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Jim Irsay's Interview - "Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel"


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20 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

I can see why he is mad but posting that on Twitter is not the way to go.  I think these national media guys  don’t understand the history of that local police department. 

What exactly did that police department do wrong?  Wasn’t he driving at 10 mph and was all over the road?


Dear god, why wouldn’t they arrest him ?  Clearly a danger to himself and others. 

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40 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

Irsay is his own worst enemy.  If he just left this alone this would have gone away by tomorrow.  Now it’s going to be a major news story.  


Irsay had the opportunity to defend himself in a court of law in 2014, and he declined to do so.


Nearly 10 years later, he's trying to defend himself in the court of public opinion, and on Twitter. This might be his absolute worst PR move.


He's been kind of unruly at times on Twitter and in the media, and has almost no sense of self awareness, but I've never felt like it really affects the organization. And this probably doesn't have any real impact on the team. But it's a really, really bad look, and for the first time, it makes me question his judgment. 

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22 minutes ago, BlackTiger said:

And people still hold biased stereotypes against them, and spread hate about them all day every day.  If Jim was a regular guy that got this dui no one would care, this is all over the media because hes Jim Irsay and people make a bunch of prejudice comments about him without knowing the full truth.


He is right about the prejudice= twitter, reddit and this forum have been proving that to be true all day.


Sure he has it made but that prejudice does exist.



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4 minutes ago, Nate! said:


 People are going on and on right now with their biased stereotypes about Jim.  Its literally all over twitter and reddit right now


You are not able to understand it i guess but stereotypes against billionaires is a very real thing.  Its not why he got arrested but its part of all of this backlash that we are watching right now.  You are probably doing it too and cant even realize it lol 


A lot of people hate them just for being rich.  Hating someone for being rich is a stereotype, and its not uncommon 


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Jim needs to understand his audience and who he really should care about. He needs to realize that the nation as a whole will always dislike him and distrust him. That’s sports. He’s the enemy to everyone who’s not a Colts fan. So for him to go public with this… who was he exactly trying to talk to? The Colts Nation was already behind him and supportive. All he did was add more ammunition to those who hate him. 

I’m not going to even pretend to understand how a billionaire lives… but I can’t say I feel sorry for someone with that kind of money. We all have problems. As a teacher, I’ve had plenty of parents and students hate me, make up rumors about me, drag my name through the mud… should I have sued them for that? For having an opinion me? 

He needs to realize that a lot of us Hoosiers are struggling badly right now financially. This is the last thing we needed to be reading and hearing about, a billionaire complaining about their life. 

You want to talk about stigma? In high school I attempted suicide. And I still have to fight those dark thoughts every day. Debt sure hasn’t helped. But I’m fighting and for the most part I keep it to myself. So excuse me if I’m not really in the mood to say, poor poor Jim. 

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21 minutes ago, BlackTiger said:


That's part of the prejudice hes talking about.  People do hate the rich and that is  prejudice by definition.  

Well greed and gluttony are a sin. And for the billionaires there’s never such thing as enough. I dislike the 1% because of their actions, not because of who they are as people. 

They feel they don’t apply to the rules of society because of their wealth. 

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2 hours ago, BlackTiger said:

And people still hold biased stereotypes against them, and spread hate about them all day every day.  If Jim was a regular guy that got this dui no one would care, this is all over the media because hes Jim Irsay and people make a bunch of prejudice comments about him without knowing the full truth.


He is right about the prejudice= twitter, reddit and this forum have been proving that to be true all day.


Sure he has it made but that prejudice does exist.


They guy gets a lot of unwarranted hate, but he is absolutely fueling it. He really needs to stop. 


The hate is only going to grow from here. 

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24 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

Making fun of a former addicts emotional support dog is not cool. 


If you didn’t see the entire piece which ran about 15 minutes +/- then you get a distorted view of the piece from a 13 second clip.   Colts Fan Cole, who posted this angry tweet, is completely clueless.   The piece was extremely flattering to Irsay.    The only issue was when he painted himself as a victim.  And Kramer tried to help him as much as she could.    So out of 15-plus minutes the only area to be bothered by is the last 15 seconds when Andrea Kramer talks with the host Bryant Gumbel.  Which makes this out of context and extremely misleading. 

Thats it.    Really. 

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11 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

If you didn’t see the entire piece which ran about 15 minutes +/- then you get a distorted view of the piece from a 13 second clip.   Colts Fan Cole, who posted this angry tweet, is completely clueless.   The piece was extremely flattering to Irsay.    The only issue was when he painted himself as a victim.  And Kramer tried to help him as much as she could.    So out of 15-plus minutes the only area to be bothered by is the last 15 seconds when Andrea Kramer talks with the host Bryant Gumbel.  Which makes this out of context and extremely misleading. 

Thats it.    Really. 

That  13 second clip is all I needed to see.



Them laughing at that is tasteless and classless.


Nothing misleading about breaking out in laughter while discussing that.

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22 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

If you didn’t see the entire piece which ran about 15 minutes +/- then you get a distorted view of the piece from a 13 second clip.   Colts Fan Cole, who posted this angry tweet, is completely clueless.   The piece was extremely flattering to Irsay.    The only issue was when he painted himself as a victim.  And Kramer tried to help him as much as she could.    So out of 15-plus minutes the only area to be bothered by is the last 15 seconds when Andrea Kramer talks with the host Bryant Gumbel.  Which makes this out of context and extremely misleading. 

Thats it.    Really. 

And that's all that was needed. 

2 hours ago, BlackTiger said:

 People are going on and on right now with their biased stereotypes about Jim.  Its literally all over twitter and reddit right now


You are not able to understand it i guess but stereotypes against billionaires is a very real thing.  Its not why he got arrested but its part of all of this backlash that we are watching right now.  You are probably doing it too and cant even realize it lol 


A lot of people hate them just for being rich.  Hating someone for being rich is a stereotype, and its not uncommon 


Gets even more hate since he inherited the Colts from his dad. 

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29 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

If you didn’t see the entire piece which ran about 15 minutes +/- then you get a distorted view of the piece from a 13 second clip.   Colts Fan Cole, who posted this angry tweet, is completely clueless.   The piece was extremely flattering to Irsay.    The only issue was when he painted himself as a victim.  And Kramer tried to help him as much as she could.    So out of 15-plus minutes the only area to be bothered by is the last 15 seconds when Andrea Kramer talks with the host Bryant Gumbel.  Which makes this out of context and extremely misleading. 

Thats it.    Really. 

Huh. This was after and the point was what Gregg said about his dog.

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9 minutes ago, w87r said:

That  13 second clip is all I needed to see.



Them laughing at that is tasteless and classless.


Nothing misleading about breaking out in laughter while discussing that.

I took her laughter as more of an on air reaction than poking fun at Irsay. The other guy was definitely taking a crack at him. 

I really don’t have an issue with Irsay’s comment. I wouldn’t have said it bc of the expected backlash. He isn’t wrong but I guess there is no good way to say it. He is probably just frustrated.  I do see people constantly trashing him out over a mistake almost 10yrs ago.  These keyboard warriors are vicious. He could give away every cent he has to charity and people would still trash him out.  I’ve never really understood the hate people have towards people that have a great situation. Not everyone has the opportunity to be a billionaire but anyone can be successful in their own right. It’s just easier to be jealous and complain than go out and get what’s yours. 

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Just now, AwesomeAustin said:

I took her laughter as more of an on air reaction than poking fun at Irsay. The other guy was definitely taking a crack at him

Yeah, he is definitely more at fault.



She was reacting to him, but still a bad look.

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44 minutes ago, w87r said:

That  13 second clip is all I needed to see.



Them laughing at that is tasteless and classless.


Nothing misleading about breaking out in laughter while discussing that.

I’m sorry you feel that way.   It’s literally the last 13 seconds of the piece.   It’s designed to be light cross talk.   No one was trying to be tasteless and classless. 

I think if you saw the piece you’d feel differently. 

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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:

I’m sorry you feel that way.   It’s literally the last 13 seconds of the piece.   It’s designed to be light cross talk.   No one was trying to be tasteless and classless. 

I think if you saw the piece you’d feel differently. 

Not in the slightest.



I don't care what was said before. To end it that way way trash. Nothing said before that will change that. It will all come across as fake, which seems to be the case now, with a reaction like that at the end.


Straight garbage.


Won't give them the pleasure of a click again.

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11 hours ago, Smonroe said:

I read that article and thought it was trash.  The writer went out of his way to make it about race.  On the surface what Jim said is true, high profile people are treated differently than the general populous.  For good and bad.  

I applaud Jim for speaking his mind.  Even if you’re not allowed to have an unpopular opinion anymore for fear of being cancelled.  


I think it would be less of a problem had he said he was singled out because he is "a billionaire". I think there may be some truth to that --  public figures, many being rich, seem to get more attention and at times their actions seem to be scrutinized more closely. His adding "white" sounds like he is making it about race. I think he made a mistake when speaking.  However, if a black person said he was singled out because he is a "rich black athlete", folks would say that the person is pulling a race card. The difference in reaction to what the owner said is pretty remarkable.


Saying "white billionaire" or "black athlete" does not bother me. It is the double standard in others' reaction to similar comments that I find more disturbing.

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I have often ripped Jim Irsay on this message board and have in turn been ripped by many of you who love the guy. I want to apologize for my previous comments about Jim. I had thought he was mostly a fool who just happened to win the birth lottery. But after hearing his most recent remarks I realize he is deserving of my sympathy and not my criticism.


I am thankful that my dad didn’t hand me a multi-billion dollar pro football team. I am lucky that I had to work hard for everything I have and have never suffered from the prejudice that White billionaires like Jim face every today. 

Stay strong, Jim!

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6 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

Irsay is his own worst enemy.  If he just left this alone this would have gone away by tomorrow.  Now it’s going to be a major news story.  

To me, and I want to be very clear this is just my opinion others don’t have to agree with me on it and I will not debate others over it you can think whatever you like, Irsay doesn’t understand his privilege.  I am not trying to make any kind of political or racial statements with that either.  

I stand by what I said before Jim Irsay is a good man who does good things for the community and is a good owner.   With that said, it’s at the very best completely tone deaf to say what he said in today’s world.  Again, right, wrong, agree it should be that way, disagree it should be that way doesn’t change the world we live in and in todays world saying something like that is going to bring public scrutiny and sadly has completely overshadowed all the other good he said in that interview.  

further more doubling down and getting into a heated debate with people who get paid to make up things to argue about is going to end very badly for him.  That’s why the vast majority of sports figures just ignore shows like this.  Debating with them is never going to end well for you and is going to do very good things for them.


I wonder if he may be developing some cognitive impairment. This is not meant to be a personal attack. Some with cognitive impairment are often less inhibited and less self aware. Some of his tweets seem indicative of someone who is not aware that what he is doing or saying may not be appropriate.

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Shane’s first year as difficult as it can be , from everything you can think of. Gambling , Peds , suspensions, Franchise/rookie Qb IR, contract dispute, hold outs , owner on Twitter , refs costing games, international game, cutting Team leader…..lord lol

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36 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


I wonder if he may be developing some cognitive impairment. This is not meant to be a personal attack. Some with cognitive impairment are often less inhibited and less self aware. Some of his tweets seem indicative of someone who is not aware that what he is doing or saying may not be appropriate.

I think it’s more no one is the villain in their own story.  He doesn’t think he did anything wrong or it wasn’t that bad and should be celebrated for overcoming his addiction not criticized for his behavior while he had one.

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I love that he threatened to sue 1st take. They cater to a certain crowd and say stuff that is false all the time. What they said about Irsay is defamation and that talk show is the most watched on ESPN so millions are seeing it. Alcohol was not involved, illegal drugs were not involved during Irsay's arrest like they said. The drugs he was taking were prescribed pain killers by his doctor for his back. Hence the DUI. Should he have been driving - no, and he got a DUI, much deserved. Millions of people have had DUIs or DWIs. I have had 3 family members alone get 1. You can have 2 beers with dinner and get 1, that is the drinking part which Irsay didn't even do. Doesn't make you bad person.

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3 hours ago, NFLfan said:


I think it would be less of a problem had he said he was singled out because he is "a billionaire". I think there may be some truth to that --  public figures, many being rich, seem to get more attention and at times their actions seem to be scrutinized more closely. His adding "white" sounds like he is making it about race. I think he made a mistake when speaking.  However, if a black person said he was singled out because he is a "rich black athlete", folks would say that the person is pulling a race card. The difference in reaction to what the owner said is pretty remarkable.


Saying "white billionaire" or "black athlete" does not bother me. It is the double standard in others' reaction to similar comments that I find more disturbing.

Yep. That's the thing. It's the double standard that frustrates me. Irsay made a mistake with the "white billionaire" comment, but so do the players in every sport that use the "rich black athlete" card. The only difference is one side is bashed for it, and the other is applauded. I just wish the two sides would be treated equally for their mistake. 

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