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New Saints Scandal [Merge]


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II'm willing to wait to hear more. So far, it's just the allegations of one former employee who might just be looking to pile on when the timing is good. Saints are threatening to sue ESPN.


Oh in the age of the media where everyone wants to be the first to break the news...I hope ESPN missed on this one, and I hope the saints take legal actions against them...maybe they would learn their lessen then.

On the other hand if this is true, it's bad for everyone involved, especially the NFL, and breese might not be signing that long term deal after all. I would also expect the hammer dropped on the saints organization.

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Oh in the age of the media where everyone wants to be the first to break the news...I hope ESPN missed on this one, and I hope the saints take legal actions against them...maybe they would learn their lessen then.

On the other hand if this is true, it's bad for everyone involved, especially the NFL, and breese might not be signing that long term deal after all. I would also expect the hammer dropped on the saints organization.

I hope so too. If they did miss, this is pretty serious for ESPN. You don't go throwing stories like this out with no credible source. If they did..........then they finally, and seriously crossed the line and better be prepared to defend themselves

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You could be right

Did they cite them?

Yea they had the author in the radio today. He said they were investigating. Then when he heard that the US Attorney had been briefed and contacted the FBI. He said they had to go public with his story before someone else picked it up. I'm paraphrasing, but that's Essen what he said.

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Yea they had the author in the radio today. He said they were investigating. Then when he heard that the US Attorney had been briefed and contacted the FBI. He said they had to go public with his story before someone else picked it up. I'm paraphrasing, but that's Essen what he said.

So, the way this happened is that somebody contacted espn saying there was an FBI investigation and then ESPN contacted the FBI

We just don't know who the somebody is?

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Posted · Hidden by -JJ-, April 25, 2012 - No reason given
Hidden by -JJ-, April 25, 2012 - No reason given

If you have ever visited New Orleans then you have first hand knowldege of the following;

Mugged on the street.

Had your pocket picked

Had your vehicle stolen

Had you hotel room broken in to and robbed

Seen people more drunk than you ever envisioned possible

Seen more people deficate, urinate and vomit in public than prehistoric people

Seen sex acts never before recorded in human history

Seen murder victims used as door mats

Eaten food whose name you still cannot prononce and still cannot get the smell off your breath

Seen more panhandlers and bums than lived in the Great Depression

Seen women of all ages that weighed three pounds less than their makeup

And finally, if you were fortunate, smelled a post hurricane sports dome that is responsible for more disease and sicknesss than the poison gas used in WWI.

Why do you think they call them "The Saints"?

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How can they sue espn?

they cant....

What you say not only has to be 100% wrong...(no shreda of truth) to be liable

you have to prove they (ESPN) knew it was wrong and intended to damage your organization.

ESPN has nothing against the Saints.....and they wouldnt air rumours of criminal acts just for fun

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So, the way this happened is that somebody contacted espn saying there was an FBI investigation and then ESPN contacted the FBI

We just don't know who the somebody is?

The way I took it. Espn was investigating. During there investigation they discovered the Attorney had also been made aware of it, and turned there info (the attorney) into the FBI. When espn uncovered that info (attorney to FBI), they decided they had to go public with it before someone else did.

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they cant....

What you say not only has to be 100% wrong...(no shreda of truth) to be liable

you have to prove they (ESPN) knew it was wrong and intended to damage your organization.

ESPN has nothing against the Saints.....and they wouldnt air rumours of criminal acts just for fun

Well, I'm just thinking there is huge pressure to be first with everything. I've seen them be wrong about things

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This is Nixon bad

Yes, it is Jay305. Who would be "Deep Throat" in this New Orleans scandal & debacle? Former TE Jeremy Shockey?

I know you're joking, but it has to be someone who worked for the team in 2002-2004.

Thank you Peyton & Eli Fan for having a sense of humor. I appreciate that. Yes, you are correct. The 3 year time frame suggests Mickey Loomis's personal assistant perhaps...Just Kidding again!!! Sadly, this story if found true is anything, but funny. What's next hiring computer programers to hack into iPAD online playbooks now? A full metadata digital lockdown master code key?

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I heard on Mike and Mike alot of this information was leaked to press through FBI,may be past statutes of limitation for criminal charges,but its possible that there could be several civil suits.Quoting what i heard of course.Its deffinately no laughing matter

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Thank you Peyton & Eli Fan for having a sense of humor. I appreciate that. Yes, you are correct. The 3 year time frame suggests Mickey Loomis's personal assistant perhaps...Just Kidding again!!! Sadly, this story if found true is anything, but funny. What's next hiring computer programers to hack into iPAD online playbooks now? A full metadata digital lockdown master code key?

DeepThroat couldve been former GM he knew of the device existing maybe someone told him Loomis rigged it to listen to opposing team and he didnt want to to be blamed
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If true... wow! how sad! I realize there's alot of money at stake, but it is still a game right? People really can just throw away their conscious and morals to "win".. I just can't get my head around it...

I also wonder the back story on all this, somebody is VERY PO'D at the Saints org. to open the flood gates like this. ..hhhhhmmmm... Can't wait for the book.

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Louisiana State Police and FBI launched a joint probe on supposed allegations. Where is smoke, there's fire.


Poor Saints' fans. They deserve much better than this mess.

I don't know if where there is smoke there is fire. Seems to me there is some back stabbing that goes on in the NFL.

And I wonder why, if the statute of limitations on electronic spying is 5 years..........why it was brought up and why it is being investigated.

I am extremely interested to know who went to the police with this. I am guessing it had to be the tech who did the wiring. It was hard wired and there is a detailed description of the switch.

I'm wondering if the Saints have recently released someone from their tech crew.

I don't know if they own their stadium. Do they? Do Saints staff even have the ability to hard wire anything in their stadium?

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More alleged cheating from the Parcells/Belichick family. Interesting.

I know the Patriots have hurt your team and that you're clearly very bitter about it. You've made that crystal clear.


If you're trying to link this to Parcells (and I can only assume that's the case), then you're spreading misinformation and are ignorant of the facts.

Payton and Parcells are friends but Payton didn't go to New Orleans until after the alleged "wire taps" were no longer used. And Loomis was in Seattle for 15 years prior to going to the Saints and has no ties whatsoever to either guy.

Don't let facts get in the way of you having an opinion though.

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I know the Patriots have hurt your team and that you're clearly very bitter about it. You've made that crystal clear.


If you're trying to link this to Parcells (and I can only assume that's the case), then you're spreading misinformation and are ignorant of the facts.

Payton and Parcells are friends but Payton didn't go to New Orleans until after the alleged "wire taps" were no longer used. And Loomis was in Seattle for 15 years prior to going to the Saints and has no ties whatsoever to either guy.

Don't let facts get in the way of you having an opinion though.

Well, it was tongue in cheek, but if someone puts two and two together and comes up with your alleged conclusion, then even better.

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