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Ok, I might be crazy


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is he gonna be the teams water boy? cause thats pretty much what he amounted to with the Colts the exception of I believe it was 2 Pro Bowl seasons, Yeah I will take Bobby Busche, get fresh water all the time and a healthy heavy hitter :lol:

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Ok, Bob Sanders is a Free Agent and we need help in the back field. What if we can get him back on a small contract. Thoughts, and ya i might be crazy.

This will not go over well. Bob Sanders could put this D over the top if he could return to form and stay healthy but we all know the odds are not very good that he could stay healthy.

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is he gonna be the teams water boy? cause thats pretty much what he amounted to with the Colts the exception of I believe it was 2 Pro Bowl seasons, Yeah I will take Bobby Busche, get fresh water all the time and a healthy heavy hitter :lol:

Gavin........i believe Bob deserves more respect then the "waterboy" reference.

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He deserves tons of repect for what he did when he was here in indy

Ignore the ignorant. I know many were upset that Bob was unable to be on the field as much as they wanted........thats why they post this non sense. They know Bob was great but hurt and thats where these ignorant statements come from.

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He was a CRUCIAL part to our championship run. He was defensive player of the year in 07. With him our run defense was soo much better. He deserves respect.

We all know Bob was a beast.....people are just upset that he was always hurt. Anyone who has anything negative to say about Bob Sanders ability to play football is just not a fan of football.

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And I dont

Gavin I believe you should retract your post or you will be thought of as a "non football knower".

This is a inside joke term between my friends and myself. I can not believe...............nevermind

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Ok, Bob Sanders is a Free Agent and we need help in the back field. What if we can get him back on a small contract. Thoughts, and ya i might be crazy.

So call you maybe?

In all seriousness no we need help at corner more than safety and we don't need a guy who is going to end up on ir.

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Because of his injury background, I don't think signing Sanders is a good move for a team like the 2012 Colts...

We're looking for newer, mostly younger blood to see what we have. Signing and playing Bob may or may not get us another win, but at what cost? At the cost of playing time for a younger player. We've got to find out what we have and what we need.

The only way to do that is to play all of these new players that Grigson went out and signed.

Perhaps at some point Bob becomes an assistant coach for the Colts somewhere down the road... but, otherwise, I think his days in Indy are over. And I mean no disrespect to him. Heckuva player in his time...

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WOW, I am amazed at the lack of respect for Bob.....bet you would not speak these thoughts to him personally. I loved the throw back style Bob played.

Its not that he didnt deserve respect, he was a beast for two years no question, yes I mispoke, I was making a joke.
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Bob is a great talent.I like his style,he place with reckless abandon.Unfortionate his body cant take this,hes never made it a full season never will,so hes not worth it,not even a small contract,because that would dismiss a younger player who might pay dividends down the road.Sorry Bob no home here!

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YES YES YES!!! Bring him back!!

Seriously though, I wouldn't mind a 1 year deal with a 2nd year team option on a vet minimum contract with lots of incentives.

Agreed, but with VERY strict incentives. We pay him for each game he's on the active roster. If he doesn't like it, he can find another team, although good luck with that.

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Guys he was a great player for us for a couple years but he would just be taking up a roster spot, he is 31 and injury prone, He couldnt beat out Zbikowski likely now anyway and he wouldnt be taking over Betheas spot

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Bob was a great player and a key peice in us winning the Super Bowl but he is not the same player we all come to love, I respect Bob and I wish him the best but we all know Bob coming back to the colts is just not going to happen. There is'nt any room on this team for someone who is injury prone, we can openly see that buy all the cut at the start of the offseason. The colts have been dealing with a large amont of injuryes for two to three years and thats why we had to say goodbye to players like Clark,Brackett,Bullitt,Eldridge,Manning and Sanders. There is a reason Bob is still a free agent. The value of a roster spot for a SS like bob at this stage in his carrer is just to high, plus we did'nt bring in Zbikowski for his looks. This is not a crazy question, we as fan just need to focus on the here and now rather then looking in the mirror. As a fan I love all of the move we have made this offseason.

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Bad Idea. Honestly, Bob lead us to the Super Bowl. And was a MAJOR reason why we held Larry Johnson under 50 yds rushing in the 1st playoff game. He's a great player no question. But being 5'8 and having that much muscle isn't good for a Safety. He was a RB when he first came to Iowa, but they moved him to Safety. signing him to this version of the Colts would be a Bad move. But he will always be a Colt in my book

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Bob was a crucial ingredient in the late games leading toward and in the Super Bowl. But he was even injured many games THAT year. I don't think he can stay healthy, unless he backs off; and 1. he wouldn't, 2. then he wouldn't be the player we would want or need. I'll just remember the good times from his healthy games and move on.

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Health wise, Bob Sanders can not play this game any more! His situation has proven in more than one instance that giving him a contract would be like buying a car that can only drive 2 miles and then it always breaks if you push it further than 2. He plays well for 2 games and if you push him beyond 2 games then he breaks! It's just like giving away a free $900,000 at this point. The mans body is broken up! The only way I would consider this is if it's very late in the season at the start of the playoffs and we have bad depth issues. Even then he would still have to learn the defense, which he may be able to do since he played with San Diego I believe under Manusky.

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I just want to say that Bob Sanders was the key to the Tampa 2 defense under Tony Dungy. We were still that 'bend but don't break,' but if the offense thought they were going to 'break you," Mr. Sanders made you think otherwise with some of the cleanest "BADDEST" hits I have seen.

Boy do I wish he had stayed healthy.....he should come in and teach today's kids how to actually tackle. Yes he was a hitter, but he also wrapped up.....if the receiver or ball carrier did not stay down with his monster hits!!! Bob needs to take care of Number 1 so he can walk later in life.

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And I dont

Because he was injury prone. Next time you break something let us know so we can make fun of you and disrespect you. It's the same thing except Bob does it playing football.

What is it, that he continues to try playing football? Of course he's gonna keep trying and will sign every contract he gets.

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Because he was injury prone. Next time you break something let us know so we can make fun of you and disrespect you. It's the same thing except Bob does it playing football.

What is it, that he continues to try playing football? Of course he's gonna keep trying and will sign every contract he gets.

As I have said he was a great player for us for two years and deserves the respect but I dont want him back, I mispoke in that post, wasnt what I meant to say
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I can understand not wanting him back

yeah I was to harsh in my statement, I just had flashbacks of him being injured so much, he was a great player for us for two years, Just in my opinion his style of play was to reckless for his stature,
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