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Pat Robertson Says Peyton Deserves To Be Injured

Peyton and Eli fan

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I know he has said some crazy things, but the deadspin article didnt quote the whole conversation. He said:

"And you just ask yourself, OK, so Peyton Manning was a tremendous MVP quarterback, but he's been injured. If that injury comes back, Denver will find itself without a quarterback. And in my opinion, it would serve them right," he said.


I took it as him saying that IF Peytons injury comes back to keep him out, trading Tebow would leave them without a backup plan and in THAT case it would serve them right.

Again, I know he says some far out things, but the full quote needs to be printed, not just "Peyton deserves to be hurt".

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I know he has said some crazy things, but the deadspin article didnt quote the whole conversation. He said:

"And you just ask yourself, OK, so Peyton Manning was a tremendous MVP quarterback, but he's been injured. If that injury comes back, Denver will find itself without a quarterback. And in my opinion, it would serve them right," he said.


I took it as him saying that IF Peytons injury comes back to keep him out, trading Tebow would leave them without a backup plan and in THAT case it would serve them right.

Again, I know he says some far out things, but the full quote needs to be printed, not just "Peyton deserves to be hurt".

I appreciate the clarity but I believe the inference he made was something different than what a typical sports commentator would make. The suggestion was that righteous divine redemption would be the culprit IF Manning gets hurt.


See for yourself. Look in his eyes as he says it. Tell me that's not "threatening"? Even his co-host reacted strangely to his comment immeadiatly afterward, saying "WELL...."

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I appreciate the clarity but I believe the inference he made was something different than what a typical sports commentator would make. The suggestion was that righteous divine redemption would be the culprit IF Manning gets hurt.


See for yourself. Look in his eyes as he says it. Tell me that's not "threatening"? Even his co-host reacted strangely to his comment immeadiatly afterward, saying "WELL...."

Yea I see what you are saying. I just look at it as Tebow being his favorite player and he didnt like the way he got treated. But the title of the thread (I think) is misleading in the stance that he didnt specifically state that "Manning deserves to be hurt". I didnt see, hear or read that specifically. But I am human and I could of missed that part of the interveiw along the lines somewhere.

At any rate......GO COLTS!!!!!!!!

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Yea I see what you are saying. I just look at it as Tebow being his favorite player and he didnt like the way he got treated. But the title of the thread (I think) is misleading in the stance that he didnt specifically state that "Manning deserves to be hurt". I didnt see, hear or read that specifically. But I am human and I could of missed that part of the interveiw along the lines somewhere.

At any rate......GO COLTS!!!!!!!!

You're right, it seems like it'll be worse than it was by reading the thread title.

....and yes, we'll be back coltsb_logo.gif

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This guy is an *. He blamed minority Americans for the 9/11 attacks, he said a nuclear weapon going off at the State Department would be a good thing, he said Hurricane Katrina was God's response to abortion, the earthquake in Haiti was because of a pact with the Devil, God told him there would be a nuclear attack on the US in 2007, etc.

He's an *. He's the reason people hate Christians.

PS -- If this crosses the line per the rules of the site, I apologize. Don't mean to spark a political or religious debate.

You would think by the 17th incorrect doomsday prediction that people would just stop caring about him...

Yeah you have more people like him, Christianity will be extinct.

It is so irritating to Christians to have people like him and Harold Camping spewing their unfounded lies about 'doomsday' all over the media and then telling everyone that they believe like the rest of us. They're wrong. The Bible itself says that "no man" knows the hour or the day. See Matthew 24:35-36

Also, I think he falls into this category very nicely: Romans 1:22 "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools..."

You three posters are right; he gives Christianity a underserved bad name. The folks at Westboro Baptist are the same way. Our church loves the soldiers, no matter what they may think they can do with their bodies. They are the ones who let us sleep soundly at night without worrying about a bombing or invasion. They are the ones who have sacrificed. They are the people who are dying to protect this country, and shame on anyone who would disgrace them in such a way to give their families more grief at such a hard time already.

/Rant off... :)

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I know he has said some crazy things, but the deadspin article didnt quote the whole conversation. He said:

"And you just ask yourself, OK, so Peyton Manning was a tremendous MVP quarterback, but he's been injured. If that injury comes back, Denver will find itself without a quarterback. And in my opinion, it would serve them right," he said.


I took it as him saying that IF Peytons injury comes back to keep him out, trading Tebow would leave them without a backup plan and in THAT case it would serve them right.

Again, I know he says some far out things, but the full quote needs to be printed, not just "Peyton deserves to be hurt".

This is exactly how I interpreted it as well. People are sensitive to Peyton so they will take it and run with it. Nevertheless, the comment was better left unsaid.

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This is exactly how I interpreted it as well. People are sensitive to Peyton so they will take it and run with it. Nevertheless, the comment was better left unsaid.

True, he didn't mean for it to come out exactly like it did, and in reality, he wasn't even adressing Peyton's health issues. He was adressing the Broncos' release of Tebow. As you said, though, the comment was better left unsaid. As are a lot of his comments.

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The guy is a religious nutjob and nobody should take him seriously.

When did Karma come into Christian teaching, Pat? Also, last time I checked the new testament did not teach that you should wish vengeance on your enemies, but in turn forgive them and turn the other cheek, but hey its all good to pick and choose what you believe from the bible, right?

I am sure he will blame the gays or something for why Tebow was forced out.

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When the ABC network bought out the family channel way back in the day to become the ABC family channel there was one clause his 700 club could never be taken off the air or removed. that means no matter how outlandish his comments get and they get more out there everyyear I mean he could sit there with ho's on his lap with a crack pipe singing burn,baby,burn ABC can just put a disclaimer at the beginning of the program no matter how many people complain it doesn't matter he is untouchable. basically what Peyton could have had in Tennessee (life contract) lol.

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Why are the most religious people seemingly the most hateful and unpleasant?

I think you're confusing zealots with "religious people" or lumping them all together... of the 300 plus people I personally know at my church which is 2000 plus strong, they are some of the most caring, helpful and gracious people I know, which is why I continue to raise my family in the church. From building homes with Habitat for Humanity, to working the food truck every week we give back to those in need and so much more and get so much back in return.

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While I am not a fan of Pat Robertson (far from it), I viewed that video and saw him saying much the same thing as many on here have said regarding the loss of Peyton.

He never said that Peyton deserved to be injured, but that it would serve the Broncos right for dumping Tebow for Peyton. That is the same sentiment I have gotten from some who are upset about Luck/Griffin replacing Peyton.

With that being said, this thread has taken a religious turn which is not unexpected since we are discussing Pat Robertson; but religious discussions are not in compliance with the forum rules.

Thread closed.

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