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Two Key Questions for Anthony Richardson


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1.   When does AR PLAY?   What week?


2.  When does AR START?   What week?


For many here — perhaps most? — the answers to both questions are the same.  Week One.     

But for others the answers are different.  AR may play the first week, but that doesn’t mean he’ll begin the regular season as the week one starter.   

This post was inspired by @Nickster.   He and I agree on almost nothing, but months ago he posted that he thought Steichen will give AR some packages for a number of series in the first month or so.  Then give AR more and more as the season progresses until he’s ready to start, whenever that is?  Week 4??  Week 6?   Hard to know?   I thought Nick was 100 percent right when he first floated the idea and I still think he’s right.  Props to him.   Nothing else seems as logical to me.  

As most here know, a typical NFL game has each team with roughly 10 series.  So I can see Steichen giving AR 3-4 series in each of the first 3-4 games.  Then perhaps 5-6 series in the next 3-4 games.   Then, I’d guess somewhere around week 7-9, Steichen gives Richardson the keys to the car and AR starts the rest of the way…. Roughly 9-11 games learning on the job as the full time starter. 

During the first 6-8 games, Richardson is exposed to every situation.   2 minute drill, 4 minute drill, Red Zone, you name it.  Put more on his plate until he shows he’s ready.   Hoping that Irsay can keep his powder dry while the offense gets up to speed. 

Since camp opens this week, I’m hoping more and more posters return to the website and respond here.   I didn’t put this in a poll format (thought I might screw that up?). If a moderator would like to amend the post to add a poll that’s fine by me. 

Football is back!   Hoping our promising young quarterback grows into our next franchise quarterback!   

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17 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

1.   When does AR PLAY?   What week?

Week 1. Unless he's soooo out of his depth that he can't even protect himself on the most basic of plays, he will play week 1. At the very least IMO Steichen will have packeges designed for him. Some play action... some zone reads, some QB power behind Q... the tush push on 3d and 4th and short/goal... 

17 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

2.  When does AR START?   What week?

Something Kevin Bowen noted in one of his reviews of OTAs - Minshew did NOT show that he's clearly better than AR at this point in OTAs. He said there wasn't enough of a difference to not start AR IF that type of balance of performance continues during training camp. And the more important thing he noted - this was with Richardson's biggest strength(his mobility and ability to gain yards on the ground) largely not being in play in those practices. So does he start? I think it's a 50-50 situation. It's possible Minshew just strings some good performances and gets rid of his inconsistency from OTAs and mini camp, while Richardson continues to have highs and lows and Steichen just decides to give him a few weeks more before he starts him. But in general... I feel like the directive has been set from above(Irsay wants him to play)... and what's more important - Steichen seems to feel very similarly - even before Irsay had to say anything, right after we drafted him, one of the first things Steichen said about AR is that he needs to play and needs live reps to get better. 


IMO as long as he can run the offense Steichen is building for him, he will start. He doesn't need to be perfect or even good with it at the beginning. He just needs to get the team into the offense, make the calls, set some protections and execute without putting himself dangerously in harms way. If I had to bet now... I'd say he starts week 1. But if not, I would guess week 4-6 is about where I'd expect him to get introduced to the starting lineup. :dunno:

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21 minutes ago, stitches said:

Week 1. Unless he's soooo out of his depth that he can't even protect himself on the most basic of plays, he will play week 1. At the very least IMO Steichen will have packeges designed for him. Some play action... some zone reads, some QB power behind Q... the tush push on 3d and 4th and short/goal... 

Something Kevin Bowen noted in one of his reviews of OTAs - Minshew did NOT show that he's clearly better than AR at this point in OTAs. He said there wasn't enough of a difference to not start AR IF that type of balance of performance continues during training camp. And the more important thing he noted - this was with Richardson's biggest strength(his mobility and ability to gain yards on the ground) largely not being in play in those practices. So does he start? I think it's a 50-50 situation. It's possible Minshew just strings some good performances and gets rid of his inconsistency from OTAs and mini camp, while Richardson continues to have highs and lows and Steichen just decides to give him a few weeks more before he starts him. But in general... I feel like the directive has been set from above(Irsay wants him to play)... and what's more important - Steichen seems to feel very similarly - even before Irsay had to say anything, right after we drafted him, one of the first things Steichen said about AR is that he needs to play and needs live reps to get better. 


IMO as long as he can run the offense Steichen is building for him, he will start. He doesn't need to be perfect or even good with it at the beginning. He just needs to get the team into the offense, make the calls, set some protections and execute without putting himself dangerously in harms way. If I had to bet now... I'd say he starts week 1. But if not, I would guess week 4-6 is about where I'd expect him to get introduced to the starting lineup. :dunno:

Honestly, I’m hoping the Irsay and Steichen comments are a smoke screen, a little white lie if you will.   Something to placate the fans who will be beating the drums loudly and demanding AR play ASAP!   

I don’t think the idea that Richardson should start because Minshew isn’t good enough holds for me.  Richardson should start when he’s ready, not any sooner.  

Things should separate in camp in August.   Everything will be so soooo much faster and more complex than they were in May and June.   I expect Minshew to start, but it’s hard to know?   

Look….  I’ll be thrilled if AR exceeds my expectations.   If he’s ready to start week one and does reasonably well, I’ll be like everyone here,  happy that AR is doing so well.   But I’ve yet to read or hear anything that makes me think that.  

As always in these situations, I’d rather be wrong and AR exceeds expectations than he does poorly and struggles.   I think if handled right,  AR can have a good rookie year even if it’s not reflected in the W/L column or the stat sheet.  

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It's a tough one. Part of me really wants us to sit Richardson for a while (though to be honest I am unsure how long for would be appropriate), simply because he is just sooo inexperienced - and I am fearful that throwing him into the NFL fire too early has the potential to ruin him. 

But also part of me thinks he just needs to the game reps to pick it up. Practice is great and all, but there is only so much you can learn from that, and with that red jersey on.

I would not be overly opposed to the idea posted in the original post of this thread (or by Nickster some time ago), to give him some game reps each week, but not totally throw him into the fire. Similar-ish to what Miami did with Tua.

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:

Honestly, I’m hoping the Irsay and Steichen comments are a smoke screen, a little white lie if you will.   Something to placate the fans who will be beating the drums loudly and demanding AR play ASAP!   

I don't think this is how you placate the fans. IMO if you want the fans to not have high expectations you set the expectations really low. If they didn't want him to start early they would have been moving him along REALLY slow. Like... start him 3d on the depth chart, move him up slowly... and instead he was splitting 1st team reps in OTAs and mini-camp right away. They are doing the complete opposite of what you would expect if you thought they are trying to impact fans' expectations. IMO there are more fans expecting him to start early now than there were right after we drafted him. 


1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:

I don’t think the idea that Richardson should start because Minshew isn’t good enough holds for me.  Richardson should start when he’s ready, not any sooner.  

Agreed but I am not sure we agree on what the definition of ready is. I think in the modern NFL, especially with highly mobile QBs, coaches have been able to put even raw players in and have a functioning offense around them. 


1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


Things should separate in camp in August.   Everything will be so soooo much faster and more complex than they were in May and June.   I expect Minshew to start, but it’s hard to know?   

Yep... it's definitely too early to tell... 

1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:

Look….  I’ll be thrilled if AR exceeds my expectations.   If he’s ready to start week one and does reasonably well, I’ll be like everyone here,  happy that AR is doing so well.   But I’ve yet to read or hear anything that makes me think that.  

Listen to Steichen... and more importantly ... don't just listen. look at what he does. The very first time with the vets... in front of the media... they let him split 1st team reps with Minshew! And despite usually not giving away much in pressers, he actually heaped some serious praise on Richardson after that workout. I don't think they would be putting him out there with the 1s if they didn't think he can handle it. I think they are testing his limits and giving him more and more, trying to figure out what he can handle and if he legitimately can start. If he was as raw as people think, IMO this wouldn't even be a question. The very fact that Steichen thinks Richardson is close enough to split 1st team reps IMO should tell us, they think he's close. No guarantee he ends up being ready day 1... but IMO he's closer than a lot of people assume. 


1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:

As always in these situations, I’d rather be wrong and AR exceeds expectations than he does poorly and struggles.   I think if handled right,  AR can have a good rookie year even if it’s not reflected in the W/L column or the stat sheet.  

I don't care about W/L this season. I would much rather see development in AR over the season and for him to look like the future of this franchise, even if we win just 3-4 games again... rather than win 8 with Minshew starting the whole season. 

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3 minutes ago, stitches said:

I don't think this is how you placate the fans. IMO if you want the fans to not have high expectations you put the expectations really low. If they didn't want him to start early they would have been moving him along REALLY slow. Like... start him 3d on the depth chart, move him up slowly... and instead he was splitting 1st team reps in OTAs and mini-camp right away. They are doing the complete opposite of what you would expect if you thought they are trying to impact fans' expectations. IMO there are more fans expecting him to start early now than there were right after we drafted him. 


Agreed but I am not sure we agree on what the definition of ready is. I think in the modern NFL, especially with highly mobile QBs, coaches have been able to put even raw players in and have a functioning offense around them. 


Yep... it's definitely too early to tell... 

Listen to Steichen... and more importantly ... don't just listen. look at what he does. The very first time with the vets... in front of the media... they let him split 1st team reps with Minshew! And despite usually not giving away much in pressers, he actually heaped some serious praise on Richardson after that workout. I don't think they would be putting him out there with the 1s if they didn't think he can handle it. I think they are testing his limits and giving him more and more, trying to figure out what he can handle and if he legitimately can start. If he was as raw as people think, IMO this wouldn't even be a question. The very fact that Steichen thinks Richardson is close enough to split 1st team reps IMO should tell us, they think he's close. No guarantee he ends up being ready day 1... but IMO he's closer than a lot of people assume. 


I don't care about W/L this season. I would much rather see development in AR over the season and for him to look like the future of this franchise, even if we win just 3-4 games again... rather than win 8 with Minshew starting the whole season. 

Splitting reps in OTAs and splitting reps in training camp are vastly different.   We will find out more in the next couple of weeks 

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It's to early to say. If, AR doesn't play well from TC through preseason, then Minshew starts the season. IMO AR shouldn't and won't be forced to start if he's not ready. But there will be packages for him to run I'm sure. Very excited to have a new QB.

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4 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

1.   When does AR PLAY?   What week?


2.  When does AR START?   What week?


For many here — perhaps most? — the answers to both questions are the same.  Week One.     

But for others the answers are different.  AR may play the first week, but that doesn’t mean he’ll begin the regular season as the week one starter.   

This post was inspired by @Nickster.   He and I agree on almost nothing, but months ago he posted that he thought Steichen will give AR some packages for a number of series in the first month or so.  Then give AR more and more as the season progresses until he’s ready to start, whenever that is?  Week 4??  Week 6?   Hard to know?   I thought Nick was 100 percent right when he first floated the idea and I still think he’s right.  Props to him.   Nothing else seems as logical to me.  

As most here know, a typical NFL game has each team with roughly 10 series.  So I can see Steichen giving AR 3-4 series in each of the first 3-4 games.  Then perhaps 5-6 series in the next 3-4 games.   Then, I’d guess somewhere around week 7-9, Steichen gives Richardson the keys to the car and AR starts the rest of the way…. Roughly 9-11 games learning on the job as the full time starter. 

During the first 6-8 games, Richardson is exposed to every situation.   2 minute drill, 4 minute drill, Red Zone, you name it.  Put more on his plate until he shows he’s ready.   Hoping that Irsay can keep his powder dry while the offense gets up to speed. 

Since camp opens this week, I’m hoping more and more posters return to the website and respond here.   I didn’t put this in a poll format (thought I might screw that up?). If a moderator would like to amend the post to add a poll that’s fine by me. 

Football is back!   Hoping our promising young quarterback grows into our next franchise quarterback!   

I'll guess he plays week 1 and has some packages set up for him. This could mean 3rd and 4th and 1's, goal line snaps, hail marys, 3rd and 4th and longs, stuff like that. Get him acclimated to the game, and put him in situations where he has the advantage over Minshew.


When he starts is trickier. This'll depend on a combination of how he does in training camp, preseason, and IMO, the first few games of the regular season in how he responds to being in the game when he is. It could also depend on if Minshew does well or struggles. I would guess he starts week 4 or 5 in all likelyhood. It could be earlier or later though. 

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  Watching AR show very good pocket awareness and movement is a big tell.

 Combined with the pressure he puts on the D with Steichen's 12th man offense, I expect he will be able to execute enough of the playbook by opening day to deserve to start. 

 Can he get us to 3rd 2, and how effective will we be bullying for 1st downs?

I'm sure we will all be on pins and needles waiting to see how well he throws in the short passing game. When we start to moving the chains I believe he will be putting the hurt on them at 15+.  Opening day for AR!

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4 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

1.   When does AR PLAY?   What week?


2.  When does AR START?   What week?


For many here — perhaps most? — the answers to both questions are the same.  Week One.     

But for others the answers are different.  AR may play the first week, but that doesn’t mean he’ll begin the regular season as the week one starter.   

This post was inspired by @Nickster.   He and I agree on almost nothing, but months ago he posted that he thought Steichen will give AR some packages for a number of series in the first month or so.  Then give AR more and more as the season progresses until he’s ready to start, whenever that is?  Week 4??  Week 6?   Hard to know?   I thought Nick was 100 percent right when he first floated the idea and I still think he’s right.  Props to him.   Nothing else seems as logical to me.  

As most here know, a typical NFL game has each team with roughly 10 series.  So I can see Steichen giving AR 3-4 series in each of the first 3-4 games.  Then perhaps 5-6 series in the next 3-4 games.   Then, I’d guess somewhere around week 7-9, Steichen gives Richardson the keys to the car and AR starts the rest of the way…. Roughly 9-11 games learning on the job as the full time starter. 

During the first 6-8 games, Richardson is exposed to every situation.   2 minute drill, 4 minute drill, Red Zone, you name it.  Put more on his plate until he shows he’s ready.   Hoping that Irsay can keep his powder dry while the offense gets up to speed. 

Since camp opens this week, I’m hoping more and more posters return to the website and respond here.   I didn’t put this in a poll format (thought I might screw that up?). If a moderator would like to amend the post to add a poll that’s fine by me. 

Football is back!   Hoping our promising young quarterback grows into our next franchise quarterback!   


I have no idea if Sportskeeda is a trustful site, but they reported AR is to take over starting job until week 10.



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This longer post was part of a different thread.  I’m putting it here because it addresses these issues.  Apologies for the redundancy.


As far as AR when he starts. . .


There isn’t clear evidence which method ie. Start right away or gradual insertion into the starters role is better.  Mahomes sat and Burrow started day one.  Brady sat, Peyton started, etc. etc etc.  


for me, I don’t think anyone serious in the org thinks that we are ready to compete this year.  I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure most FB guys know we are a ways a way and the org has clearly stated they know AR needs development.  Since this is likely the case, I would want to make sure the line isn’t the incompetent one of last season or the really bad pass pro one of the Wentz year when grooming AR.


I believe we are seeing orgs willing to use disposable QBs ie. Guys that will run a lot and be dramatically less effective as they approach 30 because of taking hits like RBs do who rarely are near their peak at 28 or 29 because of accumulated damage.


Like running JT or anyone 300 times, you are almost certain to be limiting that players league life span.  So a question I have is that if we are going to run an offense similar to what Hurts ran last year, what advantage would their be toracking up hits for a whole season in a 20 year old guy running an O much simpler than the traditional NFL O.This type of offense does not take near asmuch non physical development so it’s not going to effect ARs time table asmuch.  This is a team that intended to slow play a RB, Taylor in his rookieseason, until Mack got hurt.


if ar were running a pro style O then there is another aspect of the debate which is is it better to let the drop back QB watch and learn or play and learn?


For me with AR I’d rather see an emphasis on is the line going to be competentand even if it is, do we want to run this young dude 150+ times here in hisrookie season?

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Only issue I see right now that would prevent AR from starting is his accuracy. Minshew is a pro at dink and dunk. If we are leading at half with AR starting we may put Minshew in as a save situation early in the season. I'm liking the idea more and more about 2 joint practices. It'll help the coaches evaluate alot.

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9 hours ago, stitches said:

Something Kevin Bowen noted in one of his reviews of OTAs - Minshew did NOT show that he's clearly better than AR at this point in OTAs. He said there wasn't enough of a difference to not start AR IF that type of balance of performance continues during training camp. And the more important thing he noted - this was with Richardson's biggest strength(his mobility and ability to gain yards on the ground) largely not being in play in those practices. So does he start? I think it's a 50-50 situation. It's possible Minshew just strings some good performances and gets rid of his inconsistency from OTAs and mini camp, while Richardson continues to have highs and lows and Steichen just decides to give him a few weeks more before he starts him. But in general... I feel like the directive has been set from above(Irsay wants him to play)... and what's more important - Steichen seems to feel very similarly - even before Irsay had to say anything, right after we drafted him, one of the first things Steichen said about AR is that he needs to play and needs live reps to get better. 


For me, Richardson starting isn't about Minshew, it's about Richardson. The main question is whether he can handle running the offense without derailing his development. Once we can give a confident yes to that question, he should start.


I don't care too much if Minshew is struggling, or playing well. I think our offense has a low ceiling with him regardless. He's here to compete and keep the seat warm.

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3 hours ago, PeterBowman said:

Need to get AR signed first.

Not that it means anything but I just read on Microsoft Bing that AR is on the verge signing a 4 year deal for 33,994,000 dollars = 8.5 Mill a year. Just search Anthony Richardson contract and it comes up. What is puzzling, none of it is guaranteed money though by what I read. 


Deal isn't done yet but I did read about this on Microsoft Bing.

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45 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Not that it means anything but I just read on Microsoft Bing that AR is on the verge signing a 4 year deal for 33,994,000 dollars = 8.5 Mill a year. Just search Anthony Richardson contract and it comes up. What is puzzling, none of it is guaranteed money though by what I read. 


Deal isn't done yet but I did read about this on Microsoft Bing.

About $20m of it will be a signing bonus.


The whole contract will probably be guaranteed money.

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1 minute ago, w87r said:

About $20m of it will be a signing bonus.


The whole contract will probably be guaranteed money.

Yeah Microsoft Bing is vague most of the time with their articles. That was the only thing I could find though regarding AR and his contract. Bryce Young signed for 37.9 million over 4 years and it was all guaranteed so that makes sense.

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Just now, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Yeah Microsoft Bing is vague most of the time with their articles. That was the only thing I could find though regarding AR and his contract. Bryce Young signed for 37.9 million over 4 years and it was all guaranteed so that makes sense.

Last year every 1st round pick had fully guaranteed contracts for the first time since rookie scale went into place.

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He plays in week 1 or 2.  I’ll say his first start is Game 11 (TB@Indy).  That gives him more than half a season to learn, and getting his first two starts against TB and Tennessee is ideal.  He seems high-strung, and I’d hate to destroy his confidence right off the bat…

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6 hours ago, Matabix said:

Only issue I see right now that would prevent AR from starting is his accuracy. Minshew is a pro at dink and dunk. If we are leading at half with AR starting we may put Minshew in as a save situation early in the season. I'm liking the idea more and more about 2 joint practices. It'll help the coaches evaluate alot.

Well I see more than just accuracy that would prevent a 20 year old kid with a dozen starts in CFB from starting in the NFL right away. I'd be really surprised if we went with that baseball type closer relief guy with Minshew, but the NFL is changing.  


That's pretty radical though. 

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6 hours ago, Nickster said:


I believe we are seeing orgs willing to use disposable QBs ie. Guys that will run a lot and be dramatically less effective as they approach 30 because of taking hits like RBs do who rarely are near their peak at 28 or 29 because of accumulated damage.

I think this is definitely the route you've got to go nowadays if you don't have a Peyton type.


If he (AR or any athletic QB for that matter) busts or gets hurt, just get ready to draft the next one. 

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4 hours ago, Nickster said:

Well I see more than just accuracy that would prevent a 20 year old kid with a dozen starts in CFB from starting in the NFL right away. I'd be really surprised if we went with that baseball type closer relief guy with Minshew, but the NFL is changing.  


That's pretty radical though. 

I see long balls and scrambling his 1st games. Only thing I've heard is accuracy. His football IQ is good from mini camp reports.

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16 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

1.   When does AR PLAY?   What week?


2.  When does AR START?   What week?


For many here — perhaps most? — the answers to both questions are the same.  Week One.     

But for others the answers are different.  AR may play the first week, but that doesn’t mean he’ll begin the regular season as the week one starter.   

This post was inspired by @Nickster.   He and I agree on almost nothing, but months ago he posted that he thought Steichen will give AR some packages for a number of series in the first month or so.  Then give AR more and more as the season progresses until he’s ready to start, whenever that is?  Week 4??  Week 6?   Hard to know?   I thought Nick was 100 percent right when he first floated the idea and I still think he’s right.  Props to him.   Nothing else seems as logical to me.  

As most here know, a typical NFL game has each team with roughly 10 series.  So I can see Steichen giving AR 3-4 series in each of the first 3-4 games.  Then perhaps 5-6 series in the next 3-4 games.   Then, I’d guess somewhere around week 7-9, Steichen gives Richardson the keys to the car and AR starts the rest of the way…. Roughly 9-11 games learning on the job as the full time starter. 

During the first 6-8 games, Richardson is exposed to every situation.   2 minute drill, 4 minute drill, Red Zone, you name it.  Put more on his plate until he shows he’s ready.   Hoping that Irsay can keep his powder dry while the offense gets up to speed. 

Since camp opens this week, I’m hoping more and more posters return to the website and respond here.   I didn’t put this in a poll format (thought I might screw that up?). If a moderator would like to amend the post to add a poll that’s fine by me. 

Football is back!   Hoping our promising young quarterback grows into our next franchise quarterback!   

You already know my stock answer to this question (by "confused" emoji).  And I've had a chance to think about it more since then.  I still think that job #1 is to get him the experience he needs, and any time not doing that is time not doing that.

However, I also think that if he's totally lost out there, or if we can't protect him, or if he's in danger of getting hurt, then perhaps he shouldn't be on the field until those conditions are met.


Also, after watching episode 4 of the Quarterback show on Netflix (where they went over the confusing language of calling plays at the line), I think I've come upon a simple guideline for whether or not he starts.  You hand him the playbook, and tell him by the end of training camp, he needs to be able to recite the line calls for 30 of the plays.  If he can't get to 30, or if he flubs 5 of ones he does, then he doesn't start.  You gotta know the plays, and what everyone is supposed to do, if you're going to play quarterback.


(Ok, ok, he doesn't need to know 30 of the plays if he's only going to be handed 10 or so during a game.  But I thought the idea was interesting, and maybe even had merit.)

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42 minutes ago, Matabix said:

I see long balls and scrambling his 1st games. Only thing I've heard is accuracy. His football IQ is good from mini camp reports.

Nah, I don't mean this in an overly negative way but he's got other things to work on to get where he will need to be:


Inconsistency and inaccuracy made it hard for him to have sustained success.

Could use a better feel for the timing of his progressions.

Needs to take some spice off short throws.

Below average touch and ball placement rolling out.

Hasn’t learned to manipulate coverage with his eyes.

Struggles to paint intermediate zone holes with anticipatory throws.

Accuracy issues are often a function of poor footwork.

Loses track of coverage and will throw into danger.

Too willing to flip the ball out instead of taking a sack.



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22 minutes ago, John Hammonds said:

You already know my stock answer to this question (by "confused" emoji).  And I've had a chance to think about it more since then.  I still think that job #1 is to get him the experience he needs, and any time not doing that is time not doing that.

However, I also think that if he's totally lost out there, or if we can't protect him, or if he's in danger of getting hurt, then perhaps he shouldn't be on the field until those conditions are met.


Also, after watching episode 4 of the Quarterback show on Netflix (where they went over the confusing language of calling plays at the line), I think I've come upon a simple guideline for whether or not he starts.  You hand him the playbook, and tell him by the end of training camp, he needs to be able to recite the line calls for 30 of the plays.  If he can't get to 30, or if he flubs 5 of ones he does, then he doesn't start.  You gotta know the plays, and what everyone is supposed to do, if you're going to play quarterback.


(Ok, ok, he doesn't need to know 30 of the plays if he's only going to be handed 10 or so during a game.  But I thought the idea was interesting, and maybe even had merit.)



If I gave you a confused emoji, off the top of my head, I don’t know why?  

I’ve checked this thread plus your profile and can’t find any post you wrote that left me confused.   I’m not saying I didn’t do it, I’m saying I can’t find it, so I don’t remember what you wrote that had me confused?  

If you can point to the post that would let me explain my thinking.   You know I’m a John Hammond fan,  so I’m always interested in your line of thinking. 

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47 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:



If I gave you a confused emoji, off the top of my head, I don’t know why?  

I’ve checked this thread plus your profile and can’t find any post you wrote that left me confused.   I’m not saying I didn’t do it, I’m saying I can’t find it, so I don’t remember what you wrote that had me confused?  

If you can point to the post that would let me explain my thinking.   You know I’m a John Hammond fan,  so I’m always interested in your line of thinking. 

My bad!  It was a "sad" emoji, not "confused".  In any case, I wasn't worried about your reaction.  You could have disagreed fully with me and it wouldn't have bothered me.  I don't mind if people have a different opinion than mine.  Or even hate my opinion with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns.  It's an opinion.  Everyone has one.  

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5 minutes ago, John Hammonds said:

My bad!  It was a "sad" emoji, not "confused".  In any case, I wasn't worried about your reaction.  You could have disagreed fully with me and it wouldn't have bothered me.  I don't mind if people have a different opinion than mine.  Or even hate my opinion with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns.  It's an opinion.  Everyone has one.  

Either way, confused or sad, if you wanted to point it out because you’re curious, I’d be happy to explain.   

Either way, it seems like you’re good, so I appreciate you reaching out.   I always here if you want to touch base…..


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4 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

Either way, confused or sad, if you wanted to point it out because you’re curious, I’d be happy to explain.   

Either way, it seems like you’re good, so I appreciate you reaching out.   I always here if you want to touch base…..


Posted July 16th on the HUGE ANTHONY RICHARDSON thread:


I'm with Kevin Bowen, that the #1 job for the Colts this year is getting AR the playing time he needs to develop.  And any time with Minshew playing is time not doing job #1.

I think the default position is to start AR from the beginning.  And the only reason I wouldn't is if AR truly looks terrible in preseason.  If he's truly Not Ready, and not just Inexperienced.

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2 hours ago, John Hammonds said:

Posted July 16th on the HUGE ANTHONY RICHARDSON thread:


I'm with Kevin Bowen, that the #1 job for the Colts this year is getting AR the playing time he needs to develop.  And any time with Minshew playing is time not doing job #1.

I think the default position is to start AR from the beginning.  And the only reason I wouldn't is if AR truly looks terrible in preseason.  If he's truly Not Ready, and not just Inexperienced.

I think I was with you with the first sentence.   And I think you lost me after that.


I think Richardson might be the most unique QB prospect I can recall.   Because 13 games and less than 1000 college snaps means AR is going to make his college mistakes at the NFL level.   And so I think Richardson needs to be handled carefully.   And you seem to be saying keep giving him more.  Throw him into the deep end and tell him to learn to swim.   In other words,  take the same approach the Colts took with Peyton his rookie year when he threw all those interceptions and the team went 3-13.  In the long run, it worked out. 

But the difference is Peyton started three and a half seasons in college,  so he had a ton of experience.   Anthony has very little,  so I don’t favor taking the same approach.   

If I’ve misunderstood you or mischaracterized anything you said, it wasn’t deliberate. 

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11 hours ago, Matabix said:

I see long balls and scrambling his 1st games. Only thing I've heard is accuracy. His football IQ is good from mini camp reports.

I hear what you are saying.  He might be QB prodigy but haven’t seen evidence on film that he consistently shows that level of accumulated knowledge.  He has great tools and one thing I really like about him is he seems to move around without panicking.


what I’m saying here though is that there are 4 year old genius IQ prodigies out there and I have way way way more knowledge than all of them combined with my ahem several decades of experience.


Mini camp is NOT really FB.  He is never under any true pressure because he can’t be hit.  If this kid is great right away that would be shocking.  He’s young, inexperienced, raw and never ran a consistently good offense in college.  It seems almost implausible that he would come into the league and take it by storm. . .


BUT-if they run what Hurts ran it should be a much less steep learning curve.  Ideal scenario is the line plays top 3rd again and D’s are terrified of JT running through the tackle box, threatening a TD every time he finds a crack, they pee down their legs though afraid AR fakes the belly to JT, runs around the collapsed edge, and scurries in the open field, then when they overplay the AB and C gaps and the edges there is space behind the sucked up LBs and SSs, to hit high school jump type passes to the big bodied TEs over the middle and the new slot guy, Pittman in 1 on 1 50/50 balls in the intermediate areas outside the numbers and on slants and digs coming back toward the middle,  AND then when they guard all that AR simply tosses the ball up and Pierce runs under it over the top of the Completely confused and highly stressed FS.


Man I get what they are trying to do .  If it works out it’s going to be a fun watch.  I could see this happening but I’m looking to 2nd half of year 2 as the time this likely comes together.


IF it ever comes together.  the reality is that most QBs fail including those highly drafted and I personally am not at all confident in our line.  Hopefully they will bounce back.  That’s not implausible to me.


But to me there are many obvious reasons that makes it likely AR struggles for a while.  Why slow playing his development might be prudent.  In another post I mentioned do we really want AR to absorb the punishment of 150 plus totes ala Hurts in year 3 for a team likely not to be competing at a playoff level this year?






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 Hoping that Irsay can keep his powder dry while the offense gets up to speed. 

Like what you are saying here NewColtFan. Irsay needs to step back and not get involved in this publicly, I hope Irsay doesn't repeat last year's antics with a new coach and new QB.

I do believe AR will play week one. May even alternate possesions with Minshew. I don't expect him to start till he can prove he is in control of the offense and the OL is protecting him and he is not under pressure every play. I don't expect him to be starting til at least game 4.


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3 hours ago, Nickster said:

I hear what you are saying.  He might be QB prodigy but haven’t seen evidence on film that he consistently shows that level of accumulated knowledge.  He has great tools and one thing I really like about him is he seems to move around without panicking.


what I’m saying here though is that there are 4 year old genius IQ prodigies out there and I have way way way more knowledge than all of them combined with my ahem several decades of experience.


Mini camp is NOT really FB.  He is never under any true pressure because he can’t be hit.  If this kid is great right away that would be shocking.  He’s young, inexperienced, raw and never ran a consistently good offense in college.  It seems almost implausible that he would come into the league and take it by storm. . .


BUT-if they run what Hurts ran it should be a much less steep learning curve.  Ideal scenario is the line plays top 3rd again and D’s are terrified of JT running through the tackle box, threatening a TD every time he finds a crack, they pee down their legs though afraid AR fakes the belly to JT, runs around the collapsed edge, and scurries in the open field, then when they overplay the AB and C gaps and the edges there is space behind the sucked up LBs and SSs, to hit high school jump type passes to the big bodied TEs over the middle and the new slot guy, Pittman in 1 on 1 50/50 balls in the intermediate areas outside the numbers and on slants and digs coming back toward the middle,  AND then when they guard all that AR simply tosses the ball up and Pierce runs under it over the top of the Completely confused and highly stressed FS.


Man I get what they are trying to do .  If it works out it’s going to be a fun watch.  I could see this happening but I’m looking to 2nd half of year 2 as the time this likely comes together.


IF it ever comes together.  the reality is that most QBs fail including those highly drafted and I personally am not at all confident in our line.  Hopefully they will bounce back.  That’s not implausible to me.


But to me there are many obvious reasons that makes it likely AR struggles for a while.  Why slow playing his development might be prudent.  In another post I mentioned do we really want AR to absorb the punishment of 150 plus totes ala Hurts in year 3 for a team likely not to be competing at a playoff level this year?






I wasn't a fan at first of 2 joint practices, but I am now. If anything for O line evaluation. Side not also what you said is the reason I think JT gets signed and maybe not Pittman. Let's say I wouldn't be surprised. Especially only having 19 mil to cap right now.

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