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Colts Will Rock In 2012!


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No team out there will have any idea how to plan for us in 2012...

We will lite up teams with plenty of surprises in all aspects of the game that will even surprise us fans and it will add an extra spice to our Colts that has never been seen in the NFL...

No human being out there can even begin to explain how good Andrew Luck is, he's that good, when surrounded by NFL players, Andrew Luck will be out of this world...

Our defense will be hard hitting, quick, and well coached...

Special Teams will actually know what they're doing...

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE will now have a well-rounded head while also having well-rounded coaches that know what the H-E double toothpicks they're doing in all aspects of the game...Grigson is the real deal, I promise you, just wait and see, that's all i've got to say...

Hey, I got this great ocean front property in sunny Arizona. I'll sell it to you for cheap since you're a fellow fan. Interested?

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No team out there will have any idea how to plan for us in 2012...

We will lite up teams with plenty of surprises in all aspects of the game that will even surprise us fans and it will add an extra spice to our Colts that has never been seen in the NFL...

No human being out there can even begin to explain how good Andrew Luck is, he's that good, when surrounded by NFL players, Andrew Luck will be out of this world...

Our defense will be hard hitting, quick, and well coached...

Special Teams will actually know what they're doing...

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE will now have a well-rounded head while also having well-rounded coaches that know what the H-E double toothpicks they're doing in all aspects of the game...Grigson is the real deal, I promise you, just wait and see, that's all i've got to say...

Dude you are drinking SPIKED COOL AID. I as all of us HOPE & PRAY Luck is that good. When Peyton came here we were a MUCH BETTER TEAM & STILL FINISHED 3-13. Not happening. I hope so, will accept improvement, but there will be NO winning record next year. You also say pro players, Most of our offense right NOW is crap. Ad the defense isn't much better!!

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Peyton is a master at avoiding the big hit. I have noticed no such decline in his pocket steadfastness. When I think of Peyton the word "nervous" doesn't even cross my mind.

Ruk, were we just talking about being people being stoned in another thread? WOW!!! We should have came here. LOL!!

No team out there will have any idea how to plan for us in 2012...

We will lite up teams with plenty of surprises in all aspects of the game that will even surprise us fans and it will add an extra spice to our Colts that has never been seen in the NFL...

No human being out there can even begin to explain how good Andrew Luck is, he's that good, when surrounded by NFL players, Andrew Luck will be out of this world...

Our defense will be hard hitting, quick, and well coached...

Special Teams will actually know what they're doing...

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE will now have a well-rounded head while also having well-rounded coaches that know what the H-E double toothpicks they're doing in all aspects of the game...Grigson is the real deal, I promise you, just wait and see, that's all i've got to say...

I am all for the positive side of things, I commend you for that. I personally do not see it " hope you are right " but a team has to be good "if not great" in virtually all facets of the game in you scenerio.

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He'll be alright, you're just speaking from heart instead of head...

I am speaking from my heart instead of my head? Are you serious? Have you been under a rock the last 14 years? I will give you credit for one thing, you are committed. Now I just need to figure out what hopsital.

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Peyton is a master at avoiding the big hit. I have noticed no such decline in his pocket steadfastness. When I think of Peyton the word "nervous" doesn't even cross my mind.

Are you sure you've seen all games Peytons last few years with the Colts?? I can't count on 2 hands and 2 feet how many times I've seen him "get nervous" and easily fall to the ground once he senses the pressure coming...Just imagine how amplified thats going to be now that he's practicially had his neck and head reassembled now...

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I am speaking from my heart instead of my head? Are you serious? Have you been under a rock the last 14 years? I will give you credit for one thing, you are committed. Now I just need to figure out what hopsital.

LOL, hey, please everybody keep the comments coming because I do promise you one thing, I will print all of these out and personally give them to Luck the first home pre-season game of the year...Don't ask how, It'll happen, I'm not kidding...

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I am all for the positive side of things, I commend you for that. I personally do not see it " hope you are right " but a team has to be good "if not great" in virtually all facets of the game in you scenerio.

It has been my experience that people whom delude themselves in such a way are often the first ones to fly off and jump from the wagon when reality doesn't match-up with their unrealistic expectations.

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I'm just sitting here watching the Lehigh vs Duke game and this confirms that anybody can do it and I konw "FOR A FACT" the Colts will ROCK next year and we're not looking back!!! Who cares about all the "what ifs" and "whats going to happen with this player or that player"! Our fans are amazing, our Colts organization is outstanding and amazing. Our Colts will be like Michael Jordan, Cobey Bryant, and Lebron James all wrapped up in one! I want all Colts fans on board with this mentality because fans are half the battle and the team will take care of the rest. Be positive Colts fans, things will be awesome, I assure you of that!! GO COLTS!!!

Can you tell me what players we'll have offense this coming season.?

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Dude you are drinking SPIKED COOL AID. I as all of us HOPE & PRAY Luck is that good. When Peyton came here we were a MUCH BETTER TEAM & STILL FINISHED 3-13. Not happening. I hope so, will accept improvement, but there will be NO winning record next year. You also say pro players, Most of our offense right NOW is crap. Ad the defense isn't much better!!

Come on, you sure about all that?? What about Wayne and Collie??

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It has been my experience that people whom delude themselves in such a way are often the first ones to fly off and jump from the wagon when reality doesn't match-up with their unrealistic expectations.

No, it has alot to do with the fact of Peyton Manning coming to visit my son on Ocotober 11, 2005 at St Vincent Childrens hospital(at the time it was called that) and he spent some quality time with us and I've been the hardest core Colts fan ever since...It's completely changed mine and my families lives ever since...Although my son will probably never be able to live a normal independent life, we will always be able to "push through" life with a garanteed thing to always look forward to, Our COLTS! GO COLTS!!!

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Are you sure you've seen all games Peytons last few years with the Colts?? I can't count on 2 hands and 2 feet how many times I've seen him "get nervous" and easily fall to the ground once he senses the pressure coming...Just imagine how amplified thats going to be now that he's practicially had his neck and head reassembled now...

Thats what makes him great. Other Qb's do this instead of going fetal;


The very reason why Peyton made over 200 consecutive starts is due to his ability to get small and avoid the hit. This is a fact.

It appears some education is in order for you as well as some perspective as to what it takes to rebuild from the top down.

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No, it has alot to do with the fact of Peyton Manning coming to visit my son on Ocotober 11, 2005 at St Vincent Childrens hospital(at the time it was called that) and he spent some quality time with us and I've been the hardest core Colts fan ever since...It's completely changed mine and my families lives ever since...Although my son will probably never be able to live a normal independent life, we will always be able to "push through" life with a garanteed thing to always look forward to, Our COLTS! GO COLTS!!!

I am sorry to hear about your son. I hope he is doing well and I wish him, you and your family all the best. I do admire your fire and passion for the Colts. Like I said previously, I have been a Colts fan for many years (38) and my passion has been replaced with reality many times.

If you do not set the expectations to high, then the fall does not hurt as bad and if they exceed your expectations then that makes it all the sweeter.

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Can you tell me what players we'll have offense this coming season.?

Obviously Luck, Collie, Wayne, White, Solid O-line and fairly solid running backs...I didnt specifically name O-line or the running backs cause it doesnt matter, Grigson has our back, you'll see...

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There will be a few suprise teams next season.

Why can't the Colts be a suprise team? Oh football Gods, make it happen. Why not us?

Well......we sure had a surprise team last year, huh?

Maybe Murphy's Law will be kind to us. Anything that can happen, will happen.

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There will be a few suprise teams next season.

There will be a few teams who fall down when you don't expect it to happen.

Why can't the Colts be a suprise team? Oh football Gods, make it happen. Why not us?

The Colts were the surprise team last year and we don't get 2 years in a row. Sorry football gods won't let it happen. We already used our surprise. :hide:

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The Colts were the surprise team last year and we don't get 2 years in a row. Sorry football gods won't let it happen. We already used our surprise. :hide:

Suprise good team is different then suprise fall out team.

I am sure we all want the Colts to suprise and win more games though.

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Obviously Luck, Collie, Wayne, White, Solid O-line and fairly solid running backs...I didnt specifically name O-line or the running backs cause it doesnt matter, Grigson has our back, you'll see...

White? Backs are a ? & the OL is horrible. & I don't trust a rookie GM as far as I can throw him.Luck is STILL A ROOKIE!!

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White? Backs are a ? & the OL is horrible. & I don't trust a rookie GM as far as I can throw him.Luck is STILL A ROOKIE!!

I am sorry to hear about your son. I hope he is doing well and I wish him, you and your family all the best. I do admire your fire and passion for the Colts. Like I said previously, I have been a Colts fan for many years (38) and my passion has been replaced with reality many times.

If you do not set the expectations to high, then the fall does not hurt as bad and if they exceed your expectations then that makes it all the sweeter.

Yeah, kinda like Indiana University basketball since 1987 and I always expect IU football to lose 75% of their games but theres something about this team/management that really feels good in 2012, if they go 2-14 or 0-16 for that matter, so be it, won't be the end of the world but I think it's time to start thinking extremely positive and stay that way forever for our Colts, in all reality, Peyton helped make things stale with all the winning and then turning around and losing in the playoffs, I can't wait to have total domination in the playoffs like it should be done, enough wuss-y footing around, right?? U listening ZBIKOWSKI cause I know you're a fighter and you'll get it done for us...LOL

Peace out!!

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