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4 hours ago, Thunderbolt said:

As much as I want another QB, Reich is loyal to his players regardless if they are performing or not as you have witnessed on the AV situation.  This approach by Reich isn't going well with the fans as I see it and it's going to bite him the rear.  This is a business where you're getting paid to win games and playoffs and eventually to the Superbowl, unfortunately he is not approaching that way.  So, Colt fans, as long as Reich is the HC, forget playoffs.

If Reich is hitching his horse to Brissett so to speak he had better be right or it’s going to end up getting him and probably Ballard fired if he’s wrong.

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I personally think that they're just keeping their options open.  They know that, without any WR's to speak of, that JB isn't going to do that well.  And as long as we have the Von Trapp Family Singers at WR, Kelly probably wouldn't do very well either.  But they keep Kelly on the 53.  Why?  Is it because they know that Hoyer is no answer at all, and they want the option to go to Kelly if they need to?  Is it because they see something in Kelly, so they won't expose him to getting plucked off the practice roster by another team?

They've gotta be giving Kelly some reps in practice.  I won't say "reps with the 3rd team WR's" because, well, those are the guys that are starting.


I think JB still gives them the best chance to win, what little chance they have with current personnel.

Once the season is over, they're going to dump Hoyer, and draft a QB.  And then enter training camp with JB, Kelly, and the rookie.  Keeping their options open.

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12 minutes ago, John Hammonds said:

I personally think that they're just keeping their options open.  They know that, without any WR's to speak of, that JB isn't going to do that well.  And as long as we have the Von Trapp Family Singers at WR, Kelly probably wouldn't do very well either.  But they keep Kelly on the 53.  Why?  Is it because they know that Hoyer is no answer at all, and they want the option to go to Kelly if they need to?  Is it because they see something in Kelly, so they won't expose him to getting plucked off the practice roster by another team?

They've gotta be giving Kelly some reps in practice.  I won't say "reps with the 3rd team WR's" because, well, those are the guys that are starting.


I think JB still gives them the best chance to win, what little chance they have with current personnel.

Once the season is over, they're going to dump Hoyer, and draft a QB.  And then enter training camp with JB, Kelly, and the rookie.  Keeping their options open.

Stop being so reasonable. :hat:

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5 hours ago, 1959Colts said:

Not only spark the team, but the fan base as well.

Do you think the fans would be more excited heading into the game VS Carolina if the QB was announced as Kelly? Or Brissett?

Don't you believe there would be at least a bit more interest in the crappy game we have to look forward to this Sunday? Especially for the fans with tickets going to the stadium?

Agreed Kelly would be more exciting. Thats this whole wrinkle in plays % theyre feeding us, trying to be exciting for the fans. And it gives FR and JB an out if they suck again this week or it saves face a little if it works out. 

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5 hours ago, throwing BBZ said:


 Chuckle. Like it would be hard to out perform Brissett. 
 There are some KNOWNS about Kelly's on field abilities that could easily allow him to show very interesting potential. How has he been in the classroom? Don't know myself but They do. 
 He is being protected on the 53 and that tells me that more time proving his character is what is most important going forward. And i have to believe they see him as having the skills to be our #2 next year if he stays on track and keeps working hard for it. Whether he gets PT now or not.

Im starting to question CKs off field and practice attitude maybe he has rubbed staff the wrong way behind closed doors. Thats the only logical reason I can comprehend for not letting him play out the season.

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1 hour ago, Two_pound said:

I think if Kelly has been rubbing coaches the wrong way they would have released him already. The only logical reason for keeping him on the 53 is so they will have him back next season.

Yeah. I just can't get my head around why they wouldn't play him in these last 2 games. He lifted Ole Miss into the N.C. rankings, looked damned good at Denver and here too. 

We had a QB at N.O. and we all wanted him to succeed but he was streaky.  Up one game and down the next.  We stuck with him for like 4 years and he never got better.  I sure hope this isn't about to happen with the Colts and Brissett. 

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12 hours ago, csmopar said:

its all a giant conspiracy.  Luck's retirement was a ruse to allow him to seek experimental and top secret total body titanium upgrades. He's gonna unretire in January, so they don't need to evaluate any other QBs. This ensures a top 12 draft pick, for which Ballard will turn into 3 top 10 draft picks next year. Making the Colts a super team with a cyborg at QB that cannot be hurt, tired and have a 100% completion rate on 90 yard throws.





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I personally think we’re working QB from three angles right now: 1) Jacoby looked like a good starting QB in his first 7 starts, and he looked bad in the 5 since his knee injury.  He showed enough to get another shot.  It’s hard to find a starting QB.  2) Kelly has looked good, and he could possibly be a future starter.  3) Luck could unretire after two years away from the game he used to love.  His leg should be fine, and after two years of thumb-twiddling and changing poopie diapers, he may come back...

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