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Merged - Latest Rumor: Tj Houshmanzahdeh Headed To Indy?


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He had 911 yards in 2009 thats stinking it up??? Horrible worst WR in the league ohh he also started 16/16 games.. Stimpy you * lol!!

Yeah it is! He was also cut loose by a Seattle team that needed all the help they could get. They paid him over 6 million dollars to leave because they said he was too slow. Teams don't pay good players over 6 million to go help another team if they have anything left in the tank. Thats just stupid! So yes he has sucked since he left Cincy. Baltimore couldn't wait to get rid of him too. He may come in and contribute a little bit, but some people are acting as if he's gonna come in and supplant Collie, Garcon, or Gonzo. Thats just ridiculous. If he does sign here, it will be for an "in case of an injury" insurance and thats it.

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This makes me laugh. Do you know why TO had to speak up and be the mouth? One he has a big mouth, but two, his QBs were Jeff Garcia, Mcnabb, and Romo. Throughout Owens career he was never on a team with a 'leader' so the dude ran his mouth. Simple as that. You think TO could come to Indy and pretend to run the show? Not happening. But he could do that to Jeff Garcia who didn't have the FO backing, he could do that to McNabb, who everyone knows is a push over baby, and he HAD to do it with Romo bc the dude was a sudden phenom in a football crazed state, with a wacky owner, tough as nails GM, and dating a pop star, Romo was in way over his head.

The fact of the matter is TO was always in some pretty wild circumstances, many of them his own creation, but the guy is a football animal and would help any team immediately simply by being on the field. Teams like ours have the ability to bring in 'troubled' players and get the most out of them. Most trouble is solved by winning, and we do a lot of that.

So your saying he would not complain about the amount of passes coming his way? lol The man's ego is legendary,he throw his qb under the bus in the superbowl.He is not a colt player,after all there is no I in team.What "troubled" players have we ever brought in?

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Return game

Return game

Return game

I'm surprised only one other person acknowledged my earlier post. TJ was part of the Bengals return game until he cracked the starting lineup. The Bengals return avg. was above the league average when he did a good bit of the returning. We are still looking for that "spark" to ignite our return game. I think TJ could be a big boost in this area, much more than simply another receiver for the depth chart. While he might not have the same burst he had when he broke into the league, he does have moves in the open field. I think IF we sign him it could be more to bolster our anemic return game than for any other reason.

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Return game

Return game

Return game

I'm surprised only one other person acknowledged my earlier post. TJ was part of the Bengals return game until he cracked the starting lineup. The Bengals return avg. was above the league average when he did a good bit of the returning. We are still looking for that "spark" to ignite our return game. I think TJ could be a big boost in this area, much more than simply another receiver for the depth chart. While he might not have the same burst he had when he broke into the league, he does have moves in the open field. I think IF we sign him it could be more to bolster our anemic return game than for any other reason.

Does he have the speed to contribute in the return game?

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Good insurance policy. Sure handed....I'd put him on the field over Blair White any day.

Also if Garcon starts his routine of dropping passes we could throw in TJ for a bit. He doesn't have the speed of Garcon, but again he's got decent hands and has always been reliable in that department.

He's always been a decent to good receiver surrounded by garbage aside from when Carson and Chad were doing well. (Which has been quite a few seasons since then) Now give him a real offense (sans running game still?) along with quite possibly the GOAT QB and see what happens.

I like the move. (If we get him)

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Does he have the speed to contribute in the return game?

He's still got as much speed or more than what we've had for the past few years in our return game. And he has elusive open-field moves. I think it could bring that "spark" we've been looking for.

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So your saying he would not complain about the amount of passes coming his way? lol The man's ego is legendary,he throw his qb under the bus in the superbowl.He is not a colt player,after all there is no I in team.What "troubled" players have we ever brought in?


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Return game

Return game

Return game

I'm surprised only one other person acknowledged my earlier post. TJ was part of the Bengals return game until he cracked the starting lineup. The Bengals return avg. was above the league average when he did a good bit of the returning. We are still looking for that "spark" to ignite our return game. I think TJ could be a big boost in this area, much more than simply another receiver for the depth chart. While he might not have the same burst he had when he broke into the league, he does have moves in the open field. I think IF we sign him it could be more to bolster our anemic return game than for any other reason.

I don't know TG. I think the new KO rule has really diminished the importance of the KRer. Last night the guys were returning kicks just to show their stuff. They'd take a knee in a real game. I'd prefer taking the ball at the 20 than risking a fumble, injury, or (in our case) starting at the 15 - 18.

If TJ can still play and we sign him it's for depth because after our first 4 we're really thin in experience and talent. And two of the first four have injury concerns.

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So your saying he would not complain about the amount of passes coming his way? lol The man's ego is legendary,he throw his qb under the bus in the superbowl.He is not a colt player,after all there is no I in team.What "troubled" players have we ever brought in?

If he complained he'd be gone. Simple as that. That's the point, the Colts have shown they can do it without "insert player here" just fine. If that player wants to come in and be part of a successful franchise, and go after that elusive ring, then they can strap onto the colt machine and play ball, or they can go home. We have all the leadership in place we need. No signed player is coming in being viewed as a franchise 'saver', they are only here to aid.

And have you seen McNabb, how that guys scooted by this long is absurd, TO threw him under the bus for a reason. Guy was puking on the field during the super bowl. A super bowl Owens dominated in after snapping his leg in half 6 weeks earlier. THATS the champion I want on my team.

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I agree with everything you said but this. lol.

Garçon, gonzo, and collie have never even come close to starting all 16 games in there careers. Not once. Each player, each year during there career has missed multiple games. And there careers are not very long. As we know, as one ages injuries become more likely, now Reggie hasn't missed a game, but the likelyhood of him missing time increases as well. Factor in all of this, and it is very clear to me we will lose at least 2 of them during the season. Obviously I hope for no injuries, but I just can't see that happening one bit. Its all speculation at this point, but educated guesses none the less.

Here's where my speculation money is on our starters:

1. Reggie Wayne - Smart & tough, comes to 2011 camp in phenomenal shape, knows how to play the game and will not miss time that amounts to anything. Business per usual with Reggie until I'm shown otherwise.

2. Anthony Gonzalez - I'm the last person you'll ever hear supporting a roster spot being taken up by a guy that can't contribute. I favored the release of Sanders, Hart, and even Hayden who's situation now appears to be more about health than money. If not for the IR situation last year Gonzo would have played. He's shown ability, and if he can stay healthy he'll be an asset. He's essentially had over a year to rehab and I believe the odds are in his favor.

3. Austin Collie - Compare Dallas Clark's history. He had his bell rung several times and was head-hunted after his initial injury. He's tough and smart though, which got him through those times. Collie is exactly the same, plus has his phenomenal work ethic and desire. I say last year's circumstances make him an even better player. Just like Clark.

4. Pierre Garcon - Has played in 14 games each of the past three years, with more involvement each season. He's tough, too....played hurt last year because we had to have him on the field. He's got mettle.

But anyway.....this is the guesswork end of things and part of the offseason amusement. If he's signed, I'd be surprised if TJ H. grabs somewhere between his career avg. & what Blair White accomplished in 2010. Bookmark this and check back in _____ (fill in the blank) months. Meanwhile, you've got some infamous folks on you're side to keep you company.

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I don't know TG. I think the new KO rule has really diminished the importance of the KRer. Last night the guys were returning kicks just to show their stuff. They'd take a knee in a real game. I'd prefer taking the ball at the 20 than risking a fumble, injury, or (in our case) starting at the 15 - 18.

If TJ can still play and we sign him it's for depth because after our first 4 we're really thin in experience and talent. And two of the first four have injury concerns.

Think about last year. Not only were touchbacks down, many kickoffs were only hitting the 5 yard line at most. That means this year they might be coming down right at the goal line, or a yard or two deep at the most. I don't know of hardly a single decent return guy in the league that wouldn't take the ball and run it out if he takes it 2 yards deep in the end zone. I'm sure there will definitely be more touchbacks this year, but I still think there will be quite a few returns, especially in the 3rd and 4th quarter as a kicker might get a little more leg-weary.

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I'll say it again...I think his true value to the team could be in the return game. He has experience as a returner as well as a WR. While we are taking an early look at some rookies at this point in the season, it is still obvious that we need a major upgrade here. If he could come in and be our primary return guy, as well as giving up backup in the WR area, I think it is a good signing. He definitely has moves in the open field, so having him return kicks could be a major plus to our return game.

I doubt we would give up a roster spot for a returner this year since most kicks will not be returned with the new rule change.

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[quote name='everybodysgotone' timestamp='1313336927' post=

But anyway.....this is the guesswork end of things and part of the offseason amusement. If he's signed, I'd be surprised if TJ H. grabs somewhere between his career avg. & what Blair White accomplished in 2010. Bookmark this and check back in _____ (fill in the blank) months. Meanwhile, you've got some infamous folks on you're side to keep you company.

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Yeah it is! He was also cut loose by a Seattle team that needed all the help they could get. They paid him over 6 million dollars to leave because they said he was too slow. Teams don't pay good players over 6 million to go help another team if they have anything left in the tank. Thats just stupid! So yes he has sucked since he left Cincy. Baltimore couldn't wait to get rid of him too. He may come in and contribute a little bit, but some people are acting as if he's gonna come in and supplant Collie, Garcon, or Gonzo. Thats just ridiculous. If he does sign here, it will be for an "in case of an injury" insurance and thats it.

Nice what are you on??? He was guaranteed 7 million for Seattle.. Regardless.. Drip.... They didn't actually say "hey take" 7 million to leave the team lol!!!!! I could care less if the Colts sign him or not but it is very funny to see people think he's not a proven veteran WR that could help the team... Fatsworth for the Pats is a great example, an incredibly high paid player for Wash(because Daniel Synder is a *) who eventually went to the Pats for next to nothing. Were talking about a top tier receiver coming to the Colts for a great price (if it happens). If he gets signed great if not no biggie, but he IS a top tier reciever..

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I don't know. I've always maintained the problem with our return game is the blocking. Stick Devin Hester on our team, and he'll look like crap. Look at Courtney Roby... leaves our team last year and suddenly looks like a stud returner with the Saints.

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Think about last year. Not only were touchbacks down, many kickoffs were only hitting the 5 yard line at most. That means this year they might be coming down right at the goal line, or a yard or two deep at the most. I don't know of hardly a single decent return guy in the league that wouldn't take the ball and run it out if he takes it 2 yards deep in the end zone. I'm sure there will definitely be more touchbacks this year, but I still think there will be quite a few returns, especially in the 3rd and 4th quarter as a kicker might get a little more leg-weary.

Could be, time will tell. I just don't think the Colts are looking at Housh for his KR ability, but I've been wrong before.

I'm waiting for teams to start game planning the Kick Off. A good kicker can put the ball high yet short, which will force a return from around the 5. Giving the KO team a chance to pin them deep.

The counter to that is that all players on the KO team have to start on the 35 yard line, no running start. It does bring a new aspect to the game.

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I'm waiting for teams to start game planning the Kick Off. A good kicker can put the ball high yet short, which will force a return from around the 5. Giving the KO team a chance to pin them deep.

The counter to that is that all players on the KO team have to start on the 35 yard line, no running start. It does bring a new aspect to the game.

That's exactly why I think this could be why TJ could be a part of an upgrade to the return game. People only focus on the fact the kicks will be from the 35. But with teams not being able to get a running start, that adds separation for the returner. And as you said, kickers can tee the ball back and kick it higher, forcing the returner to come out and take the kick. That necessitates someone who has open-field ability...like a receiver. It will be interesting to see IF and how this develops.

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This makes me laugh. Do you know why TO had to speak up and be the mouth? One he has a big mouth, but two, his QBs were Jeff Garcia, Mcnabb, and Romo. Throughout Owens career he was never on a team with a 'leader' so the dude ran his mouth. Simple as that. You think TO could come to Indy and pretend to run the show? Not happening. But he could do that to Jeff Garcia who didn't have the FO backing, he could do that to McNabb, who everyone knows is a push over baby, and he HAD to do it with Romo bc the dude was a sudden phenom in a football crazed state, with a wacky owner, tough as nails GM, and dating a pop star, Romo was in way over his head.

The fact of the matter is TO was always in some pretty wild circumstances, many of them his own creation, but the guy is a football animal and would help any team immediately simply by being on the field. Teams like ours have the ability to bring in 'troubled' players and get the most out of them. Most trouble is solved by winning, and we do a lot of that.

And this is the main reason he has been a cancer on every team he has ever or will ever play for! TO is about TO and nothing more.(same goes for Moss as well.)

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If he complained he'd be gone. Simple as that. That's the point, the Colts have shown they can do it without "insert player here" just fine. If that player wants to come in and be part of a successful franchise, and go after that elusive ring, then they can strap onto the colt machine and play ball, or they can go home. We have all the leadership in place we need. No signed player is coming in being viewed as a franchise 'saver', they are only here to aid.

And have you seen McNabb, how that guys scooted by this long is absurd, TO threw him under the bus for a reason. Guy was puking on the field during the super bowl. A super bowl Owens dominated in after snapping his leg in half 6 weeks earlier. THATS the champion I want on my team.

If i remember correctly the eagles lost by 3 in a high scoring super bowl.I am not a big Mcnabb fan but he did make 5 nfc championships and a super bowl.hardly a bum.T.O changes teams like people change their underwear,proving he is talented but that teams tire of his act quickly.T.O.is not the dominating player he was back in his eagle days.

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If i remember correctly the eagles lost by 3 in a high scoring super bowl.I am not a big Mcnabb fan but he did make 5 nfc championships and a super bowl.hardly a bum.T.O changes teams like people change their underwear,proving he is talented but that teams tire of his act quickly.

McNabb was/is an average QB at best. He was put into a marvelous situation in Philly (aside from fans).He just can't throw, simple as that. The guy had a career completion percentage of 59% in Philly. In the West Coast Offense. Ugh, ugly.

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McNabb was/is an average QB at best. He was put into a marvelous situation in Philly (aside from fans).He just can't throw, simple as that. The guy had a career completion percentage of 59% in Philly. In the West Coast Offense. Ugh, ugly.

Yea,he stunk 5 championships.He was a non factor in the success of those teams.Stats mean jack, how many wins did he have?His career qb rating is 85.7 and td to int ratio is 230-115,pretty darn good.Average i think not.

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The counter to that is that all players on the KO team have to start on the 35 yard line, no running start. It does bring a new aspect to the game.

I didn't even know about this. I've heard a lot of talk about the spot of the kickoff being moved forward 5 yards, but I didn't know that the defenders on the kicking team could no longer take a running start. I'm surprised that hasn't been included in the conversation more. Yeah, pushing the kickoff 5 yard further downfield might discourage returns, but not allowing the defenders to have a running start could negate that and actually lead to more returns. It will be interesting to see how this plays out through the course of the season.

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If this is true, it would be a good sign for us. As someone mentioned earlier, it is tough seeing Gonzo and Collie healthy throughout the whole season as much I like both of them as players. T.J. would also make a really good red zone threat as he still shows signs of being a physical receiver. Oh and for those that want to knock him about the pass he dropped in the Steelers-Ravens playoff game last year, just remember how many drops Boldin had in that same game as well, with Boldin suppose to be being the #1 guy and arguably a top 10-15 receiver. Manning and him have had a history of good chemistry at the Pro Bowl as well.

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I didn't even know about this. I've heard a lot of talk about the spot of the kickoff being moved forward 5 yards, but I didn't know that the defenders on the kicking team could no longer take a running start. I'm surprised that hasn't been included in the conversation more. Yeah, pushing the kickoff 5 yard further downfield might discourage returns, but not allowing the defenders to have a running start could negate that and actually lead to more returns. It will be interesting to see how this plays out through the course of the season.

Was this rule put in to reduce injuries?

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McNabb never won a championship. He made the Super Bowl, I think once and he lost.

And as we all know losing to the best defense fielded this decade ('04 Patriots) is absolutely laughable. Best defense on execution, certainly..in spite of what else may have been happening behind the scenes the team was loaded.

Throw in a good offense and as always great special teams and the '04 Pats were imo the best team from 2000-2009. Even better than when they almost went unbeaten due to that insane defense.

I think that year we got, what, 3 points on them?

Really, though, Donovan is a solid QB.

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Was this rule put in to reduce injuries?

Exactly. They felt it would reduce the speed of some players coming down full-speed who already had a running start. It is designed to increase actual blocking instead of simply throwing your body in front of a player going full-tilt.

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I didn't even know about this. I've heard a lot of talk about the spot of the kickoff being moved forward 5 yards, but I didn't know that the defenders on the kicking team could no longer take a running start. I'm surprised that hasn't been included in the conversation more. Yeah, pushing the kickoff 5 yard further downfield might discourage returns, but not allowing the defenders to have a running start could negate that and actually lead to more returns. It will be interesting to see how this plays out through the course of the season.

Colts better pray for about a years worth of hang time or for a touchback on every kickoff. We haven’t been able to get with in 10 yards of the returner with a running start.

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Yea,he stunk 5 championships.He was a non factor in the success of those teams.Stats mean jack, how many wins did he have?His career qb rating is 85.7 and td to int ratio is 230-115,pretty darn good.Average i think not.

Once again it's the WCO and a very watered down one at that. He had a 59% completion percentage, with shuffle passes being at least 30% of the play calling. Average QB in a good situation. Jeff Garcia came in and lead them to the playoffs at like 38. The eagles were/are a good football team, they made it to the Championship games and super bowls just as much as McNabb did. And they lost them just as much as McNabb did, but McNabb as a QB just wasn't/isn't very good.

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This is off Rich Smith twitter page

NFL UPDATE- Reports are that TJ Houshmandzadeh would prefer to play for Indianapolis Colts, however Vikings are offering more money.

Reports are surfacing that Free Agent WR TJ Housmandzadeh could sign with either Colts/Vikings decision expected today.



Looks like he's either coming here or Minnesota

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This is off Rich Smith twitter page

NFL UPDATE- Reports are that TJ Houshmandzadeh would prefer to play for Indianapolis Colts, however Vikings are offering more money.

Reports are surfacing that Free Agent WR TJ Housmandzadeh could sign with either Colts/Vikings decision expected today.



Looks like he's either coming here or Minnesota

If his goal is to win then he should come here.

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If his goal is to win then he should come here.

Realistically, it's pretty even between us and the Vikes as far as expectations.

The life of an NFL player is pretty short, if the money is not close who could blame him for going to the Vikes?

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If his goal is to win then he should come here.

Yeah I tweeted the guy that posted that and he said that Minnesota is now the favorite to get him due to the offer for more money but you'd also like to think at this point in his career, he'd like to go somewhere where he'd have the shot to win..

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Realistically, it's pretty even between us and the Vikes as far as expectations.

The life of an NFL player is pretty short, if the money is not close who could blame him for going to the Vikes?

I wouldn’t.

It could come down to which QB he would like to play for. Personally I wouldn’t mind us signing him. Other than using a roster spot that could be used for depth somewhere else, it couldn’t hurt.

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