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Luck Was Calling His Own Plays This Year


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The more I stand back and look at all the things the have transpired over the past few weeks the better I feel about the whole thing. I mean the Polians were fired, Caldwell was let go, entire FO and coaching staff replaced all of this needed but scary. Then Peyton gets cut, granted in a press conference that was nothing if not classy, then Manning goes to a team that actually has a shot to get him a ring or two before he retires (something our Colts team was in no condition to do) and a quality player like Luck stands to be our quarterback next year...not to replace Manning, but to receive the torch from him. In my eyes this all went down really really well!!

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The more I stand back and look at all the things the have transpired over the past few weeks the better I feel about the whole thing. I mean the Polians were fired, Caldwell was let go, entire FO and coaching staff replaced all of this needed but scary. Then Peyton gets cut, granted in a press conference that was nothing if not classy, then Manning goes to a team that actually has a shot to get him a ring or two before he retires (something our Colts team was in no condition to do) and a quality player like Luck stands to be our quarterback next year...not to replace Manning, but to receive the torch from him. In my eyes this all went down really really well!!

Yes, and we wonder why some complain. The Colts are very fortunate.

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He got two runs and one pass option big deal lol... not like he was dissecting defenses. Its called audibles

Actually he just said he picked a play based on the defensive shell.. Basically the same thing Peyton did, other than having the abilty to change the routs of WR's

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Actually he just said he picked a play based on the defensive shell.. Basically the same thing Peyton did, other than having the abilty to change the routs of WR's

Its not the same thing peyton did... teams would play the colts in a nickel package...peyton changed routes, got blocking assignments corrected and all that... good that luck has had experience in doing audibles at the line but its not like other qbs haven't done it, also its a bit ridiculous to be comparing him to Peyton when he hasn't played a down in the NFL yet.

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And other qbs as well but peyton was also good at dissecting defenses... even say Dan o making changes at the line so its not rocket science.

you also need to understand what is the best possible play depending on what the defensive look is.

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Its not the same thing peyton did... teams would play the colts in a nickel package...peyton changed routes, got blocking assignments corrected and all that... good that luck has had experience in doing audibles at the line but its not like other qbs haven't done it, also its a bit ridiculous to be comparing him to Peyton when he hasn't played a down in the NFL yet.

I will agree with that.. He clearly isnt on 18's level. But who is?

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you also need to understand what is the best possible play depending on what the defensive look is.

Not like college defense is much of anything, regardless I'm sure he stuck with the play he was given than changing it. Not knocking luck cuz he's great but he's hyped up too much.

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Puts him almost in a no win situation in he's going to be pretty good pretty quick to live up to the expectation level that's been built up by the talking heads.

Peyton wasnt hyped as much as this kid. I hope he can handle it. I know i wouldnt have been able to in my early 20's

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Peyton wasnt hyped as much as this kid. I hope he can handle it. I know i wouldnt have been able to in my early 20's

luck as shown a great level of maturity. he doesnt even want to draw attention to himself.

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Not like college defense is much of anything, regardless I'm sure he stuck with the play he was given than changing it. Not knocking luck cuz he's great but he's hyped up too much.

if its so easy to read defenses in college why dont more QB get hyped as you say as luck does

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I just want to hurry up and sign Luck, I hate even thinking we would pass on him for RG3. Even though I think both will be successful in the NFL and great, I just believe Luck fits our system better and RG3 fits Redskins(Shanahan) system better. It's a great situation for both teams, now let the Luck Era begin.

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Lucks pro day was great and all. Absolutely loved that 70 yard bomb. That shut up those critics saying he has a weak arm. But one thing I noticed is his passes to his receivers were mainly floaters. Not that much zip on them.maybe he knew no one was gonna defend it so he could focus more on accuracy? But the passes got there a tad bit slow. In the NFL, every teams #1 corner could easily intercept slow passes like that.

RG3's pro day was so "amazing" to scouts because his passes were dead accurate and got to his recievers in a hurry.

Im not anti-luck. Just my 2 cents.

Also, maybe it was all because Luck was outdoors and RG3 was indoors. Who knows.

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Lucks pro day was great and all. Absolutely loved that 70 yard bomb. That shut up those critics saying he has a weak arm. But one thing I noticed is his passes to his receivers were mainly floaters. Not that much zip on them.maybe he knew no one was gonna defend it so he could focus more on accuracy? But the passes got there a tad bit slow. In the NFL, every teams #1 corner could easily intercept slow passes like that.

RG3's pro day was so "amazing" to scouts because his passes were dead accurate and got to his recievers in a hurry.

Im not anti-luck. Just my 2 cents.

Also, maybe it was all because Luck was outdoors and RG3 was indoors. Who knows.

I don't think you can throw a slow pass into a 15-20 mph wind and have it be accurate.

I think you may be confusing his effortless delivery with slow floating ball. They are not the same.

From what I saw of his pro-day, I saw effortless delivery with more than adequate velocity (except for his first 2 throws).

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His delivery is effortless, I know. And he has adequate velocity. Just watching the tape, his passes arent bullets by any means. And I know you dont need a cannon for an arm as a QB to be succesful, but his passes get to his recievers slower than you would think a guy trying to slice it through 15-20 mph winds. its easy to make passes look effortless when no one is covering. Especially top tier CBs

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He got two runs and one pass option big deal lol... not like he was dissecting defenses. Its called audibles

So Hall of Fame, Super Bowl winning quarterback Steve Young thinks what Luck has been doing is "unheard of" for someone at his level, and "Smitto" of the Colts forum thinks it isn't a "big deal." You have every right to your opinion, and only time will tell how this kid turns out, but I'm going to side with the expert on this one.

His delivery is effortless, I know. And he has adequate velocity. Just watching the tape, his passes arent bullets by any means. And I know you dont need a cannon for an arm as a QB to be succesful, but his passes get to his recievers slower than you would think a guy trying to slice it through 15-20 mph winds. its easy to make passes look effortless when no one is covering. Especially top tier CBs

This was actually discussed at length during his pro day by Burmeister and Mayock. Their point was that his motion is so effortless and "lazy" that it's deceptive in regards to ball speed, but his throws have plenty of zip of them. He doesn't have an Elway cannon arm, but he is more than able to make any NFL throw and has better than average arm strength. His game isn't overpowering throws, anyway. It's precision, smarts, and mobility, which he has in spades.

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like RGIII isnt.

Ohh wait don't you remember RGiii is more accurate, has a better arm, more athletic and just as smart and can still read defenses well. However, for some reason Luck is much more NFL ready. At the same time Luck is most likely going first. I love all these mixed signals many people/analyst have been developing recently.

That brings me to the good news which is that the general consensus by the majority of experts is that Luck is still a step above RGiii. Some think it's not really comparable though they do think RGiii will fair out well. Which I tend to agree with. Hopefully when he comes in for the Colts workout we hear from Grigsons mouth how good the kid is.

Heck even Jamie Dukes said Luck is the sure fire #1 haha

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did you hear when they were talking about RG3 they said last year they were talking about him being a WR. not a great sign of a true QB. hopefully he doesnt turn out a one year wonder like Leaf but Im putting all my money on Luck, period.

And yes he did the same thing as Manning calling plays at the line. If anything Manning tried to get to darn cute which bite us in the butt many many times. People need to take the blinders off.

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I just want to hurry up and sign Luck, I hate even thinking we would pass on him for RG3. Even though I think both will be successful in the NFL and great, I just believe Luck fits our system better and RG3 fits Redskins(Shanahan) system better. It's a great situation for both teams, now let the Luck Era begin.

BINGO...I agree Luck fits Colts system the best and Rg3 fits the skins system. I think it's a win win for both teams. Now all we need is for Irsay to let us know so we can all relax lol. Irsay is just so cooky you never know whats gonna happen. Ill let you guys know this Ive heard from a media member here in DC thats claiming the Colts informed Washington they have nothing to worry about they are getting there man (RG3) Plus some clues are out there Shanahan is a secretive man kinda like Belichick doesnt let the media know nothing. I think it's weird he's all over tv arm to arm with RG3 at his pro day in front of cameras yesterdays interview he's glowing and smiling just talking about him. To me if he wasnt sure he was getting him he would be tight lipped. Another clue is RG3 this saturday is doing an autograph signing in Chantilly VA 10 minutes away from redskins park and a few days ago the website announced that RG3 has agreed to sign Redskins items and if your a collector that goes to these card shows you know that doesnt happen usually if a draft pick does a signing before the draft all they will sign is theyre college teams memorabilia. So I think the majority of Colts fans and Skins fans will be happy.
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Peyton wasnt hyped as much as this kid. I hope he can handle it. I know i wouldnt have been able to in my early 20's

Well in all fairness, ESPN wasn't the machine that is is today and the internet barely existed in 1998. If it had been the same Peyton would have probably been as hyped as Luck. Remember, he was said to have been the #1 pick in 1997 too but he went back for his senior year and the Jets took Keyshawn #1 instead.

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Watching both Luck and Peyton in college, I was always more impressed with Luck as a college QB. Arm strength to many times is confused with touch and ball placement. Luck has the tools and the brains to be a great one plus he is overall a better athlete than Peyton ever thought of being. When I think of what this staff might want out of a QB Luck can manage a game and make few mistakes in this offense. Get him signed on the dotted line!

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This is the intersting part about playing QB...to me

..and its why Manning was so good

Being able to audible plays successfully at the line with the play clock running (and switch to a play that works) and communicate that to everyone (getting word to the center early so he can make his calls) without giving it away seems to me to be a mental 'quickness' and command that is amazing

I dont know for sure but Baltimore and Pittsburgh especially seemed to show Peyton an orignial look and then a second look (and sometimes a third) with less than 10 on the clock ..

..and he seemed to guess at the what Baltimore's 2nd and 3rd move would be and 'change' in anticipation of it

..Mark Sanchez aint doing that at the line....not becase he's not smart but because he probably doenst have a complete grasp of every play his guys are running vs. every defense the other team is running...and he doerdnmst have the composure of the computer evalusation skills to adjust that quickly..

Andrdew Luck obviously doesnt have the first part (grasp and experince) yat but he has shown that the second part, the adjusting and decisiveness is soemthing he has handled from an early age...

It would seem..that all he needs is experience ....

...It doesnt guarantee success...but this is the most encouraging thing to me about Luck.

I just hope he doenst get broken in two while he's getting experience

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