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Are The Broncos Your Second Team Now?


Are the Broncos your second team now?  

259 members have voted

  1. 1. Are the Broncos your second favorite team?

    • Yes I am BronColt!
    • No, I don't care about them
    • Second? They are my first team now!

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I am a fan of football, so I will love watching Peyton play as long as he is 100% and can play. Even fans of other teams would admit that it was fun watching Peyton operate as the QB.

When Phil Jackson stopped coaching the Bulls and Jordan left the Bulls, I followed Phil Jackson and became a fan of the Lakers during the Shaq era, now I am indifferent, rather than waiting for Jordan to mount another comeback :). But then, I did not live in Chicago or in LA.

So yes, the Broncos will be my second favorite team now. If the Colts cannot beat the Pats or Steelers or Chargers, I will be rooting for the Broncos to get it done, safe to say. I really did not have a second team before. It was always a case of "anyone that can beat the Pats, Steelers, Chargers, Saints - they get my vote" criteria :). Peyton however is different and will be the reason the Broncos become my second favorite team as long as he is there.

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I have always liked the Broncos - I have family in CO and I lived there a year. They never owned the PM led Colts but did own Tommy's Pats.

I hope Peyton does well, they aren't my team though. #2 now I suppose (I did secretly enjoy Tebow-Time!)

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Yep, I've always liked the Broncos and now that they have PM as well, let's just say I have already asked for Broncos tickets for my birthday ;). I'm happy he chose Denver, because as much as I love my Colts, I live just 5 hours away from the Pacific, making Denver a far closer stadium than Indy, so the chances of me actually getting to see an NFL game live have just gone up significantly :)

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I'm an old Colts fan who still can't get past Elways refusal to play for the Colts. I wish Peyton would have picked any of the other teams. As it is, unless a Broncos victory would help the Colts, I hope they lose every game.

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In between watching Luck run for his life and our new defense (very excited about that), I will enjoy watching my favorite player sweep millions of new fans off their feet and get what Irsay never gave him, a complete team.

I went away from Denver when they started Tebow. That guy is a burden. Terrible junk QB and Elway new it. He got an out with Manning coming to town.

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Yeuck. Broncos fans. Met one at Wembley last October. He was very worse for wear, and only had one shoe. "Lost a shoe, did you" I said. "Nope, I found one".......

For all the Colts fans who declare that they don't give a jot about the Broncos, or Manning now he is no longer a Colts, I bet the vast majority will sneak a look at his stats every week, and perk up when the highlights come on, or when Red Zone has the Broncos on the move.....

And I include myself in that crowd........

Gonna be a weird season for sure......although I'm still not convinced he'll be healthy enough to play / make an impact.

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1) Colts

2) Peyton Manning

In as much as the Broncos success is tied to the success of #2, fine, but I'm not rooting for them directly.

"Im a Peyton fan" should've been a choice

Clearly for the purposes of this poll, it's the same thing. This poll wasn't created randomly by some guy who happens to like the Broncos - if you want Peyton to continue to succeed, than by definition you are rooting for the Broncos.

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Heck yeah I'll root for them. Colts will still always be my #1 without question regardless if they are playing Denver or not. I have never disliked Denver so I'll root for them, watch them and wish Manning the best of luck. I also like the Giants. Good luck with ya Peyton.

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No, but Peyton Manning is still my favorite player and if they're in the playoffs, I'll root for them, unless we're in it.

I think that is how many will feel. If the Colts are not in it and the Broncos are they might pull for Manning, at least from the AFC side of things.

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I dont get the fan of multiple teams stuff. I follow some players from the college I am a fan of, I hope they do well and win but I am not a fan of the team. I hope Brees wins more championships because he is a Boiler, couldnt care less about the Saints as an organization.

This is how I feel about the Broncos, I hope Peyton does well and wins, but I wont be upset or really care if they dont.

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Yeah, I'll cheer for them now. Since we (likely) wont be competing for the Superbowl, and neither will the Bucs...I may as well go for the Manning led Broncos! That, and my late Grandfather WAS from Colorado...He liked the Broncos

1. Colts 2. Bucs 3. Broncos

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