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Luck Retires/ The timing of it all... (merge)


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2 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:



    Your coaches should be ashamed of the way they treated you

      Not only did I play multiple sports in HS(Football and Track) with a severe birth defect I received the MA(Mental Attitude) award in both

I agree. I left that school shortly afterwards and moved to Evansville North (a school I’m sure you know of) and found a new love, lacrosse. I’m glad to hear about your successes, as another guy with struggles I understand how hard it is to push past that stuff. Proud of you man

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39 minutes ago, JimJaime said:

Huh? Because I believe Brady wouldn’t be booed? Umm not holier than thou just unlike Colt fans we are expecting it and wouldn’t be as surprised.. I mean how surprised can a fan base be when a 40+ old says he is retiring? 


Because you’re missing the point entirely. Fans booed because of the context of the situation.


On the surface, it appeared that Luck dooped the fan base and retired while sitting on the sidelines like nothing had happened two weeks before the season is set to start.


And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the boos were justified but I get why in that context, they rained down.


I can guarantee you that some

Patriots fans would have booed under those same circumstances which is exactly how it appeared Saturday night.

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11 minutes ago, LuckyHorseShoe§ said:

I agree. I left that school shortly afterwards and moved to Evansville North (a school I’m sure you know of) and found a new love, lacrosse. I’m glad to hear about your successes, as another guy with struggles I understand how hard it is to push past that stuff. Proud of you man

What school did you transfer from?


  My Dad played FB at UE before teaching and coaching at Princeton    

    My HC at PCHS works/worked at North

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26 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

Oh I agree with you.  That’s why I’ve been understanding of Andrew from the get go but I can also see why as a fan you can feel that way and still be mad about what it does to the team.  I mean this was the guy the Colts cut a lot of people’s favorite player for and to a lot of them the guy they felt was the greatest to ever play the game for.  You not only had to sit through Manning winning a Super Bowl somewhere else (not saying he would have here), but you had to watch him end his career in Denver and now they have to share him with the Broncos because you were told that Andrew Luck was worth it.


Now seven years in he Retires at the worst possible time just as the team is getting to the point where the team is supposed to be a Super Bowl contender again.  I can understand why as a football fan one would be mad.


With that said, as you said and as I said last night, football is a game.  We are talking about a guy who walked away for his health and that’s much more important.  So personally I can put aside any anger or frustration I feel and understand why he did it.  It doesn’t mean as a Colts fan it doesn’t really really suck though.

That’s extremely well put and I totally agree completely. I couldn’t have said it better myself perfect

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2 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

What school did you transfer from?


  My Dad played FB at UE before teaching and coaching at Princeton    

    My HC at PCHS works/worked at North

I don’t really want to say just because there are some really good people there who I don’t want to smear, but it’s a school very close to North, and it’s 1A. We played you guys in football, occasionally. Hopefully that’s enough, I don’t want to be rude but I don’t want to unfairly badmouth the school because of a few bad eggs there. North was great though, proud Husky for life. Always had great respect for you guys up in Tiger Town too.

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Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I was under the assumption that most franchise QB's have it written right into their contract that prohibits them from doing any dangerous off season activities like snowboarding. Not trying to bash Luck here, but if he's so smart/dedicated, how did he make the snowboarding mistake once let alone twice? Something not adding up here.....

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8 hours ago, Valpo2004 said:

All that said I probably won't be around here much.  I will probably only be following the Colts in the standings and not really watching games.  Not going to be a fan of another NFL team or anything but I just have much better things to do with my time then watch a team that is bad as I can take Joy from trips to the zoo with my kids but no joy out of watching my team lose games.


Will probably check back in when and if the Colts draft a QB in the 2020 draft.


Can't say I won't be here at all but 


Please leave and don't come back. 

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Ok, I've slept in this.


1. Someone, either the Colts or Andrew is lying. Luck said very recently that I'm progressing very good, he ran drills in PUBLIC for some reason and looked good.


2.dealing with pain. Most every pro athlete plays with some level of pain every day. Pain in managable. Considering also has the best medical treatment available.


3. We are not not talking about his heart or his brain but his ankle or calf. Not a life threatening injury.


I thing the issue here is mental toughness. He could have gone IR to return. Quitting now shows he is given into fear. 


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29 minutes ago, jimmy g said:

All the people who are angry, are assuming Andrew could've played again, and at his elite level.  If you listen to what he said, he just couldn't have done so.  


I agree. 


He retired because his injury was not healing like he needed it to.


He said several times throughout camp that he does not want to play in a diminished capacity, which is what he would be doing if he continued to play.



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9 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

Ok, I've slept in this.


1. Someone, either the Colts or Andrew is lying. Luck said very recently that I'm progressing very good, he ran drills in PUBLIC for some reason and looked good.


2.dealing with pain. Most every pro athlete plays with some level of pain every day. Pain in managable. Considering also has the best medical treatment available.


3. We are not not talking about his heart or his brain but his ankle or calf. Not a life threatening injury.


I thing the issue here is mental toughness. He could have gone IR to return. Quitting now shows he is given into fear. 


This is what we've been trying to explain to the Luck apologists. They think it's commendable and brave to bail on his team mates two weeks before the season because he has ouchies in his calf and ankle.

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9 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

Ok, I've slept in this.


1. Someone, either the Colts or Andrew is lying. Luck said very recently that I'm progressing very good, he ran drills in PUBLIC for some reason and looked good.


2.dealing with pain. Most every pro athlete plays with some level of pain every day. Pain in managable. Considering also has the best medical treatment available.


3. We are not not talking about his heart or his brain but his ankle or calf. Not a life threatening injury.


I thing the issue here is mental toughness. He could have gone IR to return. Quitting now shows he is given into fear. 



 It's not his ankle. It's 4 years of rehab every off season. He had doubts if he'd play again last year. Then an injury he can't figure out. From what he said I'm guessing he battled deep depression previously stemming from injury and found himself in the same dark place.  His body breaking down led to his mind doing the same. It's incredibly sad. The same reasons we all saw the highs when he played are what likely led to the lows we didn't. Passion. 


He's an incredibly smart, unique, gifted human being. I just hope he finds a way to get the same happiness back that made us all love him. 

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56 minutes ago, Restored said:


Because you’re missing the point entirely. Fans booed because of the context of the situation.


On the surface, it appeared that Luck dooped the fan base and retired while sitting on the sidelines like nothing had happened two weeks before the season is set to start.


And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the boos were justified but I get why in that context, they rained down.


I can guarantee you that some

Patriots fans would have booed under those same circumstances which is exactly how it appeared Saturday night.

Ok that’s not how I took it. I thought they were just upset and shocked by it causing. Small fee to boo.  We saw it differently is all. :)

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I'm shaking my head as I read some of these keyboard tough guys.  "Andrew's soft!  He can't play through the pain."  You guys need to get over yourselves.


Depression is real.  It is debilitating and it often leads to worse things.  Not only is depression a real illness, the physical injury is not a phantom injury.  Just because we haven't been supplied with detailed medical records it is no less real.  There is something about Luck's body that does not heal as quickly as some other people.  So, 4 years of continuous injury and rehab? Pretty hard.  Takes a great deal of mental toughness to come back and play like he did last year.  The man isn't soft.

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2 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

That was a horrible thing to say!

So is saying he “quit”, because of “ouchies”, and ignoring the obvious signs of depression in his presser.  I saw them, and I’m just a truck driver...


people that soar soar to great heights, fall to Deep Ravines.  The Team Doctor has apparently given him several different diagnoses, and none appear to be correct. Meanwhile, fans are posting that he is soft, making excuses, whatever- laying all blame on the kid for a lost season that hasn’t been played yet, and he appears to be cracking up.  After the shoulder injury, few would’ve come back.  He HAS to be tough, and the Doctor appears to be lying or incompetent.  Luck has to look out for himself.  Too many crippled Explayers out there, trying to survive.  


My my only hope and prayer, is that he can walk pain free someday.  

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I definitely don’t think he’s soft, and who knows if it’s depression or what.  I feel he really screwed over the Colts as well as the season ticket holders.  When you are a professional athlete considering retirement I have to believe this is on your mind longer than just a few weeks.  A few weeks after the Pro Bowl is when he should have notified the Organization.  This more thank likely would have changed our draft and it would have saved the fans (season ticket holders) a ton of hard earned money.  I’m guessing Mr. Luck wasn’t worried about the common hard working family that doesn’t bring home $18 mil a year.  Very bush league in my opinion.  Lastly I found it disturbing that he really didn’t acknowledge the fans much during his pathetic speech.  Oh well time to get behind JB.  

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1 minute ago, Bubba said:

I definitely don’t think he’s soft, and who knows if it’s depression or what.  I feel he really screwed over the Colts as well as the season ticket holders.  When you are a professional athlete considering retirement I have to believe this is on your mind longer than just a few weeks.  A few weeks after the Pro Bowl is when he should have notified the Organization.  This more thank likely would have changed our draft and it would have saved the fans (season ticket holders) a ton of hard earned money.  I’m guessing Mr. Luck wasn’t worried about the common hard working family that doesn’t bring home $18 mil a year.  Very bush league in my opinion.  Lastly I found it disturbing that he really didn’t acknowledge the fans much during his pathetic speech.  Oh well time to get behind JB.  

He thanked the fans more than once in his speech.

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I think there may be some instability involved. 


When of the the strangest things I’ve seen in sports is when Luck was bouncing around on the sidelines like a 13 year old girl who was at a Justin Bieber concert after Indy was eliminated.  Jax I think.  The rest of the team was visibly kinda uncomfortable like Ok dude Yeah.  He seemed so oddly desperate.


If there is no further injury here it’s really strange because last week he’s all bouncing around and now he’s all totally sad.


I’m  guessing he’s bipolar.  Lists of brilliant savants like him are.



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Everyone needs to just stop. He is a human being.


If your brother, or cousin, dad or son or whatever family relation was clearly unhappy, mentally and physically exhausted and had the finances to just stop whatever was making them that way... wouldn’t you want them to stop?


just because you want the colts to win some (ultimately meaninglessness) games of football, you think it’s ok to go after him and talk all this garbage? 


Get real guys. I’d do the exact same thing. 

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11 minutes ago, threeflight said:

Blows my mind how some of you are giving him a pass on this.


Because it's his life.


His mental and physical well-being are more important than me being entertained by him for three hours a week.


I can root for the Colts regardless.  He can't play with his kids/grandkids if he plays his body and mind into the gutter.

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Believe me I understand I've been in chronic pain for 6 years and I just found out what was wrong with me last month because I have a torn psoas muscle there's nothing they can do about it. So I deal with chronic pain but I have to go to work everyday take care of my family yes depression comes along with this but I take my medication I go to my counselor but I still have to go to work everyday. I don't have a choice I run a small business. That being said he has the best medical care money can buy play professional sports must be unbelievably grueling that that's what he's paid hundreds of millions of dollars to do so. I think quitting is a sign of weakness perseverance would be a sign of strength

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3 minutes ago, threeflight said:

You are way way wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy over dramatizing this.


Not sure if you saw his warmup pre last week, but he looks as spry as a 2 year old colt.


The issue isn't his body.


It is his head.

It’s both. He said he’s still in pain, but he’s lost the love for the game and wants to stop getting injured, period.


dont blame him either.

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Just now, indyagent17 said:

Believe me I understand I've been in chronic pain for 6 years and I just found out what was wrong with me last month because I have a torn psoas muscle there's nothing they can do about it. So I deal with chronic pain but I have to go to work everyday take care of my family yes depression comes along with this but I take my medication I go to my counselor but I still have to go to work everyday. I don't have a choice I run a small business. That being said he has the best medical care money can buy play professional sports must be unbelievably grueling that that's what he's paid hundreds of millions of dollars to do so. I think quitting is a sign of weakness perseverance would be a sign of strength

You have no idea what he’s been through, nor do I you or him you. Everyone is different. You can’t call him weak, you have no idea the circumstances.

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11 minutes ago, jimmy g said:

So is saying he “quit”, because of “ouchies”, and ignoring the obvious signs of depression in his presser.  I saw them, and I’m just a truck driver...


people that soar soar to great heights, fall to Deep Ravines.  The Team Doctor has apparently given him several different diagnoses, and none appear to be correct. Meanwhile, fans are posting that he is soft, making excuses, whatever- laying all blame on the kid for a lost season that hasn’t been played yet, and he appears to be cracking up.  After the shoulder injury, few would’ve come back.  He HAS to be tough, and the Doctor appears to be lying or incompetent.  Luck has to look out for himself.  Too many crippled Explayers out there, trying to survive.  


My my only hope and prayer, is that he can walk pain free someday.  

I don't walk pain free. I wake up hurting every day and I can't do some things. I'm pretty young too. I'll bet a lot of guys and gals on here HURT. Every day. We get depressed about it too at times.


But we get up and work. We don't check out at 29. Do you open and pray that we all walk pain free one day?


It's called LIFE.

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25 minutes ago, Bubba said:

I definitely don’t think he’s soft, and who knows if it’s depression or what.  I feel he really screwed over the Colts as well as the season ticket holders.  When you are a professional athlete considering retirement I have to believe this is on your mind longer than just a few weeks.  A few weeks after the Pro Bowl is when he should have notified the Organization.  This more thank likely would have changed our draft and it would have saved the fans (season ticket holders) a ton of hard earned money.  I’m guessing Mr. Luck wasn’t worried about the common hard working family that doesn’t bring home $18 mil a year.  Very bush league in my opinion.  Lastly I found it disturbing that he really didn’t acknowledge the fans much during his pathetic speech.  Oh well time to get behind JB.  

I am a big reality TV fan.


 I have a very good friend that was huge on the Bachelor and Bachelors in Paradise.  In fact his first name begins with our 3rd string QB.  I am starting a CBD reality show type company with him.


I realize that many of you may not notice this, but Luck uses the words "journey' and 'process' a ton.  As in all of the time.


One thing that reality stars are taught to do, and I have heard this straight from my buddy's mouth after 5 beers, is to use those words...and to fake cry and show you are vulnerable, as much as possible.


THAT IS ONE OF THE main reasons I don't believe a lot of what Luck says.  He uses those words.  {Process.  Vulnerable.  Journey.)  He fakes emotion.


Did we really see any tears yesterday?  I didn't.  I saw faux tears like I see on the Bachelor every week and that my bro tells me they ARE TAUGHT TO DO.



He gives this awwwww shucks giggly I am so wonderful attitude?


And he is at the surface a good guy.


But deep down? He thinks of one person.  Himself.


Hence why he quit 2 weeks before a season starts.


Stop being fooled.


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12 minutes ago, threeflight said:

You are way way wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy over dramatizing this.


Not sure if you saw his warmup pre last week, but he looks as spry as a 2 year old colt.


The issue isn't his body.


It is his head.

I have had two of my kids have to quit sports because of their bodies betraying them via internal injuries others can’t see or understand.  It messes with their heads, especially at the high school level, where they appear healthy as a horse, and parents gossip that there’s nothing wrong with them.


i didn’t see the warmup. All over ESPN and the NFL channel today tho, hosts were saying he came in and performed wonderfully on Saturday, and then told Irsay Monday he was done. I’m guessing there’s after effects beyond “ouchies”.

8 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

Believe me I understand I've been in chronic pain for 6 years and I just found out what was wrong with me last month because I have a torn psoas muscle there's nothing they can do about it. So I deal with chronic pain but I have to go to work everyday take care of my family yes depression comes along with this but I take my medication I go to my counselor but I still have to go to work everyday. I don't have a choice I run a small business. That being said he has the best medical care money can buy play professional sports must be unbelievably grueling that that's what he's paid hundreds of millions of dollars to do so. I think quitting is a sign of weakness perseverance would be a sign of strength

 Not if he can’t outmaneuver NFL players. Next you’d be screaming he wasn’t putting out max effort.  Kid couldn’t win with this crowd of SuperHumans.

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2 minutes ago, Iron Colt said:

I don't walk pain free. I wake up hurting every day and I can't do some things. I'm pretty young too. I'll bet a lot of guys and gals on here HURT. Every day. We get depressed about it too at times.


But we get up and work. We don't check out at 29. Do you open and pray that we all walk pain free one day?


It's called LIFE.

If at 29 you could’ve checked out so that you didn’t wake up in pain everyday, you would’ve though, right? 


Sit down. 

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1 minute ago, Iron Colt said:

I don't walk pain free. I wake up hurting every day and I can't do some things. I'm pretty young too. I'll bet a lot of guys and gals on here HURT. Every day. We get depressed about it too at times.


But we get up and work. We don't check out at 29. Do you open and pray that we all walk pain free one day?


It's called LIFE.

I do pray you are pain free. I tore every muscles in my rotator cuff over a decade ago and kept working. It eventually healed itself without an operation and I put up with arthritis. But you and I aren’t playing NFL level football. Apples and Oranges...

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1 minute ago, jameszeigler834 said:

Fans out there burning his jersey are a bit pathetic.

Burning Jersey is the new trendy fad to do.  Personally I think it’s stupid.  You are going to sure show that guy by burning something you spent money on.  Basically you are burning your own money...

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2 minutes ago, threeflight said:

I have a very good friend that was huge on the Bachelor and Bachelors in Paradise.  In fact his first name begins with our 3rd string QB.  I am staring a CBD reality show type company with him.


One thing that reality stars are taught to do, and I have heard this straight from my buddy's mouth after 5 beers, is to use those words...and to fake cry and show you are vulnerable, as much as possible.


THAT IS ONE OF THE main reasons I don't believe a lot of what Luck says.  He uses those words.  {Process.  Vulnerable.  Journey.  He fakes emotion.


Ok, this is a new level of ridiculous from you.


Your posts just keep getting more and more outrageous.


And again, this is why people take personal shots at you, because you boast about personal stuff on a public forum... "I'm starting a company with my famous friend that was on TV"... Dude, get over yourself.  No one cares.  :groan:

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9 minutes ago, threeflight said:

I am a big reality TV fan.


 I have a very good friend that was huge on the Bachelor and Bachelors in Paradise.  In fact his first name begins with our 3rd string QB.  I am staring a CBD reality show type company with him.


I realize that many of you may not notice this, but Luck uses the words "journey' and 'process' a ton.  As in all of the time.


One thing that reality stars are taught to do, and I have heard this straight from my buddy's mouth after 5 beers, is to use those words...and to fake cry and show you are vulnerable, as much as possible.


THAT IS ONE OF THE main reasons I don't believe a lot of what Luck says.  He uses those words.  {Process.  Vulnerable.  Journey.  He fakes emotion.


Did we really see any tears yesterday?  I didn't.  I saw faux tears like I see on the Bachelor every week and that my bro tells me they ARE TAUGHT TO DO.



He gives this awwwww shucks giggly I am so wonderful attitude?


And he is at the surface a good guy.


But deep down? He thinks of one person.  Himself.


Hence why he quit 2 weeks before a season starts.


Stop being fooled.


You watch waaaaaaaaaaayyyyy too much tv....

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2 hours ago, aaron11 said:

Blame is squarely on Luck for several of the injuries.  he got hurt snow boarding, kidney injury was basically his fault, made a bad move.  ankle injury was also on him.  total dumpster fires dont win that many games  


Unless Andrew Luck or Peyton Manning is the quarterback. Then go to crap when they get hurt, which is their fault :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

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22 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

Believe me I understand I've been in chronic pain for 6 years and I just found out what was wrong with me last month because I have a torn psoas muscle there's nothing they can do about it. So I deal with chronic pain but I have to go to work everyday take care of my family yes depression comes along with this but I take my medication I go to my counselor but I still have to go to work everyday. I don't have a choice I run a small business. That being said he has the best medical care money can buy play professional sports must be unbelievably grueling that that's what he's paid hundreds of millions of dollars to do so. I think quitting is a sign of weakness perseverance would be a sign of strength

Especially when you have 50 something other players depending on you.


And a fanbase.


And a franchise.

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