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Prepare for NO NFL Football this year.


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With the spreading of the Coronavirus/ Covid-19, that already have cancelled most sporting events this year, I think the NFL will be next to cancel activities.


Here in europa things are bad, like in really bad, and it's getting worse.

now we can follow the news, and It looks like the US will be hit hard, if not harder in the coming weeks and months.


The highways, city downtown and parks are entirely abandoned here in Denmark for the most parts, and almost everything is closed.   


So all talk about free agency and sports, well, that doesn't matter much right now, and Im actually not sure Rivers will wear his colts uniform more than for a photoshoot.


Hope the best, but fear the worst.

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The NFL is not the same.   The season doesn't even really start until August for preseason and September for the real games.   Thats a pretty large gap of time for things to have shifted.  Don't give up so fast. 

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I am afraid I am starting to think the same way.  We are having fun now with FA but I am really starting to worry about the season.  Even if the virus slows down in the summer it could easily come back in the fall like the flu.   And without a vaccine we are right back where we started.  It's almost April and the huge wave is yet to come.  Our Federal response is so far behind this it's amazing.  I'm with you. Hoping for the best but fearing that the worst is more likely. 

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52 minutes ago, ThorstenDenmark said:

With the spreading of the Coronavirus/ Covid-19, that already have cancelled most sporting events this year, I think the NFL will be next to cancel activities.


Here in europa things are bad, like in really bad, and it's getting worse.

now we can follow the news, and It looks like the US will be hit hard, if not harder in the coming weeks and months.


The highways, city downtown and parks are entirely abandoned here in Denmark for the most parts, and almost everything is closed.   


So all talk about free agency and sports, well, that doesn't matter much right now, and Im actually not sure Rivers will wear his colts uniform more than for a photoshoot.


Hope the best, but fear the worst.


Do you think that the Champions league and the European soccer (association football) leagues will remain canceled for that long?


I have to think at some point in the summer we're just going to start to return to normal life.  

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1 hour ago, Valpo2004 said:


Do you think that the Champions league and the European soccer (association football) leagues will remain canceled for that long?


I have to think at some point in the summer we're just going to start to return to normal life.  

Well,  UEFA EURO 2020 is postponed to 2021, the Champions League and Europa League is suspended indefinitely, with no new date for the remaining games. 


Yes I Know money talks and there are a lot of money at stake for both the NFL, UEFA and clubs and franchises worldwide, and the TV/ broadcast companies have invested a lot of money for the rights to transmitting games and events. 


Right now, the discussion is about the Olympics in Tokyo, and though they say they WILL have that to go through as planned, I honestly don't believe that it will. 


And those who say it will go away with the weather getting warmer, well, take a look at IRAN right now, they are fighting it but they are losing the battle to Corona, and they have a much warmer climate right now than most other countries. 


But we can hope that it soon ends, but with no vaccine, it looks like its going to take a long while before we can start acting normal and attend sport events. :(





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As much as I like the NFL and how it takes us away mentally from everyday problems this virus has to be contained at any cost.

When you realize just how many people are effected with their jobs and getting the essentials of everyday life, the NFL is not a necessity. 

My age and medical problems puts me in the high risk category. It's scary for sure. 

Right now I am depending on my forum friends to help me pass the time and I appreciate all of you in here. When you look at the big picture the possibility of the NFL being suspended or canceled is pretty small potatoes. 


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10 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

As much as I like the NFL and how it takes us away mentally from everyday problems this virus has to be contained at any cost.

When you realize just how many people are effected with their jobs and getting the essentials of everyday life, the NFL is not a necessity. 

My age and medical problems puts me in the high risk category. It's scary for sure. 

Right now I am depending on my forum friends to help me pass the time and I appreciate all of you in here. When you look at the big picture the possibility of the NFL being suspended or canceled is pretty small potatoes. 


I hope you are right about that possibility, and that you get well through this weird time.

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33 minutes ago, ThorstenDenmark said:


And those who say it will go away with the weather getting warmer, well, take a look at IRAN right now, they are fighting it but they are losing the battle to Corona, and they have a much warmer climate right now than most other countries. 



I am curious about heat and humidity together. Iran stays dry for the most part and was not warm enough when the cases started arriving (70s for high and 50s for low). While it is not the deciding factor, I am keeping an eye on Mexico and countries closer to the equator where it is hot and humid, like India. The virus will spread, no matter what, because that is just the nature of viruses. The numbers, we will have years to study it later, with the impact of weather etc.


Nevertheless, it is not an excuse for us to not to do our part to flatten the curve. A good cautious April and May from us will lead us to better times, only if we do our part.


For the young ones that say "we don't have to worry about it", this article should give them pause:




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2 hours ago, ColtJax said:

The virus, like just about every other virus will die off when the weather gets warm. In fact the curve is already down with China reporting no new cases, and that's huge..


There is no one credible who has said that because they just don't know.  And it's pretty warm in Australia right now (88 in Sydney) and Tom Hanks and his wife managed to get the virus there.

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36 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

As much as I like the NFL and how it takes us away mentally from everyday problems this virus has to be contained at any cost.

When you realize just how many people are effected with their jobs and getting the essentials of everyday life, the NFL is not a necessity. 

My age and medical problems puts me in the high risk category. It's scary for sure. 

Right now I am depending on my forum friends to help me pass the time and I appreciate all of you in here. When you look at the big picture the possibility of the NFL being suspended or canceled is pretty small potatoes. 



I understand and agree with that to an extent (Although it does seem like if they did plenty of testing they could play games just for TV.) 


I don't know where the right balance is but I fear we are damaging ourselves and our society more than worth it by shutting everything down for this long.  It's one thing if it's a weeks or month long shutdown.  It's entirely different if this shutdown goes on months to a year or more.  


Furthermore I'm concerned about, worst case scenario a partial or complete breakdown of law and order.  You are looking at bringing about a combination of a sagging economy (possibly a full on depression) with people stuck at home with no distractions and to top it all off this is all happening in an election year.  

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Who knows what the future holds, especially 6 months out.


Not going to pretend to know things I don't. I can point people in the direction of pessimistic news and optimistic news though. 

I'm starting to have questions about all of this, that I didn't have at the start though. 

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18 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

Come on. I suggest those that are so negative to shut the tv off and quit listening to the media who is panicking everyone. Chances are this does out in a month or so. 


As far as the media is concerned we all pretty much know we don't get anything beyond what they want for their ratings. 

For one thing the politicians and the media need to quit pointing fingers at each other and making this a political issue. This is a major health issue, not a political issue. 

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Comparing sports as equal is not accurate. NBA players sweat on each other, share the same ball constantly, and barely have any clothing on. NFL players wear helmets, and can be fit with shields. As far as fans in the stands...different deal. Not saying it won't be cancelled, just pointing out that the sports are different. 

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6 hours ago, ColtJax said:

The virus, like just about every other virus will die off when the weather gets warm. In fact the curve is already down with China reporting no new cases, and that's huge..

Viruses don't die because of the weather. Seasonality have more to do with the fact that our BEHAVIORS change more so then we have abnormally warm weather. Sure there may be something along the lines of flu virus surviving on surfaces etc longer in certain conditions but what happens in the summer. Kids leave school and go home, people go on vacations, people spend much more time outside all these things are natural quarantines/social distancing. Fall, winter, spring the weather is getting colder/wetter and people spend more time indoors and kids are at school, families gather for parties/holidays, people usually are at work more...and most activities are indoors. This creates a situation where we push people together and they spread the "virus". What happens is simply the virus works it way to the southern hemisphere and then comes back. The other thing is this is not really all that similar to the flu..it is much more contagious, lives longer outside the body, and yes more deadly for high risk patients. I wish the natural global warming would help us fight it...but this will be more about our actions and less about the season.

The old saying about putting a coat/hat on when going outside in the cold is less about the temperature and more about wearing and outer garment which you take off upon returning and don't spread to the rest of your house helps keep the germs you track in from spreading throughout your house. Imagine all the germs you collect in your hair and then you lay down on your pillow at night spreading it all over and rolling your face all over it. It's actions we take that will slow this..so when they say after spending time out in public and coming home people should change clothes...we should listen.

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1 hour ago, dgambill said:

Viruses don't die because of the weather. Seasonality have more to do with the fact that our BEHAVIORS change more so then we have abnormally warm weather. Sure there may be something along the lines of flu virus surviving on surfaces etc longer in certain conditions but what happens in the summer. Kids leave school and go home, people go on vacations, people spend much more time outside all these things are natural quarantines/social distancing. Fall, winter, spring the weather is getting colder/wetter and people spend more time indoors and kids are at school, families gather for parties/holidays, people usually are at work more...and most activities are indoors. This creates a situation where we push people together and they spread the "virus". What happens is simply the virus works it way to the southern hemisphere and then comes back. The other thing is this is not really all that similar to the flu..it is much more contagious, lives longer outside the body, and yes more deadly for high risk patients. I wish the natural global warming would help us fight it...but this will be more about our actions and less about the season.

The old saying about putting a coat/hat on when going outside in the cold is less about the temperature and more about wearing and outer garment which you take off upon returning and don't spread to the rest of your house helps keep the germs you track in from spreading throughout your house. Imagine all the germs you collect in your hair and then you lay down on your pillow at night spreading it all over and rolling your face all over it. It's actions we take that will slow this..so when they say after spending time out in public and coming home people should change clothes...we should listen.

Cold weather weakens human immune systems too. A warm up should help but won't kill this directly

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8 hours ago, ColtJax said:

The virus, like just about every other virus will die off when the weather gets warm. In fact the curve is already down with China reporting no new cases, and that's huge..

I have been saying this for 2 weeks it wont last as long as the government fears they were fearing an 18 month pandemic I doubt it last near that long.

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55 minutes ago, jameszeigler834 said:

I have been saying this for 2 weeks it wont last as long as the government fears they were fearing an 18 month pandemic I doubt it last near that long.

You have extensive knowledge of infectious diseases im sure. 

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Their already playing basketball in China again, that's a good sign. The new medicine that looks to be 100% effective is getting a fast pass, in France and Italy it's already in use. Don't get me wrong we still have a ways to go, but this should be under control in another month or two.

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8 minutes ago, ColtJax said:

Their already playing basketball in China again, that's a good sign. The new medicine that looks to be 100% effective is getting a fast pass, in France and Italy it's already in use. Don't get me wrong we still have a ways to go, but this should be under control in another month or two.

Uh,  let's not follow in chinas foot steps.  That's the dirty country that keeps infecting the world every two years

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10 hours ago, ColtJax said:

The virus, like just about every other virus will die off when the weather gets warm. In fact the curve is already down with China reporting no new cases, and that's huge..

It is growing in Houston and Harris County and today it was 84. 

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48 minutes ago, ColtJax said:

Their already playing basketball in China again, that's a good sign. The new medicine that looks to be 100% effective is getting a fast pass, in France and Italy it's already in use. Don't get me wrong we still have a ways to go, but this should be under control in another month or two.

China seem to have brought it under control now. Good news for everyone. I hope some of you saw the video of someone's door being welded closed to keep the occupants from going outside. Good old communism serving the people.

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We honestly just don’t know what’s going to happen. The only thing we’re being told is it’s going to get much worse before it gets better.


If this indeed becomes something that stays with us, very sad and difficult decisions will be ahead. We can’t stay shut down forever. Eventually we’ll have to go back out and face the music. 

I’ve been wondering if I’ll even be returning to teaching in the physical classroom in August...

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4 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

Uh,  let's not follow in chinas foot steps.  That's the dirty country that keeps infecting the world every two years

Scary thought. They don't even have a EPA and Beijing China has the worse smog in the world. A huge part of their population wears mask year round. 

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Reason why it didn’t grow out of control in China like it will here is quarantine or die that was used. The US is already 5000 cases ahead of Italy before their lockdown. By end of March we will have between 100,000 and 200,000 cases. People won’t listen here and will say a lockdown infringes on their constitutional rights.

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2 hours ago, runthepost said:

Reason why it didn’t grow out of control in China like it will here is quarantine or die that was used. The US is already 5000 cases ahead of Italy before their lockdown. By end of March we will have between 100,000 and 200,000 cases. People won’t listen here and will say a lockdown infringes on their constitutional rights.

If you / americans don't take this seriously, you will have infected in the 100.000 within weeks, your number just exploded and it sounds like its a joke to many of you. instead you buy more guns and ammo... wth... get your % together and start acting like you should and take responsibility.

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22 minutes ago, ThorstenDenmark said:

If you / americans don't take this seriously, you will have infected in the 100.000 within weeks, your number just exploded and it sounds like its a joke to many of you. instead you buy more guns and ammo... wth... get your % together and start acting like you should and take responsibility.

With all due respect buying guns  and ammo has zero to do with this health issue. 

We are not allowed to talk about politics in this forum or I would go into detail why the purchases of guns and ammo has went up.

We have a constitutional right to bear arms and that is taken very seriously. 

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True story. I have a close family member that spend over a year in China working for a medical firm. He told me, "China BY FAR is the nastiest dirtiest country in the world, even worse than India. He told me about the crap they eat, how it's normal for people to just use the sidewalk or building sides as toilets and nothing being washed or cleaned. He said, " one day something real nasty is going to come from China, either by accident or in an attempt to thin the herd".. He told me that 2 years ago..

This will pass, in a couple more years the next thing from China will rise up..

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4 hours ago, ThorstenDenmark said:

If you / americans don't take this seriously, you will have infected in the 100.000 within weeks, your number just exploded and it sounds like its a joke to many of you. instead you buy more guns and ammo... wth... get your % together and start acting like you should and take responsibility.

The US tests more than any other country.   There are tens of thousands of infected worldwide who don't know it

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36 minutes ago, runthepost said:

That’s false in terms of testing. South  Korea, Germany, France and the UK have way more testing. 

We have more people in this country than all those countries combined.   They may test more per capita,   but not near the same volume

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14 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

Uh,  let's not follow in chinas foot steps.  That's the dirty country that keeps infecting the world every two years

PRECISELY. Countries that continue to have LIVE WILD ANIMALS being caged and sold in a MEAT market where half these virus originate and mutate from before being contracted by humans there. I don't believe anything they say in China. They destroyed evidence of the virus and how contagious it was in December and with held findings from the CDC and WHO. Then when a leading doctor there comes out saying how bad the virus was going against the govt narrative he is abducted by the Chinese govt only to turn up dead like a month later from the very virus he spoke out about. Yeah...that China that is now saying American Military started this. The only good thing about China is with their authoritarian regime they can force people to stay in their homes and thus help slow the spread and they don't have to worry about political fall out to this because they just kill/inprison anyone that disagrees with what they say. If you don't trust much of what our govt says and does I definitely wouldn't go to China as the beacon of hope lol.

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6 hours ago, ThorstenDenmark said:

If you / americans don't take this seriously, you will have infected in the 100.000 within weeks, your number just exploded and it sounds like its a joke to many of you. instead you buy more guns and ammo... wth... get your % together and start acting like you should and take responsibility.

I think everyone is taking it seriously. When it effects peoples incomes and freedom we definitely take it serious. Sure we have our * 18 year olds partying on spring break but the most part people have tightened their pants and buckled down and changed their habits. How long or easy it will be to get past this I think people are debating but certainly we take it serious.

As for the guns and ammo...I'll leave that alone. It has nothing to do with this convo at all. If anyone is buying a gun and ammo I'm sure they have a good reason...maybe to protect their mountain of Toilet Paper lol.

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2 hours ago, ColtJax said:

True story. I have a close family member that spend over a year in China working for a medical firm. He told me, "China BY FAR is the nastiest dirtiest country in the world, even worse than India. He told me about the crap they eat, how it's normal for people to just use the sidewalk or building sides as toilets and nothing being washed or cleaned. He said, " one day something real nasty is going to come from China, either by accident or in an attempt to thin the herd".. He told me that 2 years ago..

This will pass, in a couple more years the next thing from China will rise up..

Some studies are starting to show that people with the most severe cases often start with diarrhea with a fever as opposed to the normal flu of fever and nausea. That the virus can be transmitted in feces. Wouldn't surprise me at all those conditions also contributed as well. Despite the fact that China seems to be on the other side of the curve now...they still represent the majority of the cases by a long shot...and I don't believe their numbers are even close to accurate one bit!

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