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Janoris Jenkins visiting Colts next week


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Janoris Jenkins would be the 2nd corner taken twas is not for his departure to North Alabama. So you have to ask your self not if Jenkins is to high for the first, but has he dropped enough in the first to the second to have great value at no. 34. And the answer is yes. If he is another Pacman jones....well, so be it, but he will only be a second rounder. Wright would also be better value than Stephen Hill @ 34.

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A 1st round talent drops due to off the field behavior and you guys are drooling over him? Everyone has talent in the NFL, it's the mental side that gives you the edge. You guys think he goes to N. Alabama and pays his dues for his behavior, but he acted bad at N. Alabama. My daughter's school Delta State played them in the playoffs and he was kicked out of the game for his behavior. He is a bad kid, imo. I wouldn't touch him.

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Man...If we could get Janoris Jenkins... Yeah, I know he made some dumb mistakes, and got into fights and got caught with mary joo wanna a few times, but hopefully he's grown up some. The kid is ridiculous. I've been a Gator fan longer than I've been a Colts fan, and he EASILY replaced Joe Haden at the #1 corner spot for us. Of course, I was disappointed (in him) that we didn't have him last year, but we can't crucify someone for making a mistake at 20...If he can get over that he would be a huge asset to the team.

Talent wise, he would be fighting with Claiborne (Clairborne?) for the #1 corner in the draft, but he got in trouble, so he dropped down below kirkpatrick (who he is easily better than). Either way, I will be SHOCKED if he is there at 34, and if he is, being a team that has not had an elite corner for as long as I can remember, we should jump at the chance to draft him.

On a side note, though, I've lived in Florida my whole life and I never really perceived it as dangerous. Never even BEEN in a fight before...

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if he >>>s up to bad we can always trade him for a CLOSE to equal value that we drafted him at, probably not the exact value we draft him at or even a lesser value with some cash or something

Well I hope we don't have to resort to that, I hope that if Pagano and Grigson choose Jenkins, if he still available in the 2nd round, that he turns out quite well for us and won't have the same problems that he had in college.

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Camaraderie and trust among players as they bond and go to battle together is a big part of this game. Loose cannons always mess with a locker room. (see Cowboys)

Well the loose cannons part is what worries me that this guy has problems with fighting and drug possession. Maybe Pagano knows how to handle him because they brought in Jimmy Smith last year, but I didn't see him play a whole lot so I don't know how he fit in with the Ravens.

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People make mistakes. He will be interviewed by our FO and they will decide the what kind of man they feel this boy will become. For any of you to judge his character without ever meeting him is ridiculous. Go ahead and say something like "he better get his act together if we are gonna draft him". But by us bringing him in some say they will no longer be colts fans and others pretending to know the guy say he is another pacman jones.... If the FO brings him in and then we draft him in the second and he gets defensive rookie of the year (I know that is a lot of ifs), I bet Jay and some others won't mind his prior off field issues so much.

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People make mistakes. He will be interviewed by our FO and they will decide the what kind of man they feel this boy will become. For any of you to judge his character without ever meeting him is ridiculous. Go ahead and say something like "he better get his act together if we are gonna draft him". But by us bringing him in some say they will no longer be colts fans and others pretending to know the guy say he is another pacman jones.... If the FO brings him in and then we draft him in the second and he gets defensive rookie of the year (I know that is a lot of ifs), I bet Jay and some others won't mind his prior off field issues so much.

If "Ifs" and "but" were candy and nuts we'd all have a merry christmas
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I wish I had a dollar for every "IF" mentioned concerning this child in this thread.

With solid leadership some players straighten up, the whole 4 kids dont bother me, irresponsible at the time yes, but hes gonna get ALOT of money, he can afford those kids, but if he is able and willing to leave all that other stuff alone Im willing to give him a shot, if he fails we can always trade him for something close to where we got him, probably not the exact round in exchange but perhaps a 4th rounder, its to good to pass up unless you want another corner that need to 'develop for a couple years' (another nice way of saying in MOST cases a guy will be a career back up that travels most of the league)
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Hill is overrated and so is Minnifield

Dude in your honest opinion is there any good players in the draft? You say your time as a fan is ending. Being a fan means rooting for your team regardless, win or lose. Yes, Andrew Luck will NEVER be Peyton Manning. But guess what? Manning is a Bronco now. I loved all the colts that got cut. And as much as it pains me to admit it I even cheered for Painter. That era is over tho. It's time to embrace the youth and cheer them on. Players come and go but the team is here to stay. And honestly, I'll welcome and cheer for any player with a horseshoe on his helmet. So bring on Jenkins, Hill, Fleener, Egnew, or Minnifield. I'll embrace them. And as too Jenkins off the field trouble, everyone deserves a second chance. And besides Mathis and Freeney will keep him in line. GO COLTS
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Dude in your honest opinion is there any good players in the draft? You say your time as a fan is ending. Being a fan means rooting for your team regardless, win or lose. Yes, Andrew Luck will NEVER be Peyton Manning. But guess what? Manning is a Bronco now. I loved all the colts that got cut. And as much as it pains me to admit it I even cheered for Painter. That era is over tho. It's time to embrace the youth and cheer them on. Players come and go but the team is here to stay. And honestly, I'll welcome and cheer for any player with a horseshoe on his helmet. So bring on Jenkins, Hill, Fleener, Egnew, or Minnifield. I'll embrace them. And as too Jenkins off the field trouble, everyone deserves a second chance. And besides Mathis and Freeney will keep him in line. GO COLTS

Theres tons of great players in this draft this is a one of the better drafts in quite sometime. I along with the scouts and writers I correspond with dont think much of Minnifield hes a zone cover 2 corner at best. If you want once I get home I can send you my cornerback scouting report
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For those wanting a tight end in the second, we could just get one in the third with Orson Charles.

Completely agree. I would honestly rather have Charles in the 3rd than Fleener in the 2nd anyhow. Janoris Jenkins is a much better value at the 34 spot.

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You mean this film, a film where it shows Minnifield absolutely shutting Stephen Hill (the first round prospect) down and getting a pick on him. It also shows his good tackling skills.

Minnifield plays man-to-man, plays press, good instincts and he has good tackling skills. That's the guy Pagano wants as it fits his system. I've always loved Minnifield, but that knee injury killed his stock and could be a blessing for us. We could snag him in the 4th and never look back. Like him or not, he has talent, perhaps even 2nd round talent.

I think you are reaching on Minnifield. He looked good in run defense and yes he made that INT. But that pass was TERRIBLE. Underthrown...thrown to the inside..he was 9-10 yards off all game because he respected his speed. He made a good play on the ball but that one is on the qb all the way. I think Minnifield will go where he is expected to and will that will be where he should. I do think Hill is very raw but has tons of talent and just needs work but has big play ability written all over him.

Grizz.. good to know........

now I'll throw this one out.. with our 34th pick who do you choose between... Jenkins, Josh Robinson or Alfonzo Denard ?..

Really..those three will be our only options?? There will be tons of talent to choose from at 34..maybe Fleener, maybe Devon Still, or Kevin Zeitler..I mean there will no doubt be talent there so we don't have to take just a cb. Personally, I wouldn't mind trading back 5-10 picks and getting an extra 4th rounder or swapping with the Eagles (we do have connections) and getting 46/51 and give them our 34/64. That would give us two legit 2nd rounders and we could still get someone like Hosley to play corner and the bpa left on the board. Either way personally I like trading back a bit getting an extra pick maybe that 4th rounder turns into some weapons for Luck. Maybe we get Orsen Charles and a WR in round 4 or go another route but to me we have so many needs I like getting extra picks personally.
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Sounds like he's very talented, but extremely immature. It's times like this I wish we still had Dungy, he could take a guy like Jenkins and put him on the right path.

I feel like Pagano will do a similar job as Dungy could with a player like that, but less of raising Jenkins' maturity, but more of channeling the beast within and unleashing it on the field. lol

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I feel like Pagano will do a similar job as Dungy could with a player like that, but less of raising Jenkins' maturity, but more of channeling the beast within and unleashing it on the field. lol

like the way you stated the difference... different type of coaching and it Maybe the way to go with a guy with issues

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I feel like Pagano will do a similar job as Dungy could with a player like that, but less of raising Jenkins' maturity, but more of channeling the beast within and unleashing it on the field. lol

Could be. We also have to remind ourselves that he was very young when he had the incidents. If we draft him I hope he can harness his aggressiveness to the field where it belongs.

In my opinion, a man should be judged by how well he takes care of his children. No matter who drafts him, I sincerely hope he matures in that respect.

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I hate to say it, but I think we (as Colts fans) might put too much emphasis on character issues. I hate to say it even more, but Marvin Harrison had serious off the field issues throughout his NFL career. I'm one to think that Jenkins is worth a shot based on his talent. Pacman and VY are guys whose problems should have been caught by NFL scouts (both have diagnosable imbalances). I'm not worried about weed arrests and illegitimate kids during his college years as much as how his teammates felt about him in the locker room. When I hear about locker room issues, I'll change my mind. I have gone back and forth about pick #34, but this kid's film speaks for itself. I wouldn't fault our GM for picking him up at #34.

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there are too many other good cb prospects without red flags. Not saying Jenkins would be a bad pick, but ill be happier if a different DB's name is called when we're on the clock come draft day.

i agree i hes a great player but his off the field problems will eventually catch up to him if he don't change. i would love for us to draft mark barron or trade up to get him. ss is a major need as well as cb but barron is a better player.
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Just signed up for a Twitter account, anyone out there you all would recommend following?????

In terms of Jenkins, if the guy comes in talks with the Colts and they realize he will simmer down. I would have no problem with drafting him in the second. That being said, I would still prefer Fleener or a solid WR.

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Just signed up for a Twitter account, anyone out there you all would recommend following?????

In terms of Jenkins, if the guy comes in talks with the Colts and they realize he will simmer down. I would have no problem with drafting him in the second. That being said, I would still prefer Fleener or a solid WR.

This WR class is so deep we could get either AJ Jenkins or Joe Adams in the 3rd or 4th. We could also add TE Orson Charles in the 3rd or 4th as well. I want us to have a potential shutdown CB to make this defense a top defense in the league. We havent had that since when?

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This WR class is so deep we could get either AJ Jenkins or Joe Adams in the 3rd or 4th. We could also add TE Orson Charles in the 3rd or 4th as well. I want us to have a potential shutdown CB to make this defense a top defense in the league. We havent had that since when?

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This WR class is so deep we could get either AJ Jenkins or Joe Adams in the 3rd or 4th. We could also add TE Orson Charles in the 3rd or 4th as well. I want us to have a potential shutdown CB to make this defense a top defense in the league. We havent had that since when?

Ever I don't think. I'd still be more than happy with that.

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The four kids does not bother me at all. If the guy wants to pay out child support because he does not know how to use protection then that is his problem. Heck if we are going to worry about players sex lives then we probably should not have re-signed Reggie after his issue with one of his groupies.

I do worry about the weed issue because he >>>s up once and he is in the program and getting tested all the time. Putting my political beliefs on weed to the side it could be problematic if he is getting suspended all of the time for weed.

If the guy can not smoke weed during the season and perform at a top level for years to come I think it is a no brainer to take him.

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