I think it has nothing to do with that, what he could potentially do in Denver he has already done in Indy with the exception of all time records mentioned
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I don't see wearing my #18 jersey as disrespectul to anyone, I see it as paying respect to #18.

I saw several #32 (James) jerseys, and several #88 (Harrison) jerseys at the games I went to last year. Last I checked, James and Harrison had both been replaced.... I don't remember people making a fuss about that.

now having said that I usually wear this jersey to the games...

it has NO numbers...

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He broke records in Indy, He won a Super Bowl in Indy, he won division titles in Indy, sure he can do that in Denver and likely will break the all time passing yards and touchdown passing records, but its not like he wasint breaking records already, I think it has nothing to do with that, what he could potentially do in Denver he has already done in Indy with the exception of all time records mentioned

That's part of the point. His days in Indy are done. Anything he does from here on out is in Denver.

If his tenure in Denver is extremely successful, it might not matter what he did in Indy.

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That's part of the point. His days in Indy are done. Anything he does from here on out is in Denver.

If his tenure in Denver is extremely successful, it might not matter what he did in Indy.

perhaps it wont matter but it should, I wouldnt say I am a fan of going in with the team that drafted ya in every case because that might be a bit extreme to say that but I think in Mannings case its more then appropriate
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perhaps it wont matter but it should, I wouldnt say I am a fan of going in with the team that drafted ya in every case because that might be a bit extreme to say that but I think in Mannings case its more then appropriate

Again, it's not about going in as a member of a certain team.

The guys that sign the one day contracts wish to finish either a ) where they started or b ) had the most success.

It's just a personal choice that those players/teams make.

Without knowing what the rest of his career has in store it can't be said what is appropriate and what isn't.

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Again, it's not about going in as a member of a certain team.

The guys that sign the one day contracts wish to finish either a ) where they started or b ) had the most success.

It's just a personal choice that those players/teams make.

Without knowing what the rest of his career has in store it can't be said what is appropriate and what isn't.

retiring I meant
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He could get two rings in Denver. That's more than he did in Indy.

Even if Irsay made an offer for Peyton to retire in Indy, and Peyton rejects it. That was a private conversation between them. It would be petty for Irsay to announce it to the world.

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Not to be picky, but the original post was misleading, as many threads are. The title appears to be asking our opinion about which jerseys we should wear to the home games. Then the content in the opening post goes immediately to the writers strong opinion and asks whether we agree or not.

To answer the actual thread question, wear whatever the heck you want to wear. Who cares what others think. You pay good money and should wear what makes you feel good. To respond to the opening post, Andrew Luck's performance this season will not be affected by the support or non support from fans. He is too focused and even keel. I personally see PM as a player that has moved on and will be recognized as a Colt after retirement. With that, as with any former Colt, I would wear their jersey to honor them if I wanted, regardless of when they parted with the team. I don't own a PM jersey, so my opinion is less valid, but that is how I treat my Edge jersey, which is similar enough to be comparable.

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None of know what is inside Mannings heart and head when it comes to the Colts so these are all opinions. Mine is he was very hurt by how he was treated. Recall what he said to the Colts before they drafted him, "If you don't draft me I'll whip your butt every time I play you." I think his dream was to build all his statisitics with one team in hopes of making it easier to pile up the numbers he did. Whatever the outcome he was a blast to watch and gave me many grey hairs and sore throats. Thanks to a great athlete and team player.

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None of know what is inside Mannings heart and head when it comes to the Colts so these are all opinions. Mine is he was very hurt by how he was treated. Recall what he said to the Colts before they drafted him, "If you don't draft me I'll whip your butt every time I play you." I think his dream was to build all his statisitics with one team in hopes of making it easier to pile up the numbers he did. Whatever the outcome he was a blast to watch and gave me many grey hairs and sore throats. Thanks to a great athlete and team player.

Agree with all you said... especially the parts in BOLD
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It could be said that he wanted to be the #1 pick when he said that and wanted the money that came with it, Im not saying that was the case back then but I am throwing that out there, I dont think the thought entered his mind "oh I want to play here my whole career", possible yes but Im not sold on it, But anyway, All water under the bridge, It was a blast to watch him while he was here and it will be fun to watch him even though he is in Denver

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I dont think the thought entered his mind "oh I want to play here my whole career",

Of course IT DID, and he stated it many times, up until his final day, as a matter of fact. But as you say, that is all water under the bridge, now. It's been discussed until the cows came home and went back out again.... :sigh:
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It could be said that he wanted to be the #1 pick when he said that and wanted the money that came with it, Im not saying that was the case back then but I am throwing that out there, I dont think the thought entered his mind "oh I want to play here my whole career", possible yes but Im not sold on it, But anyway, All water under the bridge, It was a blast to watch him while he was here and it will be fun to watch him even though he is in Denver

You couldn't be more wrong, but I'm sure'll give that a shot.

Quarterback Peyton Manning

On signing his contract and being back at training camp:

“I just can’t thank Jim Irsay enough for his support throughout my entire career. I can’t tell you what an honor it is to go start to finish with the same organization here in Indianapolis. That is something I have always wanted to do as a rookie coming out. Of course, you never know if that is possible but after yesterday it is official that I will be an Indianapolis Colt for my entire career. I will not play for another team. My last down of football will be with the Colts, which means a great deal to me. I just can’t thank Jim (Irsay) enough for his support and can’t thank Bill Polian for his work on making this contract happen and getting it done. The three of us all started in Indianapolis, Bill and I in 1998 and Jim Irsay has been a part of the franchise for a long time, but it has been a real privilege to be with these two gentlemen for my entire career. Now, I am going to finish up my career here, and that means a great deal to me. I am very relieved it is behind me now. I can concentrate on my rehab, getting healthy and getting ready to play football in 2011. I thanked them both in private and just publicly wanted to thank them. I cannot thank them enough for their support. As he discussed, we wanted to do something fair for everybody. The fact that we signed (Joseph) Addai, Ryan Diem, and Antonio Johnson right after the fact, that’s what I wanted to do. Bill and Chris took action on that, and got those players. That was part of the plan, and so far it is working out and I just want to get healthy.”

Some bridges get washed away.


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That's part of the point. His days in Indy are done. Anything he does from here on out is in Denver.

If his tenure in Denver is extremely successful, it might not matter what he did in Indy.

It will be interesting if he has great success in Denver how he will be remembered. People know him as a Colt breaking records but often falling short in the playoffs. If he was to go to Denver and reverse that role possibly winning a couple championship which part will he be more remembered by? Its a big IF but we all know if anyone can end their career riding out on a white horse I believe Peyton can. Would love to see him get another championship and retire in that elite company of multiple winners. I could be wrong but wouldn't he be the first qb to win a super bowl with multiple teams if he was to do that? I am just as interested in seeing how he writes the end of his career as I am watching Luck start his. Great story lines and hopefully great qb play by both is what we have in store.
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It will be interesting if he has great success in Denver how he will be remembered. People know him as a Colt breaking records but often falling short in the playoffs. If he was to go to Denver and reverse that role possibly winning a couple championship which part will he be more remembered by? Its a big IF but we all know if anyone can end their career riding out on a white horse I believe Peyton can. Would love to see him get another championship and retire in that elite company of multiple winners. I could be wrong but wouldn't he be the first qb to win a super bowl with multiple teams if he was to do that? I am just as interested in seeing how he writes the end of his career as I am watching Luck start his. Great story lines and hopefully great qb play by both is what we have in store.

Its odd to hear peole say Peyton failed more often than he succeeded...

Everybody fails in the playoffs FAR MORE OFTEN than they succeed..dont they?

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2004 was way before the neck fusions though,That might have been before any type of surgeries he has had, I dont recall. But the media circus Peyton and Irsay made with their comments "I'm not in a very good place for healing, let's say that. It's not a real good environment down there right now, to say the least. Everybody's walking around on eggshells. I don't recognize our building right now. There's such complete and total change.'' and Issay following it up by calling Peyton a politician didnt help matters at all. I honestly think Peyton should have kept quiet and just continued to rehab. In my opinion, and this is only an opinion, Manning is a veteran and new very well what he was doing when he said that. Nobody can tell me a 13 year NFL veteran (at the time) didn't know of the media frenzy or the fan frenzy a comment like that would cause, It would automatically put Irsay and Polian in a tough spot and in a negative light

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2004 was way before the neck fusions though,That might have been before any type of surgeries he has had, I dont recall. But the media circus Peyton and Irsay made with their comments "I'm not in a very good place for healing, let's say that. It's not a real good environment down there right now, to say the least. Everybody's walking around on eggshells. I don't recognize our building right now. There's such complete and total change.'' and Issay following it up by calling Peyton a politician didnt help matters at all. I honestly think Peyton should have kept quiet and just continued to rehab. In my opinion, and this is only an opinion, Manning is a veteran and new very well what he was doing when he said that. Nobody can tell me a 13 year NFL veteran (at the time) didn't know of the media frenzy or the fan frenzy a comment like that would cause, It would automatically put Irsay and Polian in a tough spot and in a negative light

Sometimes the truth hurts. Manning was just making the comment & paying respect to the people he had worked with for years that were being shown the door, and when someones key card isn't working, it makes it seem like it was deactivated prior to being informed they were being dismissed. Far from professional. It would be different if this was Bristol-Myers Squibb, but that isn't the case.

Whether the comment was made in 2011, 2004, or 1998, it was clearly his goal/wish to play for one team. He's been on record with that more than once.

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Sometimes the truth hurts. Manning was just making the comment & paying respect to the people he had worked with for years that were being shown the door, and when someones key card isn't working, it makes it seem like it was deactivated prior to being informed they were being dismissed. Far from professional. It would be different if this was Bristol-Myers Squibb, but that isn't the case.

Whether the comment was made in 2011, 2004, or 1998, it was clearly his goal/wish to play for one team. He's been on record with that more than once.

I agree it was his wish but he had to know most quarterbacks dont finish with the team that drafted them, Also regardless if it was the truth about the comment he made. It painted the organization in a bad light by many and still does to some. I dont think many would argue that most of the changes that had to be made were made and I dont think anyone will get Manning to admit it but I am sure he new some changes had to be made. so therefore his comment was out of line in my opinion, he certainly wasnt the only one guilty of course but when your Peyton Manning and as highly respected as he is you dont go making comments like that even if its true
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Its odd to hear peole say Peyton failed more often than he succeeded...

Everybody fails in the playoffs FAR MORE OFTEN than they succeed..dont they?

I'm not meaning to be harsh to Peyton but his playoff record is barely over 500. I love the guy and a lot of those weren't exactly just his fault but qbs are measured by success in the playoffs and there are lesser qbs like Rothlisburger and say his little brother that have better post-season careers. I will always consider Peyton one of the greatest but we have to acknowledge the Colts under him were similar to the Atlanta Braves of the past decades. Lots of regular season success...but once the post-season came they didn't come through nearly as much as they should have. I was just implying that if he goes to Denver and throws for a lot less yards and runs a much more balanced football team then we had here and wins one or multiple championships would his legacy change so much that they consider the part of his career after the move more successful than before.
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